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July 27, 2000
Daniel Forbes
Fighting "Cheech & Chong" medicine Did the White House drug office go too far in trying to stop the spread of medical marijuana initiatives? mark for My Articles similar articles
March 12, 2002
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Saying no to propaganda Critics say the government's new anti-drug campaign is reactionary and moralistic. Worse, it may not even work... mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2002
Jacob Sullum
Anti-Drug Anxiety Trouble at the propaganda mill: In May a study finding that government anti-drug propaganda has not reduced teenagers' drug use prompted sniping between the drug warriors who commission the messages and the admen who create them. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 23, 2000
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October 20, 2000
Arianna Huffington
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PC Magazine
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John C. Dvorak
In-Your-Face Advertising One thing is certain: Web users don't want to pay for anything, ever. Sadly, the only way that equation works is with advertising. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 30, 2000
Arthur Allen
Portrait of a drug czar Gen. Barry McCaffrey drives his government office like a lockstep battalion, but some contend his ruthless schedule and egomaniacal ways are only hurting his effort to bring sanity to America's drug policy. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 20, 2001
Daniel Forbes
Bush's new drug czar? John Walters, a hard-line drug warrior, is the leading candidate to replace Barry McCaffrey. Advocates say he's a throwback to the bad old days of Bill Bennett... mark for My Articles similar articles
January 5, 2001
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New Mexico thumbs its nose at the war on drugs A panel convened by Gov. Gary Johnson calls for the legalization of marijuana and a shift in focus from penal measures to treatment for drug offenders... mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2003
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Bad Ad The Office of National Drug Control Policy once occupied itself with protecting Americans from the total ruin that follows inexorably from that first puff on a joint. Its new mission is apparently to protect us (and, coincidentally, its budget) from Americans who question its policy. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2005
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April 24, 2001
Jake Tapper
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The Motley Fool
January 27, 2004
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Can You Say That on TV? Congressional leaders ponder the future of bad words on the air. mark for My Articles similar articles