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August 2008
Peter B. Hirtle
Copyright Renewal, Copyright Restoration, and the Difficulty of Determining Copyright Status It is almost impossible to determine with certainty whether a work published from 1923 through 1963 in the US is in the public domain because of copyright restoration of foreign works. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jan/Feb 2012
Caroli et al.
ARROW: Accessible Registries of Rights Information and Orphan Works Towards Europeana The "i2010 Digital Library Initiative" is an initiative of the European Union's digital libraries that aims to make accessible to all, and preserve for future generations, the European cultural and scientific resources: books, periodicals, films, maps, photographs, music. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
June 26, 2008
Barbara Quint
1923--1963: Google Book Search Targeting More Books for Public Domain? Before 1923, all library partners in the program let Google's mass digitization program grind away, but only a handful of library partners will risk letting post-1923, probably in-copyright material from their collections into the program. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2004
Dobratz & Neuroth
nestor: Network of Expertise in Long-term STOrage of Digital Resources A Digital Preservation Initiative for Germany mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
June 6, 2011
Barbara Quint
University of Michigan Libraries Target HathiTrust's Orphan Works Orphan works have been a thorn in the side of librarians, particularly academic librarians, forever. Orphans are in-copyright works for which current copyright holders are difficult or impossible to locate or perhaps even identify. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov/Dec 2009
Brian Lavoie
Beyond 1923 Characteristics of potentially in-copyright print books in library collections. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2001
In Brief The German Initiative of Networked Information... The Norwegian Museum Project... Report on the Inaugural International Conference of MERLOT (Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning and Teaching)... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2003
In Brief Report on the NLM/AMPA Archiving Forum... Copyright and Licensing for Digital Preservation... The Public Knowledge Project... Manifesto on Open Access to Scholarly Literature... The Internet Archive OAI-PMH Implementation... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2012
Peter B. Hirtle
Feature: When is 1923 Going to Arrive and Other Complications of the u.s. Public Domain The public domain has always existed, but the rise of digital and networked technologies has made it particularly important. Our copyright laws represent an agreement among powerful publishing and media interests that is intended to work for their mutual benefit. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov/Dec 2010
D-Lib Magazine In Brief and In the News Linked Data for Climate Research... Project Cumulus - Getting Services from the Cloud... SURFACE Launch... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2005
Carol Ebbinghouse
Open Access: The Battle for Universal, Free Knowledge Many publishers are joining authors in permitting open access through self-archiving in institutional repositories. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2000
Lynn Pritcher
Ad*Access: Seeking Copyright Permissions for a Digital Age A description of the copyright issues faced by an academic institution wishing to place a library of advertisements on the Internet. Includes a description of their efforts to determine copyright holders and obtain permissions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
September 22, 2011
Nancy K. Herther
Authors Take Libraries to Court in Face Off on Copyright Issues On Sept. 12, eight authors -- including James Shapiro and Fay Weldon -- along with three key organizations representing authors in North America and Australia -- filed suit to stop academic libraries from their participation in HathiTrust digitization projects mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2008
Datema et al.
In Brief Getting the most out of your institutional repository... Science assets of the digital age at risk... Linus Pauling and the International Peace Movement: a documentary history... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
September 12, 2011
George H. Pike
Orphan Works Project to Scan Library Books for Online Database This Orphan Works Project could result in digital access to millions of out-of-print books, but it also runs a risk of violating federal copyright laws. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2001
Ewald Brahms
Digital Library Initiatives of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) is the central public funding organization for academic research in Germany. It is thus comparable to a research council or a national research foundation... mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2006
Esther Hoorn
Copyright Issues in Open Access Research Journals: The Authors' Perspective A survey reveals the desire on the part of academics to change the balance of rights within copyright between authors and publishers in scholarly communication journals. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
January 2002
Moral Rights for Authors and Artists Moral rights safeguard personal and reputational rights, which permit authors to defend both the integrity of their works and the use of their names... mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2012
In Brief and In the News SPRUCE project tackles digital preservation challenges with hands on events... The TIMBUS project - timeless business processes and services... Orphan works and mass digitization: obstacles and opportunities... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2006
Peter B. Hirtle
Author Addenda: An Examination of Five Alternatives While not perfect, author addenda can be an important tool that authors can use to retain the rights they want or that their employing institutions request that they retain. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
May 31, 2005
Barbara Quint
Google Library Project Hit by Copyright Challenge from University Presses Extending the Google Print program to the digitization of five of the world's largest university research libraries, including copyrighted as well as non-copyrighted material, would inevitably seem to lead to a challenge of copyright violation. Oddly enough, the challenge has come from the less commercial publishers--the nonprofit university presses. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2002
Carol Ebbinghouse
Not All Laws Are Free: The Importance of the Veeck Case When it comes to legal issues, an erroneous assumption older than the Internet appears: The text of all laws is free of copyright and may be copied and/or distributed freely... mark for My Articles similar articles
December 1999
Digital Dilemma Intellectual Property: Synopsis and Views on the Study by the National Academies' Committee on Intellectual Property Rights and the Emerging Information Infrastructure mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2000
Michael Seadle
Spoken Words, Unspoken Meanings A DLI2 Project Ethnography... mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2004
Catherine Ayre & Adrienne Muir
The Right to Preserve: The Rights Issues of Digital Preservation The Copyright and Licensing for Digital Preservation (CLDP) project, which was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Board, ran from September 2002 to March 2004. The project's aim was to investigate whether and how copyright legislation and licensed access to digital content affect the ability of libraries to provide long-term access to that content, and to suggest solutions for any problems identified. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2009
