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Science News
August 26, 2000
Ivars Peterson
Scrambled Grids Amazingly simple mathematical operations can lead to intriguingly complex results. Consider, for instance, the iterative geometric process of creating flaky pastry dough... mark for My Articles similar articles
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April 27, 2002
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Getting Clobbered Clobber is a new two-person game that's easy to learn and fun to play and, for the mathematically inclined, rife with analytical possibility... mark for My Articles similar articles
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June 24, 2006
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Counting Franklin's Magic Squares One mathematician finds that Benjamin Franklin's remarkable magic squares are just three of more than 1 million possibilities. mark for My Articles similar articles
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July 5, 2003
Ivars Peterson
Alphamagic Squares Magic squares have fascinated people for thousands of years. They consist of a set of whole numbers arranged in a square so that the sum of the numbers is the same in each row, in each column, and along each diagonal. A twist on the concept, the alphamagic square, is interesting, too. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
January 20, 2004
M. David Stone
Create Columns Using Text Boxes In Word With text boxes, your graphics will stay where you put them in Microsoft Word. mark for My Articles similar articles
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May 6, 2000
Completing Latin Squares Latin Squares have proved useful for a variety of purposes. However, their generation is a "quasigroup completion problem" which can involve difficult computation and a phase transition. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
September 22, 2001
Ivars Peterson
Sand Drawings and Mirror Curves To accompany the telling of a story or recounting of a fable, men of the Chokwe people in south-central Africa traditionally made sand drawings, called sona, to illustrate the tale. These highly stylized geometric illustrations also served as memory aids... mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
August 12, 2000
Ivars Peterson
Art of the Grid The practice of laying a grid on top of a drawing, then painstakingly copying each line of the drawing to the corresponding cell of a blank grid has a long history in both mathematics and art. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Real Estate Investor
December 1, 2004
Jim Popp
Don't Let Assessors Box You In Stand-alone retail boxes are among the least complex types of real estate. However, these boxes are often misunderstood and, as a result, overvalued by property tax authorities. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
June 25, 2005
Ivars Peterson
Magic Squares of Squares People have been toying with magic squares for more than 2,000 years--setting themselves increasingly difficult challenges to find arrays of numbers that fit given patterns. Here are some examples. mark for My Articles similar articles