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Food Engineering
September 29, 2008
Tech Flash Vol. 4 No. 13 Tyson Foods enters Brazilian poultry industry... DuPont opens India corn research center... E. coli flashes a red light... Firewalls and plant floor security... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
January 6, 2008
Regulatory Watch Push for larger FDA food safety budget... Study urged on food from cloned animal... mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
September 16, 2008
Tech Flash Vol. 4 No. 12 Canada plagued by foodborne illness outbreaks... Cloning still banned in US, and now EU... Tyson expands operations in China... Does Stevia need more research?... US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency steps up worksite enforcement... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
October 1, 2005
Wayne Labs
Process Control Performance Management If you've been waiting to update your control technologies just to satisfy the government, you might want to rethink your goals in terms of maximizing your profits. Manufacturers that have already updated now have the edge. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
February 9, 2006
FE TechFlash Stainless robotic dairy application debuts at Dean Foods... Milk producers take issue with low-carb dairy beverage pricing... Food industry consolidation creates jobs... Food safety remains top priority at USDA... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
August 7, 2007
Tech Flash Vol. 3 No. 8 Kroger to curtail rBST in mil... PLCs still going strong... Rising commodity prices hike European prices... Food Safety across the pond... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
June 26, 2008
Tech Flash Vol. 4 No. 8 Stop using corn for ethanol!... Is dieting on the way out?... Chemists help with healthier foods... Kraft spins off Post cereals... Automation news... Food safety news... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
April 2, 2007
Redefining Process Control The new, connected world of supply chains is redefining the way food processors do business, and it's also redefining the expectations of process control systems to meet new business demands. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
May 1, 2005
7th Annual Essential Guide to Manufacturing Software: Think of 21 CFR as win-win The latest software performs double duty: helping food processors and transporters respond to FDA demands and helping to control inventory, energy costs and security. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
January 1, 2007
Wayne Labs
Implementing Best Practices Applying a best practices strategy in parallel with an automation strategy can enhance your competitive edge. But one size doesn't fit all. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
April 17, 2008
Tech Flash Volume 4, No. 4 CDC unsure of progress in fighting foodborne illnesses... Robots do the heavy lifting... Corn prices too high?... People, plant and industry news... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
February 1, 2007
Regulatory Watch FDA finds meat and milk from animal clones is as safe to eat as from conventionally bred animals. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
March 11, 2009
Tech Flash Vol. 5 No. 5 FDA Recall tool online... Food and beverage market holds its own in economic crisis... FDA limited in dietary supplement/food regulation... China steps up food safety... Pilgrim's Pride idles three plants... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
July 20, 2006
FE TechFlash Restaurant industry disses it role in the debate over obesity... Roadblock at WTO talks... Milk price formulas long overdue, says IDFA... New guidance aids food safety... Are minerals the 'new plastic'?... People, plant and industry news... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
April 4, 2006
John Blanchard
Giant steps in plant floor control Factory floor control and information systems play a critical role in plant floor performance and manufacturing responsiveness. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
June 1, 2005
Kevin T. Higgins
Automation's Achilles' Heel Food plant engineers may shrug with indifference at the issue of controls-system security. But while networked systems, remote diagnostics and processing-floor visibility offer great benefits, the enabling technology can be a gateway for malicious intent. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
September 1, 2005
Raising the bar on batch processing For this Maryland-based processor, automation software has increased blending efficiency for complex batch processing of flour and flour-based products. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
July 2006
Mike Pehanich
Extreme makeover: Plant edition Need to give your food plant a facelift? Start with materials and designs that spell safety, cleanliness and a "spankin' new look." mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
October 14, 2008
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Food Engineering
May 14, 2009
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Food Processing
February 2008
Ingredients from Where? A flattening world, consumer price resistance and overtaxed regulators require new approaches to ensure the safety of imported food ingredients. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Engineering
January 1, 2009
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Food Engineering
June 4, 2007
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Food Engineering
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Wayne Labs
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Food Engineering
March 1, 2008
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Food Processing
January 2006
Mike Pehanich
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Food Engineering
October 29, 2008
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Food Engineering
August 12, 2009
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Food Processing
February 2008
David Feder
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Food Engineering
May 1, 2005
John Blanchard
Beyond the Bioterrorism Act What you need to know about the final rule and additional initiatives to meet the intent of the Bioterrorism Act -- particularly Section 306, which relates directly to those who manufacture, process, pack, transport, distribute, receive, hold, or import food products. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
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April 1, 2003
John Teresko
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Food Engineering
March 1, 2007
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Food Processing
February 2011
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Prepared Foods
October 2007
Mark Hostetler
Article: Regulations: Scientific Health Claims Review FDA's draft guidance on evidence-based health claims is aimed to help producers evaluate and understand the strength of evidence in supporting health claims. mark for My Articles similar articles