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February 2000
Van de Sompel, Krichel, Nelson, Hochstenbach, et al.
The UPS Prototype: An Experimental End-User Service across E-Print Archives A description of the Universal Preprint Service (UPS) Prototype developed as a proof-of-concept of a multi-discipline digital library of publicly available scholarly material mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2001
Xiaoming Liu
Arc - An OAI Service Provider for Digital Library Federation The Open Archive Initiative (OAI) is one major effort to address technical interoperability among distributed archives. The objective of OAI is to develop a framework to facilitate the discovery of content in distributed archives... mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2001
Kurt Maly
Kepler - An OAI Data/Service Provider for the Individual The objective of the Kepler framework is to satisfy the need for average researchers at an average university to publish results and disseminate them quickly and conveniently to a wide audience... mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov/Dec 2015
Van de Sompel & Nelson
Reminiscing About 15 Years of Interoperability Efforts Over the past fifteen years, our perspective on tackling information interoperability problems for web-based scholarship has evolved significantly. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2004
Van de Sompel et al.
Rethinking Scholarly Communication: Building the System that Scholars Deserve Opportunities abound in the world of 21 st century publishing and the discussion on transforming scholarly communication must move beyond the debate of subscription-based vs. open access publication. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2001
Stephen Pinfield
How Do Physicists Use an E-Print Archive? This paper describes how physicists make use of an established centralized subject-based e-prints service, arXiv (formerly known as the Los Alamos XXX service), and discusses the possible implications of this use for institutional multidisciplinary e-print archives... mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2002
Open Citation Linking: The Way Forward Free, unrestricted access to research papers is increasing the speed of scientific communication. This article describes the Open Citation project's efforts to build tools to aid in archiving papers. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2001
Hussein Suleman & Edward A. Fox
A Framework for Building Open Digital Libraries This project is an attempt to consistently extend known interoperability standards to form the basis of a framework of components for building extensible digital libraries... mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2001
Herbert Van de Sompel & Oren Beit-Arie
Open Linking in the Scholarly Information Environment Using the OpenURL Framework mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2000
In Brief The Digital Performance Archive... Software for Creating Institutional and Individual Open Archives... SciELO - a Model for Cooperative Electronic Publishing in Developing Countries... Librarians agonize over which journals to cancel when library budgets can't keep up... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2003
Dobratz & Matthaei
Open Archives Activities and Experiences in Europe: An Overview The Open Archives Forum is not another OAI implementation project. It is a clustering activity that targets existing open archives communities, as well as new communities, like IST projects or national initiatives planning or initiating open archives. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2003
Marcondes et al.
The SciELO Brazilian Scientific Journal Gateway and Open Archives A Report on the Development of the SciELO-Open Archives Data Provider Server mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2003
Van de Sompel et al.
Using the OAI-PMH... Differently The Open Archives Initiative's Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) was created to facilitate discovery of distributed resources. This article describes innovative applications of the OAI-PMH that researchers have introduced in recent projects. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2001
Michael L. Nelson
Smart Objects and Open Archives Within the context of digital libraries (DLs), we are making information objects "first-class citizens". We decouple information objects from the systems used for their storage and retrieval, allowing the technology for both DLs and information content to progress independently... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
Liu, et al.
A Scalable Architecture for Harvest-Based Digital Libraries: The ODU/Southampton Experiments mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2002
Clips and Pointers ERCIM News special issue on e-government... Archiving Electronic Publications: A report of the NISO/BISG... Internet Scout Project reports... Preservation Management of Digital Materials: A Handbook... Cybersecurity Today and Tomorrow: Pay Now or Pay Later... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2006
Norman Paskin
Identifier Interoperability: A Report on Two Recent ISO Activities There are increasing demands for metadata interoperability in both the commercial media and library sectors, and the semantic interoperability technology developed from the <indecs> model has a role to play in addressing these. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jul/Aug 2002
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Nov/Dec 2012
Knoth & Zdrahal
CORE: Three Access Levels to Underpin Open Access We present the CORE (COnnecting REpositories) system, a large-scale Open Access aggregation, outlining its existing functionality and discussing the future technical development. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2008
Datema et al.
In Brief Getting the most out of your institutional repository... Science assets of the digital age at risk... Linus Pauling and the International Peace Movement: a documentary history... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2005
Coleman & Roback
Open Access Federation for Library and Information Science: dLIST and DL-Harvest Open access archiving and open access publishing through open access journals are two complementary ways to accomplish open access of the scholarly, refereed, research literature and other outputs of a field. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2002
Clips and Pointers Executive Summary of the DigiCULT Study Technological Landscapes for Tomorrow's Cultural Economy... Conclusions from the Text-e Virtual Symposium... Point to Point... Calls for Participation... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2001
Rachel Heery
Renardus Project Developments and the Wider Digital Library Context The innovatory drive within the development of digital library services thrives on the tension between meeting both technical and social imperatives... mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2000
Atkins, Lyons, Ratner, Risher, et al.
