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June 2008
Carol Morris
Strands of a Global Web of Knowledge Come Together at the Third International Open Repositories Conference 2008 Conference presenters shared solutions, and results of inquiries for how repositories can better meet the needs of the global scholarly and scientific communities that they serve. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jul/Aug 2009
Carol Minton Morris
Doing So Much More The Fourth Annual International Conference on Open Repositories (OR09) featured discussion on the global registries initiative, author identification in scholarly repositories, and fedora repositories. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2010
Carol Minton Morris
Making Repositories Mean More: Report on the Fifth International Conference on Open Repositories 2010 The conference highlighted the importance of Open Access, and the value of interoperable institutional repositories and technologies to science and education. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2013
Carol Minton Morris
2013 Open Repositories Conference Highlights: Repository Island in Sea of Research Data The annual conference offers attendees an opportunity to learn about new ways to access information, innovative repository tools, and emerging community initiatives. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jul/Aug 2011
Carol Minton Morris
Open Repositories 2011: Community Meet-up in the "Live Music Capital of the World" The Sixth International Conference on Open Repositories convened in Austin, Texas on June 8, 2011, bringing people from all over the world together to focus on how repositories might be more closely integrated into the technically and community-driven digital scholarly landscape. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2012
Carol Minton Morris
4,000+ Tweets Later: Looking Back at the Seventh International Conference on Open Repositories Cameron Neylon, Director PLoS, began the Conference with a keynote address entitled Network Enabled Research that took a close look at what new kinds of networks mean for research. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2008
The Future of Repositories? Patterns for (Cross-)Repository Architectures Over the past few years, repositories have been created as a product intended to foster dissemination of scholarly works, a shared objective for most academic institutions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jan/Feb 2009
Carol Minton Morris
Baltimore SPARC IR and SUN PASIG Meetings At the SPARC Conference and the Sun Microsystems Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group meeting, attendees grappled with the thorny issues around creating technology and policies to support durable knowledge for future generations in an era of burgeoning information. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2008
Pedersen, Christiansen & Razum
The Use of Digital Object Repository Systems in Digital Libraries (DORSDL2): ECDL 2008 Workshop Report The workshop covered a variety of practical digital library development issues and how their resolution can (or cannot) be carried out in the context of the digital object repository at hand. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2006
Pedersen et al.
ECDL 2006 Workshop Report: The Use of Digital Object Repository Systems in Digital Libraries (DORSDL) During recent years, digital object repositories have gained significant attention from the Digital Libraries/Digital Publishing community. The workshop's goal was to investigate the use of digital object repositories in the context of digital libraries. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jan/Feb 2013
Carol Minton Morris
2012 CNI Fall Membership Meeting: Scholarship for the Future The Coalition for Networked Information Fall Member Meeting included presentations that explored how to manage, maintain, share, identify, preserve, make use of and build global communities around all types of digital content with a focus on research data. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2003
Smith et al.
DSpace: An Open Source Dynamic Digital Repository DSpace functions as a repository for the digital research and educational material produced by members of a research university or organization. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2007
Oya Y. Rieger
Select for Success: Key Principles in Assessing Repository Models As web services become ubiquitous in our digital lives, designing flexible and interoperable repositories is essential in order to meet the evolving needs of users - both from end-user and system/service manager perspectives. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2005
Lynch & Lippincott
Institutional Repository Deployment in the United States as of Early 2005 Institutional repositories are now clearly and broadly being recognized as essential infrastructure for scholarship in the digital world. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2008
Carol Minton Morris
2008 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries Spans Culture and Technology At a conference where ideas about the theory and practice of information engineering in digital libraries would be presented, it was particularly appropriate to meet in a city where both the practical and theoretical knowledge of engineering have played major roles. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2003
In Brief The CARL Institutional Repositories Pilot Project... The Australian e-Humanities Gateway... University of Minnesota Electronic Portfolio is Open Source... Nerdi Web on Science and the Internet... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2008
Carol Minton Morris
RepoCamp at the Library of Congress They continue to work towards achieving that elusive but worthy goal of "interoperability" by building relationships among developers and programmers across academia. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2004
Jonas Holmstrom
Report on the 8th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2004): 12 - 16 September 2004, Bath, United Kingdom The conference presentations gave an excellent overview of current digital library research projects. Digital libraries are created for an increasingly diverse and distributed user community. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2009
Carol Minton Morris
Purple Cows and Fringy Propositions A look at the Edinburgh Repository Fringe Festival held this year in July. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2008
Datema et al.
In Brief Getting the most out of your institutional repository... Science assets of the digital age at risk... Linus Pauling and the International Peace Movement: a documentary history... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2007
Phillips et al.
Manakin: A New Face for DSpace The growing trend towards online scholarly communication has made digital repositories more important. Here's how Manakin can be used to adapt a repository's interface to the individual requirements of their users and the unique properties of their content. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2003
Staples et al.
