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May 19, 2008
Ross Bonander
Fatherhood Guide: Affection Showing affection is a challenging area of parenting, but this is not uncommon; for many loving and caring fathers, showing their affection represents the most challenging aspect of parenting. mark for My Articles similar articles
Ross Bonander
Fatherhood Guide: Discipline This article addresses the fine line of disciplining your child. Discipline relates to children of all ages, but the following article will be most helpful to fathers of children under the age of 10. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2002
How to Teach Good Behavior: Tips for Parents Children must be taught good behavior so they can live and work well in society when they grow up. Good teaching includes rewards for good behavior. Your child's age should guide your choice of ways to teach. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 5, 2001
Vatche Bartekian
Learn To Be A Better Father Don't worry guys; it's not all that bad. Follow these simple rules and you'll be on your way to discovering a whole new side to life with children.... mark for My Articles similar articles
The Family Room
Siggie Cohen
A Tantrum: Oh, please, not another tantrum! A tantrum is what some of us learn to live with as part of raising children, as part of our daily routine. A tantrum is not what we rush to tell our friends about.... mark for My Articles similar articles
June 25, 2007
Tony Zizza
50 Cent: Just Another Child Support Victim? 50 Cent appears to be just another child support victim in this confused culture of ours. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Family Room
Ann Douglas
How to Encourage Your Older Child to Welcome The New Baby mark for My Articles similar articles
Julian Marcus
12 Traits Of A Great Father A good father makes all the difference in a child's life. He's a pillar of strength, support and discipline. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
May 1, 2001
Learning About ADHD in Children ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is a common health problem in children. Children with ADHD are hyperactive--they can't sit still. They are also impulsive and easily distracted. They have trouble coping at school and at home... mark for My Articles similar articles
April 20, 2001
Jennifer Foote Sweeney
The day-care scare, again If the care of anyone but Mom really makes kids more aggressive, why don't researchers propose reform? And if it doesn't, why don't they stop scaring us? mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
Cathy Young
Dad Blood If DNA tests prove that you're not your children's father, do you still owe child support? mark for My Articles similar articles
June 1, 2005
Letter: Sperm Donation Besides the reasonable assumption that a child is best raised by two adults, which may not always occur in a sperm donation situation, I think it's better for the child when they are partly raised by their own father as an additional parent. mark for My Articles similar articles
Michael Estrin
Paying Child Support 101 Though the laws vary from state to state and each case is different, it's important to know a few things about the general process so you can protect yourself. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 8, 2004
K. C. Wilson
Child Support Deviation for CP's Tax Benefits You can easily lower your child support significantly at your next legal opportunity by asking for a deviation in consideration of the many tax benefits the custodial parent gets that already cover many child costs. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Family Room
Elizabeth Pantley
Encouraging a Child to Read mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
February 16, 2007
Mary Dalrymple
Debt and Kids These Days ... Tread carefully when considering whether to offer financial help to an adult child. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 14, 2006
Leving & Sacks
New Report: Foster Care System Disregards Fathers America's child welfare policies are seriously misguided. When a mother is deemed unfit to care for her children, dad shouldn't be just one option out of many. He should be first in line. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 24, 2000
Beth Broeker
Richard knows best The naked schemer of "Survivor" answers to child abuse charges -- with a confession. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
April 4, 2004
Marty Nemko
Quick Fix: Are You Raising a Slacker? If your adult child is slacking, it may be partly your fault. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Family Room
Amy Coggins
15 Ways To Thank Your Child mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2005
Sleepwalking in Children A patient guide to this phenomenon, why it occurs and what a care-giver should do when it happens. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 10, 2004
K.C. Wilson
Paternity Fraud: Female Violence Against Men Any fraud a man commits is called a crime. In forty-six states, the one exclusive to women is protected. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2006
Nichole L. Torres
Like a Kid Again Can thinking like a child help your business? mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
May 31, 2006
Dan Caplinger
Estate Planning: Bringing Up a Child A successful estate plan must ensure that no matter what happens to the parent, there is a plan in place to care for the child's financial needs. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2005
Nightmares and Night Terrors in Children A guide to nightmares, night terrors; why they happen and what to do when they occur. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 9, 2001
Suzy Hansen
The myth of the deadbeat dad A researcher who interviewed black fathers who don't live with their kids talks about their surprising views on parenting... mark for My Articles similar articles
The Family Room
Elizabeth Pantley
To Spank or Not to Spank? We tend to parent the way we were parented. Somewhere along the line parents need to stop the pattern. They need to evaluate their child-rearing methods, especially checking for those destructive practices that they may be following simply out of habit... mark for My Articles similar articles
