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Chemistry World
May 15, 2015
All set for chemistry Chemistry sets through the years have both weathered and reflected many changes in science and society, as Philip Ball discovers mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
September 28, 2007
Study: Americans More Glued to Web than TV Which do you spend more time glued to: the Web or the tube? If your answer is the Web, you're not alone. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
December 2007
Mark Peplow
Editorial: The Gift of Science A weekend trip to your local toy shop may reveal a vast array of choices for the budding chemist. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
October 9, 2013
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The private lives of plants Noritada Kaji and colleagues at Nagoya University have created a microfluidic assay that can more accurately investigate pollen tube growth. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
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American Family Physician
October 1, 2000
Artificial Fluids and Nutrition When do people need artificial fluids and nutrition?... What is involved in artificial feeding?... What happens if artificial fluids or nutrition are not given?... What are the benefits?... What are the burdens?... mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
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American Journal of Nursing
February 2012
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Bedside Assessment of Enteral Tube Placement: Aligning Practice with Evidence Since the flexible Levin tube was introduced in 1921, enteral feeding has become ubiquitous. From the out-set, nurses have been responsible for confirming the correct placement of enteral feeding tubes prior to their use for alimentation or medication administration. mark for My Articles similar articles
Reactive Reports
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PC Magazine
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PC Light Show The USB-powered Antec iLuminate LED Light Tube can pulsate to every beat or sound that your computer makes. You can set the light to stay on, but it's more fun when it's sound-activated. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
January 2008
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Column: The Crucible Does chemical space limit a chemists' creativity? mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2008
Mark Anders
Fix a Busted Tire with a Buck Flatten your bike tire on a thorn and you can easily patch the inner tube or swap in a new one. Damage the tire itself is a much bigger problem. Here's a quick field solution to keep you on the roll. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
January 2009
Richard Van Noorden
Editorial: Sustainable connection The interface between chemistry and engineering is more important than ever. mark for My Articles similar articles