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Fast Company
June 2012
Daniel Krieger
Progress Report: How Wicab's BrainPort Technology Gives Sight To The Blind When blind people use the BrainPort, both the somatosensory cortex and the visual cortex, usually active when the eyes are used, process information sent through the tongue. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
April 19, 2006
Bits & Bites v25n08 How fast does your brain process information? This website will tell answer that question. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 1, 2001
John Edwards
Eyesight to the Blind A team of researchers from three universities is working on artificial vision technologies that could one day detect visual patterns as effectively as the human brain... mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
June 1, 2009
Joe Pappalardo
Brain Man: Questions for Neuroergonomics Expert Raja Parasuraman It's a merger of neuroscience, the study of the brain, with ergonomics, the study of how to design systems and technologies to be more compatible with what we know about human capabilities and limitations. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
October 2, 2004
Skeptical Brains A link to a site dedicated to showcase recent media misinterpretations of brain studies. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
May 2012
Mark Anderson
This Is Your Brain on fMRI The science of mind reading is further along than you might think mark for My Articles similar articles
Bio-IT World
February 11, 2005
Kevin Davies
Bioinformatics on the Brain Adaptive selection: accelerated mutation rate produced humans' large brain. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
November 29, 2006
Brain Chip University of Washington researchers have demonstrated an implantable device in live animals that can record signals from one part of the brain and send the impulses to a different part of the brain. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bio-IT World
July 2005
DBS Model Full color illustrations of a deep brain stimulation system using a pulse generator in the chest and four electrodes in the brain. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2002
Neal Thompson
Strengthen the Muscle Between Your Ears True fitness follows the adage "Use it or lose it." Turns out the brain follows the same rule. Here's a two-part approach to brain development -- physical and mental -- which you can effortlessly incorporate into your existing workout plan. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 5, 2009
Arlene Weintraub
Brain Workouts Can games prevent cognitive decline? Several companies think they might. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Eric Hagerman
Don't Panic. It Makes You Stupid. Research finds that while a little nervousness can boost cognitive performance, periods of intense stress essentially turn us into Neanderthals. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 21, 2008
Steve Knopper
Think Positive, and You Will Get Smarter Learning new things actually strengthens your brain -- especially when you believe you can learn new things. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
October 22, 2015
MIT Press Updates Its Institutional Subscription Database MIT Press introduced enhancements to MIT CogNet, its institutional subscription database of six academic journals, 12 reference works, and 700-plus books in the cognitive sciences. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
September 27, 2006
But Can It Flip People Off? This robotic hand can play against you in a game of rock-paper-scissors. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
August 1, 2005
Ruth Halcomb
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Popular Mechanics
January 28, 2009
Andrew Moseman
Fringe Fact v. Fiction: Could Your Brain Actually Turn to Goo? In its 12th episode, Fringe brought back one of the all-time greatest, grossest sci-fi horrors: Liquefied brains. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bernard Croisile
5 Daily Brain Exercises Many men are devoted to exercise to bulk up their bodies, but the phrase "use it or lose it" also applies to the neural pathways and connections in our brains. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
October 2008
It's Just an Illusion See how our brain's shortcuts can work against us with the example of a famous optical illusion. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
July 2011
Grace V. Jean
Think Again: Brain Models to Advance Decision Making Being able to understand and predict when and how that bias might interfere with the analytical process - and finding a way to mitigate it - could improve the accuracy and speed of intelligence information that military commanders ultimately rely upon to make critical decisions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
May 2007
Mark Anthony
Proposing an Omega-3 Index In a review published in Cardiovascular Research, researchers proposed the creation of an omega-3 index as a way of guiding consumers to satisfy optimal omega-3 requirements. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nutra Solutions
January 1, 2005
Magnesium for Memory An MIT researcher says a study with rats indicates that magnesium makes the mature brain open for growth and change. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2006
Mark Henricks
Gray Matters As science unlocks more and more of your brain's secrets, learn how harnessing the power of your greatest asset can create a more productive, more persuasive, more competitive business. mark for My Articles similar articles
Scientific American
January 9, 2006
Philip E. Ross
Half-Brained Schemes If halving the brain of an epileptic child can suppress debilitating seizures without interfering with the development of normal intellectual abilities, what's all that gray matter good for, anyway? mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2007
Nancy Matsumoto
You Must Remember This A new generation of computer games can help you boost your memory. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jacob Franek
