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February 15, 2008
Andy Patrizio
Malware Threatens Mac Users: Report Survey shows Apple users expect the bad guys to follow them, but the good news is the evildoers are looking the other way. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2, 2008
Sean Michael Kerner
Apple Recommends Antivirus for Mac Users Apple quietly suggests customers use antivirus software, though threats are still few in number. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 4, 2009
Kaspersky Offers Macs a Security Blanket Antivirus software designed to thwart growing malware threat to Macs. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 8, 2006
David Miller
The Surge in Mac Attacks Just as Apple Computer launched a new ad touting OSX's resilience against viruses, the Macintosh operating system and applications have come under fire for harboring serious security flaws. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Apple Adding Malware Defense to Snow Leopard? Apple may be following Microsoft's lead in offering free protection for its users in the upcoming release of Mac OS X Snow Leopard. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Sean Michael Kerner
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Sean Michael Kerner
Zero Day Exploit Hits Apple's OS X Apple Mac OS X users may be at risk from an "extremely critical" vulnerability that remains un-patched. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
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The Motley Fool
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PC Magazine
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Jason King
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February 28, 2011
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October 15, 2009
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February 25, 2009
Richard Adhikari
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July 26, 2010
Apple Security Holes Outnumber Windows According to Secunia, the Mac and iPhone maker is at risk from more security holes than other vendors. But Apple faithful don't need to despair just yet. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 1, 2006
David Miller
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August 16, 2005
David Needle
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May 15, 2009
Alex Goldman
Facebook Attacks Threaten All Web Sites Why would users want your user name and password? Perhaps because it could give them access to your money and your e-mail. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 23, 2009
Richard Adhikari
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May 20, 2010
South America Emerges As Cybercrime Hotspot China gets all the bad press but it turns out that Luxembourg, the Cayman Islands and a bunch of South American countries are actually the least discriminating when it comes to filtering malware. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 9, 2010
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March 3, 2009
Richard Adhikari
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February 26, 2009
Richard Adhikari
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February 2, 2009
Richard Adhikari
Are Legitimate Sites the Next Malware Threat? Businesses may be exposing their customers to malware by leaving their sites unpatched, IBM warns in a new study. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 5, 2007
Andy Patrizio
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The Motley Fool
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Alyce Lomax
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January 28, 2009
Richard Adhikari
Online Trust: A Thing of the Past? Malware attacks are turning the Web upside down, and complicating the efforts of security vendors and users to cope with the threats. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 22, 2009
Richard Adhikari
Downadup: The Web's Next Big Threat? Experts blame a lack of patching and an advanced design for the rise of a worm that could outpace Storm. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 13, 2009
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November 2, 2007
Andy Patrizio
Barbarians at the Mac's Gates Leopard's security gets hammered by security pros and a new Mac virus has emerged, proving that - even for Apple - popularity comes at a price. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 27, 2009
Alex Goldman
Conficker Countdown: Experts Stress Caution Malware code has infected millions of PCs and will activate on April 1. What do security insiders say users need to know? mark for My Articles similar articles
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August 10, 2004
Ryan Naraine
Apple Plugs OS X Vulnerabilities Mac OS X Panther users at risk of sensitive data leakage, DoS attacks and system access. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 6, 2005
Sean Michael Kerner
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PC Magazine
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February 11, 2009
Richard Adhikari
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June 3, 2009
Alex Goldman
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July 8, 2009
Alex Goldman
U.S., South Korea Under Cyber Attack Governments and security firms are working together to fight an attack which, though massive, contains very primitive components. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 15, 2009
Malware Ads Hit New York Times Media company's advertising staff approved bogus Vonage ad that distributed malware. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 17, 2007
Andy Patrizio
Have We Reached The End Of The Virus? Not quite. The old-fashioned virus infestation is fading as the biggest nuisance for computer users in favor of Trojans, Symantec's new malware study finds. mark for My Articles similar articles