The Family Room Are Your Kids Anxious for Christmas to Come? It is easy for adults to forget how excited children become when the arrival of Christmas draws near. Of course the children only seem to think about the presents, but it is actually more than that... mark for My Articles similar articles
June 23, 2004
K. C. Wilson
Don't Use Mediation for Divorce Mediators sincerely believe they provide something different. Unfortunately, it is in form, not substance. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Family Room
December 2000
Teresa Higginbotham
Give Your Children the Gift of Thrift Here are a few ways to teach your children about money... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2007
Amblyopia ("Lazy Eye") in Your Child A patient guide: What is amblyopia?... What causes amblyopia?... How can I tell if my child has amblyopia?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Family Room
November 2000
Mia Cronan
Discipline is Not a Dirty Word Discipline does not automatically mean punishment. Oftentimes, it involves disciplining ourselves first, before we expect trained behavior to appear in our children... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 15, 2003
What to Do When Your Child Refuses to Go to School What is school refusal?... What other problems are children with school refusal likely to have?... What should I do if my child refuses to go to school?... How will I know if my child is really sick?... How is school refusal treated?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 4, 1999
Alice Miller
The trauma of childhood The trauma of childhood: As long as they are loved, children can recover from abuse and even the horror of war. mark for My Articles similar articles
Investment Advisor
September 2009
James J. Green
Numerology: Kids Ain't Cheap The latest Department of Agriculture child-rearing study reports that a two-parent, middle-income family can expect to spend $221,190 to raise a child born in 2008. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 2, 2006
What to Save for College Though it's better to start early, it's probably not too late to begin saving. mark for My Articles similar articles
Ross Bonander
Fatherhood Guide: Communication Communication is a challenging area of parenting, and many fathers struggle to communicate effectively with their children, so you're hardly alone. Proper communication will help you grow closer to your kids. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 15, 2005
What to Do If Your Child Swallows Something A hand-out for parents and caregivers of young children offering advice for this safety concern. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 1, 2006
Help for Your Child's Constipation A patient hand-out: Keep a positive attitude... Remember the way your child's body works... Keep a list of your child's bowel movements... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Family Room
Marty W. Stewart
Five Secrets for Parents to Help Encourage Responsible Use of the Internet As technology progresses and children find even more need to use the Internet, parents must develop clear-cut and consistent rules while children are online. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
August 18, 2007
Elizabeth Brokamp
The Best First Credit Card When the time comes for your child to have his or her first credit card, it's time for you to teach them to treat it with a healthy respect, and to beat the credit card companies at their own game by paying off the balance in full each month. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 30, 2004
Leving & Sacks
New Study Shows Child Support Guidelines in Need of Reform What rationale is there for California's child support guidelines if they serve to harm or drive away one of the two people who most love a child? mark for My Articles similar articles
December 15, 2004
Wendy McElroy
Agency Culpable in Child Support Scam Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson has asked the state's Human Services Department for a full report in how it not only became unwitting partners in a gross child-support fraud, but also how it resisted efforts to correct it. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 17, 2009
Wendy McElroy
Kids are like the Gorgon. Do not gaze too long. For many months I have been crying out against the political hysteria that currently surrounds issues of child abuse, child sexuality, etc. The witch hunt has made men into presumed criminals. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2, 2005
Jennifer Roback Morse
The True Cost of False Witness False or frivolous charges of child abuse play havoc with the family court system, and in the lives of many innocent people. At the very least, society needs to impose some penalty for inflicting those kinds of costs on others. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
May 15, 2005
Treating My Child's Asthma An informative hand-out aimed at the primary care-giver of an asthmatic child. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 25, 2005
Jennifer Roback Morse
Home Alone America Why can the policy wonks and public intellectuals not see the point of Mary Eberstadt's new book, Home Alone America? Many reviewers seem determined to miss the deep truth of this book: It would be better for both children and adults if more American parents were with their kids more of the time. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 16, 2005
Letter to the Editor: Feminism and Motherhood What the women's groups now want is control over the next generation of voters. They want to be able to mold the minds of today's children before they are old enough to vote. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 1, 2004
Bullying An informational guide to bullying including what you can do if your child is the victim or the perpetrator as well as various resources on the topic. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 15, 2004
K. C. Wilson
The Subversion of Child Support Child support in the U.S. would do better to assume no greater ambition than cover normal child costs. It would serve children better, which it is what it's supposed to do, not adult needs nor other social or economic agendas. mark for My Articles similar articles