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HBS Working Knowledge
July 11, 2012
Jay Lorsch
Book Excerpt: 'The Future of Boards' In an excerpt from "The Future of Boards," the author discusses why directors are newly questioning their roles. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
July 23, 2010
The 4 Most Important Financial Metrics You're busy. You've got things to do that don't involve poring through financial statements until the cows come home. mark for My Articles similar articles
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HBS Working Knowledge
December 22, 2003
Martha Lagace
How to Build a Better Board Boards need to work smarter and with a design in mind, says Harvard Business School professor Jay Lorsch. Lorsch discusses his new book Back to the Drawing Board, co-written with Colin B. Carter. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
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The Motley Fool
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Corporate Boards Need to Wake Up One of investors' biggest problems -- whether they know it or not -- has been a tendency toward ineffective, entrenched boards of directors that don't do their primary job, which is to look out for shareholder interests. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
May 21, 2007
Sean Silverthorne
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Don't Waste Your Metrics Four keys to making metrics a better part of your evaluation process. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Fast Company
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Which Stage of Change Are You In? Here is a widely influential model of the "stages of change." What stage are you in? See if any of the following statements sound familiar. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 16, 2010
Team Up for Business Value In this CIO 100 Award-winning initiative, Hess CIO Jeff Steinhorn created metrics and governance with vendors to boost outsourcing value. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Do Performance Metrics Boost Performance? Survey results show a majority of manufacturers employ performance metrics to improve their performance. mark for My Articles similar articles