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AFP eWire
July 21, 2009
Study of U.S. and U.K. Wealthy Shows Generosity Still High A report published this month by Barclays Wealth indicates that high net worth donors in the United States and the United Kingdom continue to give generously despite the bad economy. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
December 8, 2008
Lapsed Donors Say They Don't Feel 'Connected' The top reason high net-worth donors stopped giving to a charity in 2007 was that they didn't feel connected to the particular organization, reports a new study. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
January 12, 2010
Six Types of Wealthy Donors A new study identifies six types of high net worth donors and explains what motivates them to give. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
November 13, 2006
Majority of Wealthy Unaffected by Tax Incentives, Not Interested in Leaving a Legacy A new study reveals that a strong majority of wealthy donors in the US would maintain or increase their charitable giving if the estate tax was repealed, and only 25% of those donors are motivated to leave a legacy in their giving. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
November 23, 2010
Wealthy Gave in Large Number in Downturn, Though Gift Size Decreased According to a recent study by Bank of America and Merrill Lynch, high net worth households in the U.S. continued to support charitable organizations in 2009 at levels that were remarkably consistent with those seen in 2005 and 2007. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
June 29, 2010
Wise Giving? Most Donors Spend Little Time Researching Charities Only about one third of donors surveyed recently said that they did any research before donating to a charity, and those that did looked at overhead ratios above all else. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
July 20, 2010
Selling Cars and Selling Your Cause Many nonprofits today are still asking for donations as if they were selling a Model T, even as donors have grown far more discerning in the face of a barrage of appeals. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
April 6, 2010
Fundraising Tips: A Snapshot of Rural Donors Although people from rural communities are less likely to donate to charity, those that do give donate a higher percentage of their income than urban donors. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
June 30, 2008
Donors Who Mean Business High net worth business owners are dedicated donors who have incorporated philanthropy into their financial plans and will give steadily despite the economic environment. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
April 30, 2007
Most Giving Doesn't Necessarily Help Those in Need A new study commissioned by and conducted by the Indiana University Center on Philanthropy argues that less than one-third of all charitable giving is directed toward the poor and others in need. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
October 9, 2012
How Well Do You Know Your Planned Giving Prospects? One in five planned giving donors had never made any gift at all to the recipient charity before making a planned gift, according to a new study by The Stelter Company. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
June 17, 2014
Giving Gets Its Groove Back -- But Grooves a Little Differently First, the good news: for the fourth consecutive year giving by Americans has grown. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
September 28, 2006
Dan Caplinger
Start Your Own Charity If you feel motivated to go beyond writing a check or working an hour or two a week to make your community a better place to live, you should think about taking the next step and creating a new charitable organization of your own. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
February 1, 2005
Jennifer A. Liptow
White Paper Oh, Woe (What a $10 Million Nest Egg Brings): Many wealthy individuals haven't taken the basic steps necessary to protect their assets, leaving their legacy and their families' financial security to chance. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 1, 2006
Chuck Jaffe
Sowing the Seeds of Your Legacy Executives interested in charitable giving can take a page from the Buffett playbook and do more than simply list a favored recipient or two in a will. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
May 26, 2008
Big Gift Donors: Crafting the Right Online Experience A recent study of online giving preferences among wealthy donors reveals wide differences in the type and amount of contact donors wish to have with nonprofits after donating. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
October 25, 2011
New Web Portals Turn Birthdays, Anniversaries or Holidays into Fundraising Events In the era of social networking, there are many new online tools that supporters can use to spread the word about your organization and creatively turn well wishes and gifts into donations for worthy charitable causes. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
June 13, 2006
Dan Caplinger
A Trust for All Seasons: Charitable Trusts These trusts can help you donate to worthy causes -- and save on taxes. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
November 20, 2006
Accountability, Impact Build Trust in Nonprofits for Wealthy Donors Providing evidence of what their contributions have accomplished and abiding by high levels of accountability are the two critical ways that nonprofits can build trust, especially for wealthy donors, according to a new survey. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
September 28, 2006
Dan Caplinger
Do Charitable Fundraising Right Finding donors is essential for the success of your charity. Once you've done the hard work of finding them, make sure you treat them well by giving them everything they need to obtain the tax benefits they deserve. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
December 21, 2007
Brian Richards
Be Like a Billionaire A new study shows that giving can make you wealthier. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
December 21, 2011
Charles Paikert
How HNW Charitable Giving Is Changing The giving season is here, but what's being given, at least by philanthropic-minded high-net-worth clients, is changing. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
December 4, 2008
Selena Maranjian
Hurting for Your Money Times are tough for all of us. But those charitable organizations that are trying to better the lives of those less fortunate than us are especially feeling the pinch. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
September 8, 2014
AFP's Response to National Post Article on Policing of Political Activities of Charities The charitable tax designation and the tax credit bind together the interests and concerns of all of us in the betterment of our society. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
May 19, 2008
Market Volatility Calls for Long-Term Approach to Donating Securities Donors waiting for just the right time to donate their stocks to charity will be waiting a long time and instead should focus on a longer-term "investor" approach to giving. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