In Brief Reflective learning for the net generation... The SKUA project: prototyping a distributed network of semantically aware shared annotation services... The Erewhon project: more comprehensive location-based services... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov/Dec 2014
In Brief and In the News Federal Grants of $30 Million Awarded to Support Museums across the U.S... Knowledge Managers' New Role in Making Open Scholarship Mainstream... 2014 Digital Preservation Training Needs Assessment Survey... mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2009
In Brief European initiative to facilitate access to research data... Nevada's statewide digital initiative... The Mark Twain's Mississippi project... Council of Science editors honors CrossRef... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2001
Carol Ebbinghouse
Final Hours: Tasini Goes to the Supreme Court The United States Supreme Court has announced it will hear the appeal New York Times v. Tasini. In hearing this case, the Supreme Court will decide the rights of freelance authors and perhaps the future of digital content... mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2005
In Brief Summary of the seventh Russian Conference on Digital Libraries... Will users use library portals?... Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) calls for national leadership grant applications... Oxford Open first quarter results released... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2012
In Brief and In the News New file naming tutorial targets a broad audience... iConference 2012 shines in Toronto... Harvard library to deposit additional volumes in Hathitrust... mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
September 10, 2009
Susanne Bjorner
Europeana and Digitization: The Collaboration Is Only Beginning The recently released "Next Steps" planning communication from the European Commission (EC) gives Europeana just praise as a showcase for European cultural artifacts. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
December 2005
Keith Kupferschmid
Are Authors and Publishers Getting Scroogled? A copyright analysis of the Google Print Library Project. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov/Dec 2009
In Brief Sciplore MindMapping is a tool combining mind maps with PDF and reference management... Nobel Prize-winning scientists urge U.S. Congress to act to ensure free online access to federally funded research results... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
November 2006
Mick O'Leary
Database Review: Google Book Search Has Far to Go Google Book Search is Google's grand project to create a universal full-text e-book library. Here are the details of how Book Search works. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2007
Grogg & Ashmore
Google Book Search Libraries and Their Digital Copies Few things in the past decade have brought libraries and subsequent controversy into the mainstream media as much as the google book search library project. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2001
Linda Pearce
Lessons Learned: The Development of Electronic Reserves at the University of Calgary This article lays out the issues surrounding the in-house development of a fully featured electronic reserve platform known as Allectra at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada... mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
October 7, 2014
Nancy K. Herther
European Law Works to Move Copyright Into the 21st Century The European Court of Justice ruled that libraries, "for the purpose of research or private study," can digitize works as a legitimate fair use exemption to European Union copyright law, with some specific limitations. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
August 15, 2005
Barbara Quint
Google slows library project to accommodate publishers Publishers complain about copyright issues with Google's Print for Libraries program. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2005
Laura Gordon-Murnane
Generosity and Copyright: Creative Commons and Creative Commons Search Tools Librarians now have a useful tool they can use to help identify content that patrons might want to use in a podcast, a mash-up, a collage, a video contribution to a blog, a document, a presentation, or whatever. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov/Dec 2014
Brook et al.
The Social, Political and Legal Aspects of Text and Data Mining There is a vast literature describing research into, and applications of text and data mining, as well as the technical challenges. Relatively little has been written on the political, social and legal barriers involved. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2002
Carol Ebbinghouse
Just Can't Hardly Give It Away: Generosity Versus Copyright Many do not want to give up their copyright and the financial return on their creative work, but a growing number of creators do want to make their creations freely available. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2003
In Brief Report on the First AHDS Copyright and Digitisation Workshop... Getting a Handle on Federal Information: Persistent Identification Using Handles... Report on the 4th Annual Virtual Reference Desk (VRD) Conference... Multilingual Applications of the DOI: the mEDRA Project... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2011
In Brief and In the News New Guidelines: CrossRef DOIs to be Displayed as URLS... The POCOS Project: Addressing the Challenges of Preserving Complex Visual Digital Objects... The Widget Design Authoring Toolkit ... mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
December 2006
Greg R. Notess
Microsoft Launches Live Search Books Microsoft has launched Live Search Books. All of the books available on Live Search Books are out-of-copyright titles, thus avoiding the copyright controversy at Google Books. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2011
Elena Giglia
Open Access, Open Data: Paradigm Shifts in the Changing Scholarly Communication Scenario The Open Access Open Data conference was held December, 2010 in Cologne, Germany. The purpose of the conference was to examine the development of the Open Access movement during the last five years and how it will change. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2002
Michael Seadle
Whose Rules? Intellectual Property, Culture, and Indigenous Communities This article is about the soft side of copyright: not just what will stand up in court, but what lies in the cultural expectations of the creators and users of intellectual property, especially those from non-western backgrounds... mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
September 8, 2008
Barbara Quint
Solving Copyright Issues Book by Book: OCLC's WorldCat Copyright Evidence Registry OCLC is in the third month of a 6-month pilot project testing a WorldCat Copyright Evidence Registry. Librarians will have an opportunity to record efforts they have conducted to identify copyright status for sharing with colleagues and the public mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2011
In Brief and In the News A new step toward digital library foundations... Scholarly reading and the value of library resources... Reposit: positing a new kind of repository deposit... mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2003
Geneva Henry
On-line Publishing in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities To understand where publishing is headed, we must consider the possibilities of what can be achieved with new technologies that enable the exchange of knowledge and information in unprecedented ways. mark for My Articles similar articles