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March 24, 2011
Alan Bjerga
U.S. Queen Bees Work Overtime to Save Hives Although beekeepers are pumping up the number of honey bees, Colony Collapse Disorder still threatens $15 billion in agriculture. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
April 3, 2012
Elinor Richards
Queen bee compounds Scientists in Italy have created an environmentally friendly method of making the principal bioactive compound found in royal jelly. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
August 6, 2015
Ida Emilie Steinmark
Bee immune system discovery points way to pollinator 'vaccines' Bees use an egg yolk protein to prime their offspring's immune system against different pathogens, Finnish researchers have discovered. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Gardening
Amy Bartlett Wright
The Other Pollinators Many fascinating creatures do the essential work of transporting pollen. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Gardening
Marla Spivak
Keeping Honeybees A beehive in the garden ensures a good seed crop and fresh honey for the table mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
September 2009
Anne C. Lee
A Taste of the Honey Business The bees of America have been working hard all summer: To make a pound of honey, they have to fly the equivalent of eight roundtrips between New York and Paris. Now it's time to enjoy the fructose of their labor. Have a taste of the facts and figures on honey. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
May 2011
Paul Wallich
Beehackers Beekeeping engineers bring cheap widgets to a 19th-century craft. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
April 17, 2007
Seth Jayson
Quick Take: The Butterfly Effect A dramatic and mysterious collapse in honey bee colonies could effect more than just the higher-end, natural food stores. If things get bad enough, we could see a trickle-down effect everywhere from Hershey to Wal-Mart. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
April 30, 2007
Michael Gross
Deadly Beetles Intercept Bee's Warnings The small hive beetle invades colonies of the European honeybee (Apis mellifera) but not of the African strain. Researchers in the US have now found that the bee's very own chemical alarm signal plays an important role in the beetle's success. mark for My Articles similar articles
IDB America
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Roger Hamilton
Sweet profits Honey production provides income and a reason to preserve natural areas in Guatemala. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2008
Shivani Vora
Passions: Scott Mitic, CEO of TrustedID Scott Mitic helps protect consumers from identity theft by monitoring their credit reports. Outside the office, he relishes tending to his backyard hive and making his own jars of honey. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Gardening Asparagus Beetle Two species are common. One is blue-black and common throughout the U.S. The other is orange with black spots. Both adults and larvae feed on developing spears, and later in the season, on ferny foliage. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 22, 2007
Greta Lorge
Can a Tiny Microphone Save the Bees -- and the Food Supply? An entomologist at the University of Montana, has decided to wire this hive because he believes it's in the early stages of "colony collapse disorder," a syndrome that has caused the deaths of billions of bees nationwide -- and baffled scientists. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
October 6, 2007
Timeline: From the October 2, 1937, issue Volcanic eruptions predicted... Bees' language discovered as a strange sort of dance... Infantile paralysis wave has reached its peak... mark for My Articles similar articles
HHMI Bulletin
Nov 2010
Sarah C.P. Williams
Maternal and Paternal Genes Don't Always Have The Same Effect On Offspring The genes you inherited from your mom and those passed along from your dad don't have equal footing when it comes to how they influence your biology. mark for My Articles similar articles