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HBS Working Knowledge
October 10, 2005
Sean Silverthorne
Homers: Secrets on the Factory Floor Homers are things factory workers make for personal use while on company time. Professor Michel Anteby says that although the practice might be illegal, some companies secretly endorse it. Here's why. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
July 19, 2011
Michel Anteby
Rupert Murdoch and the Seeds of Moral Hazard The News Corporation/News of the World scandal can be described as a case study in bad management. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
November 19, 2007
Sarah Jane Gilbert
Teaching The Moral Leader Some of the hardest leadership decisions are the ones with moral or ethical stakes. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
January 7, 2008
Julia Hanna
Pursuing a Deadly Opportunity Cadavers are a necessity for medical students and researchers, but the business of supplying this market is a touchy moral and ethical issue. Here are some strategies used by both academic and entrepreneurial organizations that deal in the dead. mark for My Articles similar articles
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The Power Of Integrity To get to the top, you can be ruthless but not unscrupulous; integrity is required... mark for My Articles similar articles
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Tushar Dhara
India Revives an Old Plan for New Growth Trying to duplicate China's success, India is reviving a system it pioneered 45 years ago by offering companies tax breaks and better infrastructure in designated zones. mark for My Articles similar articles
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When the Well Runs Dry This Texas entrepreneur dug deep to replace VC funds he lost unexpectedly. mark for My Articles similar articles
Commercial Investment Real Estate
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Anthony Ilardi Jr.
More Money As development costs continue to rise, commercial real estate professionals must look for new ways to trim costs. Federal, state, and local renewal programs and land banks can help achieve this goal. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
September 12, 2012
Carmen Nobel
The Weird Link Between Cadavers and Careers A person's career choice can be an indicator of how they will respond to other major life choices. A study seeking to identify couples that are more likely to donate their bodies to science, so donors could be recruited more efficiently, found that career choice is a significant predictor. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Job Journal
February 28, 2010
Strengthen Your Career Options Today's tough job market and sluggish economy are making unemployment a longer ordeal for many. But there are plenty of productive ways to focus your efforts that will improve your employability, expand your options and shorten the time you are jobless. mark for My Articles similar articles