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New Architect
March 2003
Neil McAllister
The Great Migration The rocky road to J2EE and .NET mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2002
Humphrey Sheil & Michael Monteiro
Rumble in the jungle: J2EE versus .Net, Part 1 Heard a lot about .Net versus J2EE? Wondering what that conflict means for you? An unbiased explanation as to how J2EE and .Net match up. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2002
Jennifer Orr
Is the JCP adequately preparing Java for Web services? The Java Community Process is currently reviewing Web services APIs that should prove important to Java Web services development. This article spotlights the latest Web services technologies and examines how the JCP is responding to Web services. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2, 2004
Humphrey Sheil
In pursuit of perfection If we could just address Java's weak points, we might make Java that mythical beast -- the perfect technology platform. So then, what are those changes? Is there such a thing as the perfect technology platform, and does Java have the potential to become it? mark for My Articles similar articles
October 15, 2004
Michael Singer
Report: J2EE in Jeopardy Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition, or J2EE, is a platform-independent standard designed for Web-based enterprise applications. It is also a standard with an uncertain future, according to some analysts. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2002
Jonathan Lurie & R. Jason Belanger
The great debate: .Net vs. J2EE This article describes a Web service and compares J2EE's major components with .Net's. With this ammunition, you can power your way through a conversation concerning how Web services will benefit your department's strategic direction... mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2000
Tom Yager, InfoWorld Test Center
High-priced iAS 6.0 difficult to justify The iPlanet Application Server 6.0 boasts speedy performance, good scalability, and J2EE certification. However, the product's drawbacks -- price in particular -- largely offset its benefits. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2002
Robert McMillan
The open road ahead Apache will now become a more active participant in the Java standardization process. But does this make Java open enough for the rest of the open source world? What exactly has changed in the Java Commuity Process, and what kind of impact will these changes have on the broader Java community? mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2000
JavaWorld editors
Pat pushes Java forward After just a few weeks as Sun's Software Products and Platforms Division president, Pat Sueltz boldly announced that Sun would not submit Java to the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) standards body.... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
Shah & Sommers
Effort on the edge, Part 1 The authors look at recent changes in the Java Community Process (JCP) and ask whether the JCP helps or hinders Java's future. They also suggest how Java developers can influence Java's future. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 10, 2004
Jim Wagner
Borland Packs New Features into JBuilder The upgrade concentrates on JSF, J2EE 1.4 and quality code. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
B.J. Fesq
Sun boosts enterprise Java This article provides a clear understanding of the enterprise Java platform's direction and introduces J2EE (Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition) 1.4's support for emerging Web services standards. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 19, 2004
Jim Wagner
Clash of the .Net, J2EE Clans? Microsoft's development platform has made huge strides in the two years since its debut, but Java proponents say they're just picking up steam. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 26, 2004
Michael Singer
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May 2001
Anil Hemrajani
Does Sun understand GUI design? Sun has done a great job with Swing, but Java has failed to dominate the client side like it has dominated the server side. This could be related to the fact that Sun's roots are in Unix... mark for My Articles similar articles
June 20, 2003
Frank Sommers
J2EE 1.4 eases Web service development This article reviews J2EE 1.4's new client and server programming models for Web services. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2001
Humphrey Sheil
J2EE project dangers! You need to juggle many balls when embarking on an enterprise Java project: vendor relationships, chronic over-engineering in both design and development, staying sane. This article analyzes the top 10 dangers that threaten the success of all enterprise Java projects... mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2003
Michael Juntao Yuan
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July 18, 2007
Sean Michael Kerner
Java EE 6 Spec: Finalized With a But Java EE 6 is a done deal. In a vote late yesterday, members of the Java Community Process approved JSR-316, which defines the specification for the next version of enterprise Java. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2000
Mark Johnson
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July 2002
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December 29, 2009
Looking Ahead to Unix's Future The Open Group details the next steps for the venerable platform, looking at what's changing and what won't. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 22, 2003
Michael Juntao Yuan
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September 2002
Erik Eide
Manage your software with the Java Product Versioning Specification This article introduces the Java Product Versioning Specification and functionality built into the Java platform designed to support the evolution of software products and components in a simple, standardized manner. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 15, 2001
