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February 2007
Radley Balko
Shaq Attack A SWAT team erroneously stormed the home of A.J. Nuckols, his wife, and their two children. As if the shock of having his house invaded by a SWAT team weren't enough, Nuckols had a second surprise: a celebrity sighting. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2006
Radley Balko
Government Goons Murder Puppies! Among hundreds of botched raids, the ones that are most disturbing are the ones where the SWAT officers shoot and kill the family dog. mark for My Articles similar articles Terrorism Or Crime? A Muslim convert who already was under federal investigation pleaded not guilty Tuesday in what police called a likely "political and religious" attack that killed a young soldier at a military recruiting center. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2009
Radley Balko
Bogus Bodega Busts Corrupt Philadelphia cops mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
November 28, 2006
Glenn Harlan Reynolds
SWAT Overkill: The Danger of a Paramilitary Police Force This guest editorial from a law professor and blogger argues that overaggressive tactics and surplus military gear have turned some police units into a dangerous menace. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 3, 2009
Trudy Schuett
SWAT team called out to serve warrant on alleged abuser If you're worried about mistreated children, wouldn't you try to minimize further trauma to the kids by keeping official intervention as peaceful as possible? mark for My Articles similar articles
June 30, 2005
Roy Mark
DOJ Hits Warez Networks Federal agents launch 70 raids aimed at first providers of illegally distributed copyrighted works. The arrested were all active on warez networks that distribute the copies illegally through the Internet. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2007
Radley Balko
Mixed-Up Raid Artists Under Attack: 30 police officers in SWAT gear stormed the studio of Atlanta's DJ Drama, one of the most influential hip-hop figures in the country. The raid was part of the recording industry's effort to crack down on the practice of selling mix-tape CDs. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2001
Charles Oliver
Brickbats Twelve of the most widely used middle-school science textbooks are riddled with errors... Shin pads cannot protect any part of the body they do not cover... Denver's no-knock drug raids don't correlate to prison sentences... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 13, 2008
Andy Patrizio
Raids May Signal Trouble For Intel's EU Case Investigators for the European Union antitrust office on Tuesday conducted a series of surprise raids at Intel offices in Germany and at the offices of three European computer retailers as part of its ongoing investigation into the chipmaker's business practices. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 26, 2000
Valeria Russ
My son loves cops How and when do I tell him about Amadou Diallo? mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2002
Jesse Walker
Policing Dissent Political spying rears its ugly head in Denver... mark for My Articles similar articles
June 23, 2008
Vince Beiser
Pistol Cam: When Cops Draw This Point-and-Shoot, Say Cheese In an effort to address public concerns about police accountability, the sheriff's department SWAT team in Orange County, New York, recently started packing cameras on their pistols. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2002
Michael W. Lynch
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January 19, 2005
Roy Mark
DOJ Scores First Criminal P2P Convictions The U.S. Department of Justice bagged its first-ever criminal convictions for peer-to-peer copyright theft Tuesday when two men arrested in last summer's Operation Digital Gridlock pleaded guilty. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
Joyce Lee Malcolm
Gun Control's Twisted Outcome Restricting firearms has helped make England more crime-ridden than the U.S. mark for My Articles similar articles
Aug/Sep 2001
Gene Callahan & William Anderson
The Roots of Racial Profiling Why are police targeting minorities for traffic stops? mark for My Articles similar articles
April 14, 2001
Earl Ofari Hutchinson
Cincinnati's killer cops Black leaders want the feds to investigate the city's trigger-happy police. They shouldn't hold their breath... mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2009
Quotes Comments on politics and drug raids. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
September 2004
Keith H. Hammonds
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