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American Family Physician
September 15, 2006
Wong et al.
Guidelines for the Use of Antibiotics in Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infections To help physicians with the appropriate use of antibiotics in children and adults with upper respiratory tract infection, a multidisciplinary team evaluated existing guidelines and summarized key practice points. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 15, 2007
Simasek & Blandino
Treatment of the Common Cold The common cold is a viral illness that affects persons of all ages, prompting frequent use of over-the-counter and prescription medications and alternative remedies. This article helps you sift through all the medications. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
September 15, 2001
Richard Colgan & John H. Powers
Appropriate Antimicrobial Prescribing: Approaches that Limit Antibiotic Resistance Physicians should be familiar with the clinical situations in which they should provide antibiotics and those in which they may safely be withheld... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Journal of Nursing
June 2008
Hart et al.
Acute Respiratory Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance It is important that nurses understand antimicrobial resistance and learn how to help patients, family members, and friends manage acute respiratory infections appropriately. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 15, 2001
Thomas Hooton & Stuart Levy
Antimicrobial Resistance: A Plan of Action for Community Practice Antibiotic resistance was once confined primarily to hospitals but is becoming increasingly prevalent in family practice settings, making daily therapeutic decisions more challenging. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2003
Lo Re & Gluckman
Fever in the Returned Traveler With the rising popularity of international travel to exotic locations, family physicians are encountering more febrile patients who recently have visited tropical countries. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 15, 2003
Flu and Colds This patient handout describes flue symptoms and discusses over-the-counter medicines. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2012
Daniel A. Hussar
New Drugs 2012: part I In this article, you'll learn about 11 recently approved drugs. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2011
Daniel A. Hussar
New Drugs 2011: Part 2 In this article, you'll learn about seven recently approved drugs, including: fingolimod hydrochloride, an oral drug indicated to treat patients with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
June 15, 2005
Bratton & Corey
Tick-Borne Disease It is important for family physicians to consider tick-borne illnesses when patients present with influenza-like symptoms. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Family Room
Ann Douglas
Sick Kids and Daycare: When to Send Them to Daycare and When to Keep Them Home Symptoms, transmission, infectious period, etc. for: chickenpox, common cold, pink eye, ear infection, fever, gastroenteritis, impetigo, red measles, head lice, whopping cough, rubella, scarlet fever, and strep throat. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 15, 2004
Flu and Colds How can I tell if I have a cold or the flu?... What causes colds and the flu?... What about medicine?... Should I call my doctor?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2004
Flu and Colds A general overview on the difference between colds and flu and how to treat the symptoms of both. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2006
Antibiotics: When They Can and Can't Help What are antibiotics?... Do antibiotics always work?... What is bacterial resistance?... What can I do to help myself?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2010
Daniel A. Hussar
New drugs 2010, part 2 In this article, you'll learn about 14 recently marketed new drugs. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
August 15, 2000
Harry D. Mckinnon
Evaluating the Febrile Patient with a Rash The differential diagnosis for febrile patients with a rash is extensive... mark for My Articles similar articles
Dustin Driver
Travel Diseases: Central & South America There are more than a few diseases that can turn your dream vacation to Central or South America into a nightmare -- so here are a few "ounces of prevention." mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
August 2001
Andy Gayle
Tick-borne Diseases Tick-borne diseases are the most common vector-borne illnesses in the United States. Knowledge of the epidemiology and common presentations, as well as the diagnostic options and treatments available, are important issues for family physicians... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
June 15, 2004
Mark H. Ebell
Point-of-Care Guides Clinical Question: What is the best way to manage uncomplicated acute otitis media (AOM) in otherwise healthy children? The answer follows. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutrition Action Healthletter
May 2000
Magic Bullets Under Siege ...Antibiotics---drugs that kill bacteria---account for much of our success in the war against infectious illness. But the miracle drugs of medicine are in danger... mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
November 1, 2012
Sue Barrowcliffe
Real World Insights Commercial teams as well as patients can benefit from managed access programs, which are designed to provide access to medicines outside of the clinical and commercial setting, for patients who have no other available treatment options. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2001
Michael Luszczak
Evaluation and Management of Infants and Young Children with Fever Acute febrile illness in an infant or a young child is a common clinical scenario that can be a diagnostic challenge. The evaluation is guided by the history and physical examination, along with judiciously selected screening tests... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2006
Colds and the Flu: Tips for Feeling Better How can I tell if I have a cold or the flu?... Ways to treat your cold and flu symptoms... What causes colds and the flu?... What can I do to feel better?... Emergency cold and flu symptoms... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2011
Jeanne Held-Warmkessel
Taming Three High-Risk Chemotherapy Complications A review of three common chemotherapy-associated complications that can be serious enough to require hospitalization: febrile neutropenia, chemotherapy-related nephrotoxicity, and chemotherapy-related enterotoxicity. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2010
Daniel A. Hussar
New Drugs 2010, PART 1 In this article, you'll learn about 16 new drugs. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 15, 2005
Roscoe & Epperly
Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever The diagnosis of tick-borne relapsing fever requires an accurate characterization of the fever and a thorough medical, social, and travel history of the patient. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
December 15, 2000
Antibiotics: When They Can and Can't Help Antibiotics are strong medicines that can stop some infections and save lives. When they aren't used the right way, antibiotics can cause more harm than good. You can protect yourself and your family by knowing when you should use antibiotics and when you should avoid them... mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
June 2004
Jack McCain
Health Plans Respond as Microbes Develop Resistance Techniques Managed care is having some success discouraging practices that promote the development of "superbugs." mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2012
Elliott et al.
