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Information Today
March 28, 2011
Barbie E. Keiser
U.S. Census Bureau to Eliminate Strategic Publications Including Statistical Abstracts All budget decisions are difficult choices, but we wonder whether anyone in the U.S. government understands why Statistical Abstracts and Current Industrial Reports are precisely the resources that should not be eliminated? mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
December 17, 2012
Barbie E. Keiser
Statistical Abstract of the United States Gets a New Publisher ProQuest will save the day, rescuing this valued reference tool for the nation. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
March 29, 2012
Marydee Ojala
ProQuest `Rescues' the Statistical Abstract of the United States The addition of StatAbs to ProQuest's Statistical Insight and DataSets will benefit all those with access to the databases. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2002
Patricia Fravel Vander Meer
Click to Criminal Justice This listing highlights a sampling of critical or unique Web sites for a varied audience seeking criminal justice information. This includes professionals in criminal justice, law, and the government, as well as students, educators, librarians, and the general public. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
March 12, 2007
Paula J. Hane
Data-Planet Provides Value-Added Aggregation of Statistical Data Conquest Systems, Inc. has introduced Data-Planet, a new Web-based service that aggregates current and historical public statistical data from many U.S. federal agencies as well as data from nongovernment organizations. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
May 21, 2012
Barbie E. Keiser
Contracting Government By Cutting Census Bureau Programs In addition to cutting $20 million from this year's Economic Census, H.R. 5326 contained an amendment proposed by Rep. Daniel Webster (R-Fla.) that would eliminate funding -- for the American Community Survey. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2003
Kenneth Fink
Criminology Web Sites: An Annotated "Webliography" This list may serve as an introduction to the many Web sites devoted to both the prosaic and exotic in the field of criminology. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
September 7, 2006
Mike Norman
Dismal Science From the Armchair Access to free data on the Internet lets anyone give economic forecasting a try. If ever there was a time to be an amateur economist, it is now, so go ahead and awaken the economist within you. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
September 20, 2012
Peggy Garvin
APDU 2012 Conference Explores the Future of Federal Survey Data While the tech community has been buzzing about public data, open data, and Big Data for the past several years, the Association of Public Data Users has had a relatively low profile in discussions happening outside of its own community of statisticians and demographers. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2002
Laura Gordon-Murnane
Digital Government: Digital Tools for the Electronic Dissemination of Government Information Both and American FactFinder are laudable and impressive efforts to bring citizens together with their government using the Web and are positive examples of our taxpayers' dollars at work... mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
February 11, 2008
National Criminal Justice Database Now Available From EBSCO The National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts database is now available from EBSCO Publishing. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
September 26, 2013
Peggy Garvin
A Sea Change for Public Data The Association of Public Data Users convened in Washington, D.C. to update members on current challenges to the quality of federal statistical data and opportunities to innovate around those challenges. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
June 20, 2011
Barbie E. Keiser
Easy and Affordable State-Based Research From RAND RAND State Statistics features more than 70 databases for the 50 states. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2002
Miriam A. Drake
The U.S. Census bureau in the 21st Century In order to learn more about access and distribution of the Census, I sent surveys to two librarians associated with the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) of the ALA. While these librarians could not speak for GODORT, they presented some interesting perspectives... mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2002
David Mattison
Counting heads Around the World The Genealogy of International Census databases, part 1... mark for My Articles similar articles
September 29, 2003
James Mehring
Federal Figures at Your Fingertips Profit data, career information, and more are just a mouse click away mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2003
David Mattison
Counting Heads Around the World The Genealogy of international Census Databases, Part II: Canada mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
October 15, 2015
World Statistics Day Is Oct. 20 Organizations around the world will celebrate the United Nations Statistics Division's World Statistics Day by showcasing their achievements. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
August 27, 2012
Census Bureau Mobile App Now Available for iPhone and iPad The America's Economy mobile app provides updated statistics on the U.S. economy, including monthly economic indicators and economic trends. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2006
Linden & Green
Don't Leave the Data in the Dark: Issues in Digitizing Print Statistical Publications Statistical digitization projects must make investments in adequate metadata and object-oriented design at the point of digitization - otherwise, the data are in danger of losing their context mark for My Articles similar articles
July 1, 2001
Beth Stackpole
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February 14, 2005
Bremner & Roberts
China: Fuzzy Numbers No More? Statistics could improve if Beijing's new economic census is a success. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 21, 2011
Data Leaks in China Give Some Investors an Edge After leaks of economic data moved markets, China's statistical agency cut the number of people with early access to the figures. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 1, 2005
Patricia Panchak
Editor's Page -- Measuring Success In A Global Economy Are our economic statistics keeping up with manufacturing's structural changes? mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
November 19, 2012
Wiley Launches, is a new website created for professional statisticians, analysts, students, and any user of statistics in interdisciplinary subjects as the first place to go when looking for any information related to statistical research. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2005
Crystal Detamore-Rodman
At Your Service The U.S. Census Bureau's new quarterly survey of service-industry activity will give businesses information to monitor industry trends, make hiring decisions and develop immediate operational strategies. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
August 2, 2012
Census Bureau API Lets Developers Create Custom Apps The U.S. Census Bureau launched a new online service that makes key demographic, socioeconomic, and housing statistics more accessible than ever before. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
June 18, 2012
Christine Connors Community Site Launched Though the site is still in its initial deployment, the goal is for it to become a go-to resource for discovery, access, and tools for using statistical metadata. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
September 20, 2006
Dan Caplinger
Understanding Economic Data: New-Home Construction Investors, by looking at data on new-home construction, you can learn how homebuilders are reacting to changing conditions in the real estate market and draw valuable conclusions that can assist you in making your own decisions about housing. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
April 2006
Kelso et al.
Data Dump If we're condemned to ever-increasing statistical fuzziness, individuals and businesses alike must become a lot more flexible about the way we consider the future. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 16, 2001
Daryl Lindsey
Counting the mix With a surprising number of African-Americans identifying themselves as multiracial, the Census Bureau has some colorful math to do. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 1, 2000
Ben Worthen
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Information Today
February 2, 2004
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IDB America
August 2001
Charo Quesada
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Information Today
July 9, 2013
ProQuest Plans Launch of Global Data Sources Statistical Abstracts of the World will be an online-only resource modeled after ProQuest's publication Statistical Abstract of the United States. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
June 14, 2004
Research Notebook: Studying World Trade If you are a global player or thinking of becoming one, the World Trade Organization's annual report on international trade statistics is a vital tool. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 1, 2007
Jonathan Katz
Workplace Fatalities in the U.S.: By The Numbers Here are some statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics about workplace fatalities. mark for My Articles similar articles