September 15, 2008
Wealthy Donors Share Motives and Misgivings Wealthy donors want to give, but they don't want to gamble, according to a new report. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
July 7, 2006
Dan Caplinger
Giving Until It Helps: Part 2 Using a charitable trust or foundation can make your gift work for charity -- and for you. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
May 10, 2011
More People Donating Online, Say Fundraising Costs a Key Concern A new study shows that more donors from every age group are going online to make a donation, and they are increasingly sensitive to over-solicitation and fundraising costs. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 23, 2006
Dan Caplinger
Give Back to Your Community Serving on a charitable board takes hard work but pays back big dividends. If you choose to join a charity's board of directors, here are some things to consider. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
August 10, 2010
The New Proactive Donor The days when donors would give unconditionally to every charity that knocked on their door are gone for good, says fundraising veteran Penelope Burk. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
April 3, 2012
New Survey Looks at How Charities Are (And Are Not) Connecting With Donors in Canada Donors may surprise charities in some of the priorities they emphasize in their interactions with charities, according to What Canadian Donors Want, a new survey conducted by AFP of more than 1,000 donors across the country. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
November 13, 2011
Study Shows Online Giving Has Become Popular Among Donors 60 or Older Online giving has become a viable option for donors who are 60 years of age or older, according to a recent online study. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
June 27, 2005
Donors Increasingly Going Online Before Giving A vast majority of U.S. donors are going online to study causes they care about before making a giving decision, according to a new study. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
December 21, 2004
Get Innovative in Giving You have more options than just cutting a check every December. Here are a few suggestions offering some new ways to go about giving to charity and some tips on how to donate effectively. mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Planning
August 1, 2009
Martin M. Shenkman
Keep Giving Charities need your knowledge to guide past and prospective donors in how to give now. When times were good, people gave because they felt rich or their accountant said they needed the tax write-offs. Your expertise can help clients see how to continue to give in today's different circumstances. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
February 4, 2008
New Study Creates Profiles of Wealthiest Households A new study develops philanthropic profiles of the wealthiest 3 percent of U.S. households based on their preferences and motivations and the process they use in giving mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
February 4, 2014
What Canadian Donors Want: Information, Impact and to Help Those in Need More Canadians than ever are knowledgeable about charities and researching before they give, but many are not sure about the impact their gifts are having, according to a new survey. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
July 14, 2009
Many Donors Not Overwhelmed by Charity Communications Most donors don't feel as if they are receiving too many communications from charities according to a new survey released recently at the Institute of Fundraising National Convention in London. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
May 25, 2009
Women Play Prominent Role in Giving A study of charitable giving patterns shows women have a strong influence on their spouse's giving, while high-income women are using more sophisticated giving methods than men. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
October 12, 2004
New Giving Strategy Allows Donors to Control Fund Management The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has approved a new way for donors to give to charity but manage the contributed funds for up to a decade, according to a recent article in The Wall Street Journal. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
November 27, 2006
Dan Caplinger
Charities and Endowments In the same way that opening an investment account or buying your first mutual fund may signify your arrival at a new stage in your financial development, establishing a permanent endowment fund can be a major milestone in the history of a charitable organization. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
June 1, 2008
Kevin McKinley
CRUTS And CRATS Charitable lead trusts and charitable remainder trusts: which are better for your wealthy clients? mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
November 30, 2010
High Hopes for Holiday Giving Convio estimates that U.S. giving during the 2010 holiday season to nonprofit organizations will be more than $48 billion across all giving channels mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
May 20, 2015
Andrew Watt
Comments of the Association of Fundraising Professionals on Cancer Charities Charged With Fraud by FTC AFP responded to the recent action by the Federal Trade Commission against three national charities, Cancer Fund of America, Children's Cancer Fund of America, and Breast Cancer Society. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
October 2009
James J. Green
Forget Chicken Little What's the current state of philanthropy? mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
May 7, 2007
Identifying Characteristics of Planned-Giving Prospects Few individuals have a charity named in their will, but those most likely to consider a bequest are aged 40 to 60 and have a bachelor's degree, according to a new study. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
December 2, 2014
Tax Incentives Worldwide Help Increase Charitable Donations Says New Global Study The proportion of people who make financial contributions to charity is significantly higher in countries offering tax breaks for giving. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
December 7, 2006
Dan Caplinger
Don't Donate in the Dark Make sure your donation does what you want. Here's how. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
May 10, 2004
"Middle Rich" Donate Lower Percentage of Wealth Than Other Groups A new study concluded that charitable giving in the United States would have increased by an additional $41 billion in 2001 if individuals in the upper middle class and "middle rich" had given as much as other income classes. mark for My Articles similar articles
AFP eWire
October 12, 2010
Weighing the Online Donation Option While a large majority of donations are still made by check (79 percent), those who do donate by bankcard are very satisfied, and are loyal donors, according to new research. mark for My Articles similar articles