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September 1, 2002
Thea Singer
The Innovation Factor: Your Brain on Innovation Want to know what makes a creative genius tick? Neuroscience gives us some clues. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
May 2013
Eliza Strickland
A Wiring Diagram of the Brain Advances in medical imaging allow the Human Connectome Project to map neural connections mark for My Articles similar articles
Technology Research News
October 3, 2005
Eric Smally
USC's Michael Arbib The Fletcher Jones Professor of Computer Science shares his views on trends in science and technology, his work, and the links between technology, neuroscience, and behavior. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
May 2012
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Scientists Map the Brain, Gene by Gene I'm in the dissection room of the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, and the scientist next to me is in a hurry. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Low-Power Chips to Model a Billion Neurons A miniature, massively parallel computer, powered by a million ARM processors, could produce the best brain simulations yet mark for My Articles similar articles
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HHMI Bulletin
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IEEE Spectrum
March 2012
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How to Control a Prosthesis With Your Mind New brain-machine interfaces that exploit the plasticity of the brain may allow people to control prosthetic devices in a natural way. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
August 8, 2011
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Popular Mechanics
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Chemistry World
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Jeanne Therese Andres
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August 18, 2011
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IEEE Spectrum
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Versace & Chandler
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IEEE Spectrum
May 2009
Prachi Patel
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HHMI Bulletin
May 2011
R. John Davenport
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Fast Company
Belle Beth Cooper
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Chemistry World
February 24, 2011
Carl Saxton
Mapping brain networks US scientists have created a model of the ring-shaped networks of neurons in the brain, which could help researchers to understand small changes within diseased brain cells. mark for My Articles similar articles
Scientific American
February 2009
Gary Stix
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Scientific American
April 2007
Michael Shermer
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March 2005
Richard Martin
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PC Magazine
November 29, 2006
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April 2005
Kenneth Silber
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HHMI Bulletin
Aug 2010
Virginia Hughes
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HHMI Bulletin
Winter 2013
Rabiya Tuma
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Popular Mechanics
November 18, 2009
Douglas Fox
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IEEE Spectrum
January 2010
Sally Adee
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HHMI Bulletin
May 2011
Corinna Wu
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Popular Mechanics
July 7, 2008
Erik Sofge
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National Defense
July 2011
Grace V. Jean
Think Again: Brain Models to Advance Decision Making Being able to understand and predict when and how that bias might interfere with the analytical process - and finding a way to mitigate it - could improve the accuracy and speed of intelligence information that military commanders ultimately rely upon to make critical decisions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
October 2008
Iconoclasts: The Top Five Creative Minds They do what others say can't be done. How? By seeing things differently. mark for My Articles similar articles
Psychology Today
Jul/Aug 2008
Rebecca Webber
Mesearch Some investigators take the quest for self-knowledge to the extreme: Meet five researchers who applied their scientific minds to the defining challenges in their own lives. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2007
Evan Ratliff
The Thinking Machine Jeff Hawkins created the Palm Pilot and the Treo. Now he says he's got the ultimate invention: software that mimics the human brain. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
October 2007
Morgen E. Peck
Researchers Testing New Electric Treatment for Migraines A small DC current through the skull seems to interrupt the headaches and may even prevent them mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
March 2, 2009
James Urquhart
Shining a light on neural activity US researchers have developed a new way to activate brain neurons that could lead to less invasive methods of restoring function in damaged nerves and brain tissue. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Daniel Carlat
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David Wolman
A Researcher's Puzzles Point to the Differences in the Autistic Brain Some scientists are setting aside the assumption that autistic brains are defective and instead focusing on how the autistic brain is different. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bernard Croisile
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Michael J Gelb
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September 30, 2002
Matthew Blakeslee
Madison Avenue and your brain New advances in neuroscience are explaining why people just do it, exactly as they're told to, when that commercial comes on. mark for My Articles similar articles
Technology Research News
February 25, 2004
Kimberly Patch
Model keeps virtual eyes right Researchers have developed a computer simulation of the areas in the primate brain that perform initial visual processing. "This model shows that very basic neural feature detectors may actually explain a lot of how attention is directed to particular objects in scenes," mark for My Articles similar articles
Financial Advisor
January 2012
Mitch Anthony
'I Saw The Movie' How your clients' brain circuitry may be short-circuiting their investment plans. mark for My Articles similar articles
Scientific American
July 2007
Michael Shermer
The Prospects for Homo economicus A new fMRI study debunks the myth that we are rational-utility money maximizers. mark for My Articles similar articles