The Brain-Training Software Industry Use it or lose it. These are guiding words of wisdom when it comes to keeping your wits sharp, and it's a slogan that has spawned a massive brain-training software industry mark for My Articles similar articles
Technology Research News
February 25, 2004
Kimberly Patch
Model keeps virtual eyes right Researchers have developed a computer simulation of the areas in the primate brain that perform initial visual processing. "This model shows that very basic neural feature detectors may actually explain a lot of how attention is directed to particular objects in scenes," mark for My Articles similar articles
Jonathan Harvey
Improve Your Mind With Music Do you think it's possible to become smarter and think more clearly with music? Can someone become a more effective learner, reader and thinker without even breaking a sweat? mark for My Articles similar articles Foods To Boost Brain Power Check out this list, put together for AskMen by nutritionist Naomi Mead. mark for My Articles similar articles
Scientific American
July 2009
Charles Q. Choi
Being More Infantile May Have Led to Bigger Brains Genetic evidence suggests that juvenile traits helped separate chimps from us mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
February 11, 2013
Carmen Nobel
Neuroeconomics: Eyes, Brain, Business Economists have been paying increasing attention to how the brain works. Christine Looser discusses her research on how the brain detects aliveness and the possible implications for organizations and advertisers. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
June 18, 2005
Brain Aneurysms This Web site, maintained by the Brain Aneurysm Foundation, offers information on treatment options, recovery, support groups, and upcoming seminars for patients and family members with the condition. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2009
Leigh Buchanan
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Fast Company
Chris Gayomali
Do Brainpower Apps Really Make You Smarter? Along with Lumosity and CogniFit, Fit Brains Trainer is one of the key players in the market for cognitive-training platforms ostensibly designed to keep your mind sharp. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 25, 2008
David Wolman
A Researcher's Puzzles Point to the Differences in the Autistic Brain Some scientists are setting aside the assumption that autistic brains are defective and instead focusing on how the autistic brain is different. mark for My Articles similar articles
Science News
November 3, 2007
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April 2005
Kenneth Silber
Are We Just Really Smart Robots? Two books on the mind put the human back into human beings: On Intelligence, by Jeff Hawkins with Sandra Blakeslee... Mind: A Brief Introduction, by John R. Searle... mark for My Articles similar articles
HHMI Bulletin
May 2011
Sarah C.P. Williams
Nourishing Neural Stem Cells with CSF Inside your skull, your brain is floating in a clear liquid. This liquor cerebrospinalis, or cerebrospinal fluid, until recently was considered simply cushioning for the brain. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bio-IT World
January 21, 2005
Kevin Davies
Allen Brain Institute Debuts 'Google for Gene Activity' The Allen Institute for Brain Science has released its first set of gene-expression data in the brain for nearly 2,000 mouse genes. The data will have important relevance for the study of brain function, disease, and the role of genes in governing human behavior. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
September 24, 2008
Kate Schweitzer
Fringe's Brain Science Flirts with Facts in 3rd Episode This week's episode of J.J. Abrams' sci-fi hit Fringe was full of situations in need of a reality check. We check in with a neurologist to debunk more of the show's junk science. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 16, 2008
Kenneth Corbin
Point, Click, Save Your Brain New study suggests link between Internet activity and mental acuity. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 19, 2008
3 Smart Things About Music Derivations of musical scale pitches... Brain activity during music improvisation... Getting music stuck in your head is really a glitch in the brain... mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
July 13, 2005
Sebastian Rupley
Mind Meld: The First Computer-Based Human Brain Model IBM and researchers will collaborate to create the first complete computer-based model of a human brain. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
January 2006
Lucas Conley
Getting Inside Your Head A company that "fingerprints" brain activity to gauge emotional responses has attracted interest from Madison Ave. to the CIA. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jacob Franek
Working Out At The Brain Gym A new form of fitness is being offered in a different kind of gym -- a gym for the mind. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
February 24, 2011
Carl Saxton
Mapping brain networks US scientists have created a model of the ring-shaped networks of neurons in the brain, which could help researchers to understand small changes within diseased brain cells. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2007
Evan Ratliff
The Thinking Machine Jeff Hawkins created the Palm Pilot and the Treo. Now he says he's got the ultimate invention: software that mimics the human brain. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
March 2012
Jose M. Carmena
How to Control a Prosthesis With Your Mind New brain-machine interfaces that exploit the plasticity of the brain may allow people to control prosthetic devices in a natural way. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
November 5, 2014
James Heskett
Are We Entering an Era of Neuromanagement? Will you be taking a brain-scan for your next job interview? What is the emerging world of neuromanagement and what does it mean? mark for My Articles similar articles
September 25, 2006
Catherine Arnst
Chicken Soup For The Aging Brain The disputed idea that mental exercise can turn back time has launched an industry. mark for My Articles similar articles