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Fast Company
Marisa Kabas
Minority Leaders On What Intel's $300 Million Pledge Will Mean To Tech Diversity Is investing a large sum of money the answer to more ethnic and gender diversity? mark for My Articles similar articles
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November 2015
Vauhini Vara
Inside Pinterest's Plans To Fix Its Diversity Problem Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann and cofounder Evan Sharp gathered the majority of their more than 600 employees in the office cafeteria to discuss how to make their workforce more diverse. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
J.J. McCorvey
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Fast Company
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Fast Company
J.J. McCorvey
Tristan Walker: The Visible Man Walker is a celebrity in Silicon Valley and its highest-profile African-American startup founder and CEO. And he has set Walker & Co. on a decidedly unorthodox course for a Silicon Valley enterprise. mark for My Articles similar articles
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J.J. McCorvey
Can Intel Solve Tech's Diversity Problem? Brian Krzanich said, "It's not just good enough to say we value diversity and then have our workplaces and our industry not reflect the full availability and talent pool of women and underrepresented minorities." mark for My Articles similar articles
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Fast Company
J.J. McCorvey
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Halah Touryalai
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The Motley Fool
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Mark Mahorney
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Hollister & Babcock
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Ian Harrison
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Job Journal
February 21, 2010
Peter Weddle
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Michael Wilczak
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Chemistry World
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Geri Richmond
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Job Journal
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Fast Company
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Investment Advisor
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How Do You See Diversity? We all have a lot to learn before the real potential of diversity will be realized. Here's a start. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
February 24, 2013
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Fast Company
Lydia Dishman
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Bank Technology News
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Financial Advisor
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Debra Feldman
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The Motley Fool
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