The Fedora Project An Open-source Digital Object Repository Management System mark for My Articles similar articles
Jul/Aug 2013
April Younglove
Rethinking the Digital Media Library for RIT's The Wallace Center The Digital Preservation Team looked at the repository's current performance and requirements for ensuring its future success, and examined four different approaches that are in use by research institutions today. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2004
Miriam A. Drake
Institutional Repositories Hidden Treasures Librarians are taking leadership roles in planning and building repositories now being created to manage, preserve, and maintain the digital assets, intellectual output, and histories of institutions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2013
Elias Tzoc
A Mobile Interface for DSpace As libraries continue to work on new technology developments, a mobile interface for their institutional repositories can be a good new way to reach out to faculty and other interested parties. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2004
Chris Awre
Report on the 3rd OAI Workshop: CERN, Geneva, 12 - 14 February 2004 Highlights of the February OAI (Open Archives Initiative) Workshop in Geneva. mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2012
In Brief and In the News SPRUCE project tackles digital preservation challenges with hands on events... The TIMBUS project - timeless business processes and services... Orphan works and mass digitization: obstacles and opportunities... mark for My Articles similar articles
Jul/Aug 2002
Clips and Pointers Recruitment, Retention & Restructuring: Human Resources in Academic Libraries... National Academies to Release First Phase of Counterterrorism Study This Summer... Proceedings from the 5th International Conference on Virtual Communities... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2014
Jettka & Stein
The HZSK Repository: Implementation, Features, and Use Cases of a Repository for Spoken Language Corpora This article describes the process of the conception and implementation of a digital repository which is based on the software framework Fedora, Islandora, and Drupal. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jan/Feb 2012
Lewis et al.
SWORD: Facilitating Deposit Scenarios Digital Repositories have the ability to be integrated into the life blood of research. They can collect, manage, preserve, and make available research outputs. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2002
Lee Iverson
Report on eLibrary@UBC 4: Research, Collaboration and the Digital Library For the past four years, the main library at University of British Columbia has held symposiums "to promote awareness and discussion of the kinds of opportunities presented by the evolution of a university-based research library, as collections and services become more digital and network-oriented." mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2014
Lawton & Manning
Managing a National Health Repository Subject based repositories are well suited to disciplines such as the health sciences, where repositories are evolving rapidly. In Ireland, as in other countries, the healthcare sector produces a vast quantity of research and grey literature. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2001
Clips and Pointers Strategies for Building Digitized Collections... Digital Curation: Digital Archives, Libraries, and e-Science... Proceedings of the 2000 Sino-United States Symposium and Workshop on Library and Information Science Education in the Digital Age... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2008
Carrots and Sticks: Some Ideas on How to Create a Successful Institutional Repository An overview of the implementation process of RepositoriUM and the most effective measures conducted to achieve a successful IR implementation. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2006
In Brief CLADDIER: Citation, Location And Deposition in Discipline and Institutional Repositories... The Management of Images in a Distributed Environment with Shared Services Project... JISC Digital Repositories Programme team launch wiki and mailing list...etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2005
Lagoze et al.
What Is a Digital Library Anyway? Beyond Search and Access in the NSDL We are now in the adolescence of digital libraries. Like any adolescence, there is reason for optimism and concern. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2002
In Brief DSpace: An Open Source Institutional Repository for Digital Material... Workshop Report: Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries at JCDL '02... ECDL 2002 Workshop Report: E-books + E-Readers + E-journals = E-education?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2006
Robert Tansley
Building a Distributed, Standards-based Repository Federation: The China Digital Museum Project This article presents the architecture developed for the China Digital Museum Project, a collaborative project involving the Chinese Ministry of Education, Hewlett-Packard Company and several Chinese universities, with Beihang University as the main technical partner. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2009
Elena Giglia
Report on OAI 6 Details from the Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication held in Geneva this year in June. mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2007
Margaret Henty
Ten Major Issues in Providing a Repository Service in Australian Universities This article identifies the issues relating to repository management that are seen as important by a group of senior academic administrators. These reflect to some degree the way in which repositories have developed in Australia. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
Clips & Pointers The Internet Under Crisis Conditions: Learning from September 11... The Digital Library: A Biography, published by CLIR and DLF... Semantic Web... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
Richard K. Johnson
Institutional Repositories Partnering with faculty to enhance scholarly communication using digital collections that capture and preserve the intellectual output of a single or multi-university community. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jan/Feb 2010
In Brief NISO 2010 webinar series provides updates on technology and standards for libraries and scholarly communication... Web archives registry launched... Digital preservation training program scholarships offered again this year... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2002
Fox et al.
Toward a Global Digital Library: Generalizing US-Korea Collaboration on Digital Libraries A report on recommendations to remove barriers to worldwide development of digital libraries, drawing upon an August 2000 workshop involving researchers from the US and Korea who met at the San Diego Supercomputer Center. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jul/Aug 2004
Schubert Foo
Report on the Fourth ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL): 7 - 11 June 2004, Tucson, Arizona The conference, along with its tutorials and workshops drew a total of 600 participants from 23 countries over the five days of conference events. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2006
Clips & Pointers In Print... Point to Point... Calls for Participation... Goings On... Deadline Reminders... mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2013
In Brief and In the News The Value and Impact of the British Atmospheric Data Center... Reports on the 8th International Digital Curation Conference... NISO Publishes Maintenance Revisions of Dublin Core and SUSHI Standards... mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2007
Estlund & Neatrour
Utah Digital Repository Initiative: Building a Support System for Institutional Repositories As the deployment of IRs becomes mature, more libraries will take advantage of consortial or regional ties to provide support, training, and expertise in IR development. This support structure is essential for organizations that otherwise would not have the infrastructure to create an IR. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
Nelson, Van de Sompel & Lagoze
Report on the 2nd Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative, Gaining Independence with e-Print Archives and OAI mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2006
An Interoperable Fabric for Scholarly Value Chains It is possible to build scholarly value chains across heterogeneous, distributed repositories. It is also possible to record audit trails of scholarly value chains into the very foundation of the scholarly communication system. mark for My Articles similar articles