Managing alcohol withdrawal in hospitalized patients A focused nursing assessment is critical in identifying the potential for alcohol withdrawal symptoms in all hospitalized patients. This article discusses how to assess patients at risk and how to use these assessment findings as a basis for nursing interventions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nurse Practitioner
August 2011
Davis et al.
Supportive approaches for Alzheimer Disease Alzheimer disease accounts for almost 80% of all dementia diagnoses. Currently, more than 5 million Americans suffer from this debilitating illness, with the highest prevalence in the oldest age groups. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 15, 2007
The Common Cold: What You Should Know What people should know to distinguish a common cold from other more serious illnesses. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
July 1, 2011
Cabacungan & Clark
New Ways to Gain New Brand Insights If you can learn to understand patient and physician behavior, you are well on your way to strengthening the position of your product. mark for My Articles similar articles
Seasoned Cooking
April 2005
Michael Fick
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Pharmaceutical Executive
September 1, 2012
Al Topin
Doctors' Words No Longer Gospel In the digital age, physicians don't call the shots when it comes to healthcare guidance. Marketers must appeal to multiple sources in seeking ways to garner patient adherence and loyalty. mark for My Articles similar articles
Dustin Driver
Travel Diseases: Africa The allure of a safari through the Serengeti or a trek up Kilimanjaro may inspire you to strike out for the heart of Africa, but before you go there are a few things you should know: like, the huge continent is teeming with bug-borne, water-borne and human-borne diseases. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2004
Antibiotics: When They Can and Can't Help An overview on how antibiotic therapy comes into play in the treatment of the flu and colds. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 1, 2001
Robert Sander
Otitis Externa: A Practical Guide to Treatment and Prevention If otitis externa is not optimally treated, especially in immunocompromised patients, the potentially life-threatening infection can spread to the surrounding tissues... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 15, 2004
Antibiotics: When They Can and Can't Help What are antibiotics?... Do antibiotics work against all infections?... What is "antibiotic resistance"?... Why should I worry about antibiotic resistance?... How do I know when I need antibiotics?... How should I take the antibiotics that my doctor prescribes?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Charles Capuano
11 Summertime Health Hazards Here are 11 summertime health health hazards and some tips on sidestepping them. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
May 6, 2014
Andy Extance
WHO raises alarm on deadly bacteria The World Health Organization has warned antibiotic resistant bacteria could bring a nightmarish future, where seemingly trivial scrapes turn lethal, and currently routine operations become too risky to contemplate. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
March 1, 2013
Al Topin
Less Selling, More Time What can happen when pharmaceutical reps focus on the physician-patient conversation? mark for My Articles similar articles
Nurse Practitioner
September 2011
Wells & Kalman
Women & Heart Disease: Symptoms and Treatment Guidelines Coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death for women. Nurse practitioners need to educate women about their risk and follow practice guidelines. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
September 15, 2006
When Antibiotics Can Help A consumer's guide: What are antibiotics?... How do antibiotics work?... What is antibiotic resistance?... How can I prevent antibiotic resistance?... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 15, 2001
Avoiding Resistance to Antibiotics-- When Do I Need an Antibiotic? When bacteria are exposed to the same antibiotics, after a while the antibiotic can't fight the germs anymore... mark for My Articles similar articles
IDB America
November 2002
Charo Quesada
A plague returns Once nearly defeated, the mosquito-borne dengue epidemic has returned with a vengeance to Latin America and the Caribbean. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
January 1, 2013
Al Topin
The Doctor-Patient Disconnect Doctor-patient conversations aren't always what we think; this basic interaction represents both a problem and an opportunity for today's drug marketers, says the author. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
October 1, 2010
Optimizing TV Advertising Placements & Results Brand managers choosing to advertise an anti-depressant on "Criminal Minds" may not be making the best choice. New methodologies reveal "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" along with "The Bachelor" to be shows favored by depressives. mark for My Articles similar articles