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James Fell
Metabolism Myths: Part 1 Some myths about boosting metabolism are so prevalent that they've been repeated again and again via best-selling fitness books and popular magazines. But don't believe them. mark for My Articles similar articles
James Fell
Snacks And Calories Many of us are mindless eaters. The office is especially bad for this, but do you realize just how many calories you're consuming with one effortless grab? mark for My Articles similar articles
September 1, 2014
James Fell
Here's Why Your Workout Today Isn't Like Your Workout 5 Years Ago If you train your body to get into great shape, then to keep it there you need to keep on using it. You can't just sit back and expect it to burn calories on autopilot. mark for My Articles similar articles
Ian Lee
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Pete Sisco
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James Fell
Metabolism Myths: Part 2 Many people believe that calorie burning continues after a workout is over. That claim has been hyped, but the reality is much different. mark for My Articles similar articles
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James Fell
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Jeff Bayer
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Pete Sisco
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James Fell
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James Fell
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Shannon Clark
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Sabrina Rogers
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James Fell
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Sabrina Rogers
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Adam Ali
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Jeff Bayer
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Ian Lee
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James Fell
Fat Loss And Exercise People want a quick fix with exercise. They want to hear they can accomplish more by doing less. A study out of Denmark was conducted showing that could actually happen. I mean, it appears that way if you're not looking at the big picture. mark for My Articles similar articles