Reference Linking with DOIs: A Case Study Digital Object Identifiers enable readers to find content on the Internet with a persistent and reliable identifier. Hyperlinking between article bibliographies and the cited articles is a natural application of DOIs. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2001
In Brief Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries... Project ANGEL: Guidance and Guardianship for Networked UK Learners... The City of Los Angeles Spatial Index is Now Available on the Internet... Caltech Registers Two Repositories with the Open Archives Initiative... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
Nelson, Van de Sompel & Lagoze
Report on the 2nd Workshop on the Open Archives Initiative, Gaining Independence with e-Print Archives and OAI mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2000
PhysDoc A Distributed Network of Physics Institutions Documents: Collecting, Indexing, and Searching High Quality Documents by using Harvest.. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2001
Linking to the Appropriate Copy: Report of a DOI-Based Prototype Over the past several years, substantial effort has gone into building an environment to support linking between the rapidly growing number of journal articles available on the web. This paper describes one solution that can link to references across multiple delivery systems... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
Richard K. Johnson
Institutional Repositories Partnering with faculty to enhance scholarly communication using digital collections that capture and preserve the intellectual output of a single or multi-university community. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2012
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September 2003
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January 2000
Gail M. Hodge
Best Practices for Digital Archiving: An Information Life Cycle Approach Digital information is fragile in ways that differ from traditional technologies, such as paper or microfilm. It is more easily corrupted or altered without recognition... mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2003
In Brief Report on the NLM/AMPA Archiving Forum... Copyright and Licensing for Digital Preservation... The Public Knowledge Project... Manifesto on Open Access to Scholarly Literature... The Internet Archive OAI-PMH Implementation... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2008
Ian G. Anderson
Necessary but Not Sufficient: Modelling Online Archive Development in the UK The process of archive development is hampered by the lack of a template for identifying and evaluating online archive information and services or a model for understanding their development. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2006
An Interoperable Fabric for Scholarly Value Chains It is possible to build scholarly value chains across heterogeneous, distributed repositories. It is also possible to record audit trails of scholarly value chains into the very foundation of the scholarly communication system. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2001
In Brief Leading Edge Metadata Workshop In Melbourne... Towards a Digital Preservation Coalition in the UK... New Listserv for the Distributed National Electronic Resource... An International Training Programme: STIMULATE... The 21st-Century Librarian Award... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2006
Metadata Interoperability and Standardization - A Study of Methodology Part I: Achieving Interoperability at the Schema Level An analysis of the methods that have been used to achieve or improve interoperability among metadata schemas and applications, for the purposes of facilitating conversion and exchange of metadata and enabling cross-domain metadata harvesting and federated searches. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 1999
The ERCIM Technical Reference Digital Library Meeting the Requirements of a European Community within an International Federation mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2000
Nicholas G. Tomaiuolo
Preprint Servers: Pushing the Envelope of Electronic Scholarly Publishing Consulting with peers has traditionally dominated the way researchers gather information. Those peers often identify proposed publications. Electronic preprints allow access to information without the time lag inherent in traditional publishing... mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2002
Erik Duval
Metadata Principles and Practicalities There is much confusion about how metadata should be integrated into information systems. How is it to be created or extended? Who will manage it? How can it be used and exchanged? Whence comes its authority? Can different metadata standards be used together in a given environment? mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2003
Clips and Pointers Intellectual Property on the Internet: A Survey of Issues... The Internet Under Crisis Conditions: Learning from September 11... Creating and Using Virtual Reality: a Guide for the Arts and Humanities... Digital Libraries... CD Forum Guidance Papers... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2011
Wolski et al.
Building an Institutional Discovery Layer for Virtual Research Collections This paper describes a nationally funded Australian university initiative to build a research repository which feeds data into both a national research data service and university library discovery tools. Challenges and benefits are discussed. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jul/Aug 2011
In Brief SEALS: Semantic Evaluation at Large Scale... Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Access to Learning Award 2012... New library study: demand up for technology, budget cuts limit access... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2003
Muller et al.
The DiVA Project - Development of an Electronic Publishing System DiVA, a publishing system, treats the electronic copy of a document as the "digital master" for both electronic and print versions and uses data originally entered by the document author as the basis for creation, reuse, and enhancement of all metadata. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2001
John S. Erickson
Information Objects and Rights Management: A Mediation-based Approach to DRM Interoperability Although the central focus of this article is to confront current information-opaque approaches to digital rights management, I hope the principles presented here are broader in scope and will suggest solutions elsewhere... mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2003
In Brief The CARL Institutional Repositories Pilot Project... The Australian e-Humanities Gateway... University of Minnesota Electronic Portfolio is Open Source... Nerdi Web on Science and the Internet... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2001
Clips and Pointers Report to the President on Digital Libraries: Universal Access to Human Knowledge... Report on the NISO Workshop on Networked Digital Reference Services... National Library of Australia Electronic Information Resources Strategies and Action Plan... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2001
Christophe Blanchi
Distributed Interoperable Metadata Registry Interoperability between digital libraries depends on effective sharing of metadata. Successful sharing of metadata requires common standards for metadata exchange... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2005
Lagoze et al.
What Is a Digital Library Anyway? Beyond Search and Access in the NSDL We are now in the adolescence of digital libraries. Like any adolescence, there is reason for optimism and concern. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2001
Clips & Pointers The Evidence in Hand: Report of the Task Force on the Artifact in Library Collections... Broadband: Bringing Home the Bits... Hybrid Electronic Access and Delivery in the Library Networked Environment... Resources for Professional Education & Grant Writing... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles