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American Family Physician
March 15, 2001
Cancer Screening Guidelines Faced with the broad, and sometimes conflicting, range of recommendations for cancer screening, family physicians must determine the most reasonable and up-to-date method of screening... mark for My Articles similar articles
Whitney F. Jones
Colon Cancer And Polyps: What You Need To Know It would surprise many to learn that colon cancer is the third leading cause of death by cancer in American men. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nurse Practitioner
October 2009
Wallace et al.
Shedding light on prostate cancer This article will discuss the risk factors, signs and symptoms, diagnosis of prostate cancer, and disease staging and grading, as well as necessary lab and diagnostic tests, treatment options and patient education. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
August 1, 2000
Lecia M. Apantaku
Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Screening Statistics on breast cancer risk, symptoms and recommended tests. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jacob Franek
Prostate Cancer Symptoms, Screening & Diagnosis Despite the facts that prostate cancer is the No. 1 cancer occurring in men (aside from skin cancers) and the second leading cause of cancer death (behind lung cancer), many men are still unfamiliar with this highly treatable disease. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2001
Thomas J. Gates
Screening for Cancer: Evaluating the Evidence This article reviews the kind of evidence required to justify screening tests for cancer, with the goal of guiding family physicians through current and future screening controversies... mark for My Articles similar articles
Thomas Goetz
Why Early Detection Is the Best Way to Beat Cancer By getting regular blood tests, doctors may be able to diagnose cancer early, giving the patient a 90 percent chance of survival. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nurse Practitioner
August 2010
Virginia Sun
Update on Pancreatic Cancer Treatment Pancreatic cancer is the 10th leading type of all new cancer cases and the fourth leading type of cancer death that affects both men and women. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jacob Franek
Prostate Cancer Overview Everything you wanted to know and more about prostate cancer in this three-part prostate cancer guide. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 15, 2005
Sunga et al.
Care of Cancer Survivors Cancer survivors are at increased risk for recurrence of their original malignancy. Surveillance following curative cancer treatment generally includes interval history and physical examinations every six months for five years. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 15, 2006
Wolff & Wilson
Putting Prevention into Practice Genetic risk assessment and BRCA mutation testing for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
June 8, 2002
Janet Raloff
Pudgy? Here's a Small Benefit For those women whose proportions fall outside the fatfree ideal, here's one consolation: Your outsized physique appears to put you at decreased risk of developing ovarian cancer (a somewhat rare cancer). mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
September 15, 2003
Perkins et al.
Serum Tumor Markers Because family physicians are assuming a greater role in caring for patients with cancer, an understanding of tumor markers is becoming increasingly important. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
March 2007
Martin Sipkoff
Managing Cancer Treatment Begins Before Diagnosis Health plans are increasingly involved in promoting the lifestyle changes that help their members avoid cancer, and are increasingly involved in clinical trials if prevention fails. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
June 1, 2003
Ovarian Cyst What is an ovarian cyst?... What is a sonogram?... Are there any other tests I might have?... Do I need surgery for an ovarian cyst?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nurse Practitioner
December 2008
Darlene P. Peters
Colon Cancer Screening: Recommendations and Barriers to Patient Participation Advanced practice nurses and nurse researchers can play a vital role in improving colon cancer screening among patients. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 30, 2000
Joshua Levine
Male Breast Cancer Breast cancer is traditionally thought of as a female-related problem. Men, however, are as susceptible to the disease as women are. In many ways, the disease appears similarly in both sexes... mark for My Articles similar articles
Nurse Practitioner
November 2010
Dreadin & Mancuso
Diagnostic breast evaluation: When to refer and what the results really mean Diagnostic breast imaging is an important tool in evaluating abnormal physical examination findings and assessing incomplete screening mammographic results. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2009
Colwell & Gordon
Helping patients combat colon cancer Colorectal cancer is the third most frequently diagnosed cancer in the United States. In 2008, about 148,810 people received this diagnosis and an estimated 49,960 died of the disease. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 10, 2008
Cervical Cancer FAQ Signs, symptoms, prevention, and treatments are some of the topics explained here. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
May 15, 2005
Early Prostate Cancer: What You Should Know A patient hand-out on the disease, who is at risk, diagnosis and treatment options. mark for My Articles similar articles
Harold Russell
The Truth About Lung Cancer Read this article to find out about the causes, symptoms, treatments, and preventive measures of lung cancer. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
June 9, 2011
Sarah Houlton
Asbestos linked to ovarian cancer Women exposed to asbestos fibers through work were one-and-three-quarter times more likely to develop ovarian cancer mark for My Articles similar articles
American Journal of Nursing
March 2006
Pamela J. Haylock
The Shifting Paradigm of Cancer Care: The Many Needs of Cancer Survivors Are Starting to Attract Attention The complexities of survivorship, and the growing population of survivors who share these challenges has led to an increase awareness of a need for survivorship research on the sequelae of cancer and cancer treatment. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
May 15, 2005
Bhatnagar & Kaplan
Treatment Options for Prostate Cancer: Evaluating the Evidence Controversy surrounds the management options for localized prostate cancer-conservative management, prostatectomy, and radiation. Choosing among these options is difficult because of long-term side effects that include sexual, urinary, and bowel dysfunction. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
March 2007
Lola Butcher
Plans Put Greater Emphasis On Cancer Management Increasingly, health plans are rolling out services designed to help cancer patients and, before that, plan members at a high risk of cancer, to improve their health care and, in doing so, limit costs. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 17, 2001
Joshua Levine
The Importance Of Regular Check-Ups For Men Men are much less likely than women to seek the routine medical care that they should. This article describes some of the risks. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
August 1, 2005
Wattendorf & Hadley
Family History: The Three-Generation Pedigree The three-generation pedigree provides a pictorial representation of diseases within a family and is the most efficient way to assess hereditary influences on disease. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Journal of Nursing
October 2010
Eileen Thomas
Men's Awareness and Knowledge of Male Breast Cancer This article reports on the findings of a qualitative study that explored the awareness and knowledge of male breast cancer among English-speaking men. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
January 2005
Sharon Baker
Breast Cancer Screening: Some Plans Do Better Than Others Some of the nation's best health plans are coming up with creative ways to encourage women to get mammograms. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2000
Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer Risk: What Does It Mean to Me? What causes breast cancer?... What genes can cause breast cancer to be inherited?... What clues in my family history might show I've inherited a risk of breast cancer?... Does everyone who has family members with breast cancer have these mutated genes?... What should I do?... mark for My Articles similar articles
May 23, 2005
Catherine Arnst
If It Works for Breast Cancer... Studies are under way to see if promising strategies used against breast cancer can be used to fight other killers, such as lung, colon, and prostate cancer. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 15, 2004
Breast Cancer Risk Related to Type of Hormone Therapy Although several studies have demonstrated an increased risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women taking oral hormone therapy, the risk related to each of the various forms of therapy is less clear. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 3, 2006
Catherine Arnst
A Ton Of Prevention The pros and cons of two drugs that may halve your risk of breast cancer. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 1, 2004
What Should I Know About Stomach Cancer? Stomach cancer, which is also called gastric cancer, is the growth of cells that are not normal in the lining and wall of the stomach. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
November 1999
Arthur L. Baldwin III
Financial and Risk Considerations for Successful Disease Management Programs Results for disease management programs have not been as positive as hoped because of clinical issues, lack of access to capital, and administrative issues.... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2006
Freelove & Walling
Pancreatic Cancer: Diagnosis and Management Almost all pancreatic cancers are adenocarcinomas of the ductal epithelium, and symptoms primarily are caused by mass effect rather than disruption of exocrine or endocrine function. The clinical features depend on the size and location of the tumor as well as its metastases. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jen Woodward
Prostate Cancer 101 Here are some of the basic facts about prostate cancer, along with what you can do to keep the C-word from gracing your medical chart. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 6, 2005
Catherine Arnst
Better Odds Against Breast Cancer New treatments for breast cancer are more effective, and easier to live with mark for My Articles similar articles
Bio-IT World
April 16, 2004
Portraits in Proteomics Advances in identifying protein biomarkers are spurring new hope in cancer diagnostics, expediting detection and easing testing. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 1, 2000
Anne D. Walling, M.D.
Family Practice International Depression in Young Adults... Treatment of Pancreatic Cancer... Acute Appendicitis in Pregnancy... mark for My Articles similar articles
Alex Santoso
Prostate Health 101 Most men don't have any clue about their prostate -- until things go wrong. With this information, they can maximize their prostate health. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2007
Laurel Naversen Geraghty
Don't Worry so Much About Scary Diseases Want to put your fears in their place? Here's help: We compared women's risks of developing certain illnesses this year to the odds of some quirky scenarios -- and found plenty of good news. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 20, 2000
Naomi Mendelsohn
Choosing the knife Healthy women at high risk for breast cancer are choosing to have both breasts removed, even while doctors are advocating less invasive treatments for those who are already sick mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
May 28, 2010
Brian Orelli
This Drug Doesn't Work. But All Is Not Lost. Novartis cancer drug fails one trial, but there's still hope. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 17, 2005
Catherine Arnst
Breast-Cancer Screening: How to Choose Women have varying risk factors for breast cancer and face more test options. Here are some key considerations for making a suitable choice. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
June 1, 2005
Michael Parisi
Direct to Consumer: Patient-Reported Outcomes New clinical endpoints mean exacting messages for patients. Physicians and other healthcare professionals can use these tools now as they attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments and optimize drug utilizations to combat the high cost of drug treatment. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jen Woodward
Men's Health Red Flags There are plenty of men's health red flags that should not be ignored. Read on for some common ailments that often start out as minor issues. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sabrina Rogers
Can Men Get Breat Cancer? Breast cancer isn't just a chick thing. Although it is about 100 times more common among women and is a rare cause of death in men, the American Cancer Society estimates that, in 2004, approximately 1,450 American men will be diagnosed with this disease. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 10, 2002
Joshua Levine
Common Diseases That Affect Men The diseases that target large percentages of men deserve to be openly discussed and dealt with in order to inform, educate and prevent. There are certain scary illnesses that you should be on the lookout for. mark for My Articles similar articles