D.F. Tweney
Strong Java Despite Microsoft's best efforts, Java is well-established in the enterprise. Can it hold its ground? mark for My Articles similar articles
April 9, 2004
Jim Wagner
Sun Introduces App Server 8 The latest offering incorporates Java Server Faces and WS-I support, and includes an SDK for J2EE 1.4. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2000
Anil Hemrajani
Do you really need Enterprise JavaBeans? Anil Hemrajani offers his opinions on whether Enterprise JavaBeans are really necessary... mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2001
James R. Borck
Leaders of the Web services pack The technology industry is abuzz about Web services. It's unclear, however, how Web services will affect developer's work, especially at this early stage. With that in mind, how do the Web service offerings from four leaders -- Microsoft, HP, IBM, and Sun Microsystems -- stack up? mark for My Articles similar articles
July 29, 2004
Michael Singer
Data Mining For the Masses A proposed data mining spec gets the green light for J2EE-compliant application servers. Developers can learn one API and embed analytics in any application, from any vendor. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 27, 2001
Jennifer Wilson
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March 9, 2004
Jim Wagner
JCP 2.6 Looking for More Input With IBM pressing Sun to deliver an open source implementation of Java, the Java oversight group tweaks its process. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 15, 2009
Sean Michael Kerner
Where Is Java EE 6? There were no formal announcements at JavaOne about Java EE 6 - or were there? mark for My Articles similar articles
February 21, 2006
Sean Michael Kerner
Sun's Next-Gen Enterprise Java Sun Microsystems today is set to release a preview version of its highly anticipated successor to J2EE, called Java EE, as well as previews of its Glassfish-based Java Application Server and a new version of NetBeans. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2002
Humphrey Sheil
The JavaOne grapevine, Part 2 JCP changes, Oracle's Java strategy, JavaServer Faces news, and more... mark for My Articles similar articles
June 9, 2003
Robert McMillan
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December 1, 2006
Sean Michael Kerner
Unix 03: The Future or The Past? IBM, HP and Sun support Unix standardization efforts, but does it really matter anymore? mark for My Articles similar articles
June 27, 2005
Susan Kuchinskas
Sun Goes Large For Open Source Sun Microsystems open sourced the Java System Application Server Platform Edition 9.0 and the Java System Enterprise Server Bus. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 25, 2002
James Niccolai
BEA gets partners for Workshop tools BEA Systems has announced support from about a dozen software vendors for WebLogic Workshop, its Java development framework released in beta last month... mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2001
Clare Haney
Sun unveils Java for Linux appliances Sun Microsystems on Wednesday shipped two components of its Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) for Linux, which together can provide a software platform for consumer and business networked devices, according to the company... mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2003
Michael Juntao Yuan
J2EE and beyond As J2EE technology matures, basic Java and J2EE programming skills are no longer adequate to secure a highly paid job in today's tightened market. This article discusses the latest trends in J2EE and developer training. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 9, 2001
Lisa Alexander
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December 6, 2005
Sean Michael Kerner
Gosling: Java's All About The Community James Gosling, the father of the decade-old Java programming language is urging the developers who made Java what it is today to make sure they're building Java for tomorrow's tech needs. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 25, 2004
Michael Singer
Sun Heats Up Java Vendor Wars Java's creator rolls new Web services developer tools and new application server platform in a bid to tease market share from BEA and IBM. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 25, 2002
James Niccolai & Matt Berger
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January 2003
Sommers & Shah
Effort on the edge, Part 2 The authors analyze a database of publicly available information about the first 200 Java Specification Requests (JSRs). In the process, they try to dispel a few JCP myths. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 5, 2004
Jim Wagner
Sun Lights Up Java 1.5 Beta Sun predicts the new features in the latest Java release will make the language as popular on the desktop as in servers. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 10, 2007
Andy Patrizio
Spring Hits High Java Note The early difficulty in using Enterprise JavaBeans paved the way for the Spring Framework. Could it become a Sun-endorsed standard? mark for My Articles similar articles
June 11, 2003
Robert McMillan
Sun, Zend push scripting for Java Sun develops partnerships to help developers write Java apps with popular scripting languages mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2001
Daniel H. Steinberg
Macworld: Will Mac OS X be your next development platform? The combination of Apple's Titanium laptop with the soon-to-be released Mac OS X version 10.1 present two compelling reasons for you to make the Mac your Java development platform... mark for My Articles similar articles
January 8, 2004
Jim Wagner
IBM Releases WebSphere 6 Sneak Peek The application server code base is seen giving developers a head start on J2EE 1.4 applications. mark for My Articles similar articles