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PC Magazine
November 15, 2006
Bill Machrone
Dual-Core? Why Not Four? The first quad-core chips will go into servers, computer clusters, scientific workstations, and video editing systems. Look for them in desktops and notebooks by 2008 or 2009. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 31, 2011
Microsoft Courts Intel, AMD for 16-Core Servers As it looks to cut energy consumption and boost power at its expanding global data centers, Microsoft is in talks with leading chip markers for 16-core server processors. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
January 10, 2007
Cade Metz
CPU Road Map 2007: Quad Core and More Intel's new quad-core processor? That's just a start. The big chip-makers are hard at work on the next generation of high-speed silicon -- and the generation after that... mark for My Articles similar articles
July 18, 2005
Clint Boulton
VMware Enjoys The Power of Two Virtualization software maker VMware embraces dual-core chips, which are quickly becoming all the rage in the industry. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 4, 2004
Stephen H. Wildstrom
Those Superfast Chips: Too Darn Hot Cooling today's fastest chips is becoming a challenge in even the biggest desktop towers. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
February 2006
Tom Mainelli
Coming: Quad-Core CPUs AMD and Intel have plans to produce competing CPUs equipped with four processor cores. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
November 2, 2011
Evan Niu
HP Goes Arm in Arm With ARM HP introduces a new server offering based on ARM chip architecture and threatens to eat Intel's pie. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
August 21, 2002
Martyn Williams
AMD Launches Speedier Athlons AMD's new Athlon XP processors, which will be available next month, will run at speeds of 2 GHz and 2.133 GHz. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
March 22, 2005
Michael J. Miller
Two Cores Are Better than One This year, the high end of the market moves to microprocessors with multiple cores--single chips that contain the guts of two or more chips. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
May 2012
Rachel Courtland
The Battle Between ARM and Intel Gets Real ARM servers and Intel smartphones are coming soon mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
September 25, 2008
Anders Bylund
Don't Keep Virtualization Invisible! The chipmakers haven't done enough to help us maximize our hardware budgets. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 25, 2005
Clint Boulton
IDC: Multi-core Processing to Jolt Industry Analysts believe chips with more than one core will create new revenue opportunities for vendors and cost savings for users. Vendors are experimenting with pricing schemes, which have not yet been standardized across the industry. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 14, 2011
Ian King & Ari Levy
Tilera's Chip for the Cloud Computing Age The Silicon Valley startup says its new design will be faster and more energy-efficient than Intel's best mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
November 1, 2001
Dan Neel
Intel Plans to Push Pentiums to 3 GHz By the end of next year, chip giant hopes fastest Pentium 4 processors will be ready to sell... mark for My Articles similar articles
December 22, 2006
Catherine Pickavet
Multi-Core Enters The Mainstream Looking Back: Mainstream computer makers show single-core processors the door, as energy efficiency and other considerations spur a move to multi-core systems. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
November 28, 2007
Domingo & Cheng
CPU Road Map 2008: Maxing Out Moore's Law 2007's big stories were Intel's move from dual-core to multicore processors and AMD's move to 65 nm. We look ahead to see what's next for the dueling chip manufacturers. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
September 10, 2007
Anders Bylund
AMD's Barcelona: Power-Sipping Data Center Dominator The new Barcelona processor is AMD's most ambitious release in years, and the company's future is hanging in the balance of its success. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
July 18, 2006
Dan Bloom
ARM Plugs Chips' Leaks ARM and Taiwan Semi team up to produce a low-power chip. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 15, 2005
Clint Boulton
Oracle Easing Multi-Core License Terms The changes could curb criticism from customers who protested paying for each socket or core in a multi-core chip. Intel and AMD also sell multi-core chips, and use more consumer-friendly pricing plans. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
March 13, 2002
Cara Garretson
Newest Athlon Hits 1.73 GHz AMD introduces three CPUs already powering systems from Compaq, Fujitsu, and NEC... mark for My Articles similar articles
January 8, 2010
Marvel Armada Processors Go Quad-Core What has four ARMs and hopefully a lot of legs? Marvell's new embedded chips. But who needs all that power? mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 30, 2006
Jack Uldrich
IBM to Chips: Cool It! Big Blue's new chip-cooling technique could keep Moore's Law on track. IBM's system, while not yet ready for commercial production, is reportedly so efficient that officials expect it will double cooling efficiency. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
September 21, 2004
Dual to the Core AMD and Intel intend to go head-to-head with processors that have dual computing circuitry. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 24, 2005
Michael Singer
AMD Challenges Intel to a Dual AMD jumps ahead of Intel's announcements next week with a demonstration of its dual-core, 64-bit processor. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 21, 2005
Michael Singer
AMD Launching Dual-Core Opteron, Athlon AMD is launching its first dual-core x86 64-bit chip for servers and workstations. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
July 2012
Rachel Courtland
Power-Saving Clock Scheme in New PCs Resonant clocking recycles energy in new AMD processors mark for My Articles similar articles
February 7, 2007
Andy Patrizio
AMD Bumps Opteron Speed Up, Power Drain Down Higher clock speed comes despite lowering the power envelope for the dual-core Opteron. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
January 20, 2011
Anders Bylund
AMD Attacks the Mobile Space More evidence that the company's board made a bad move. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
May 12, 2004
Michael J. Miller
Good-Bye, Gigahertz Processor speed matters less, these days, and the chips are heading in new directions... The U.S. needs to work on broadband access... Google deserves kudos, not complaints... mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
June 1, 2005
Bill Machrone
The Microprocessor Is Dead Here and now, dual-CPU chips beat the stuffing out of any single-CPU chip on any multithreaded benchmark test or application. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 11, 2005
Michael Singer
Game Over For Intel Single Core Development The transition is under way toward the multi-core and multi-threaded Pentium D and Extreme Edition chips. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
January 27, 2006
Jack Uldrich
Intel: Smaller Is Better A new 45-nanometer chip could give Intel a big technical advantage. The news won't immediately stem Intel's market-share losses or ignite a rally in its stock price, but it will certainly keep the heat on AMD. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
May 7, 2002
Dan Neel
Intel Powers up Three Speedier Processors Latest Pentium 4 processors are designed to power high-end PCs, running at speeds as high as 2.53 GHz... mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 12, 2011
Anders Bylund
Can AMD's Bulldozer Flatten Intel? Put the Jersey walls away -- Intel won't be needing them. Advanced Micro Devices has introduced the first processors based on the Bulldozer chip architecture, under the FX product banner. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 29, 2007
Andy Patrizio
AMD's Barcelona Due In August AMD said today it will ship its quad-core Barcelona Opteron processors in August. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
September 13, 2011
Mark Hachman
AMD Chips Top 8.4 GHz, a New Speed Record AMD said Tuesday that the company's FX processors had been overclocked to an astounding 8.429 GHz. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 22, 2007
Andy Patrizio
Multi-core! What Is It Good For? What's the killer app for multi-core? There is no single answer. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
August 25, 2005
Tarek Sultani
Intel's Three-Pronged Attack In an effort to maintain an edge in the fight with AMD, Intel just launched a three-pronged offensive by announcing a trio of new chips that will increase power and efficiency. mark for My Articles similar articles
Wall Street & Technology
October 17, 2007
Penny Crosman
What Can AMD and Intel's Quad-Core Chips Do for Wall Street Firms? New chips offer the ability to run Wall Street applications faster and consolidate servers. But they also may require old applications to be rewritten. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 7, 2004
Michael Singer
Intel Changes Course on Desktop, Server Chips Production on key Pentium lines will end as chipmaker shifts to dual core processors. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 18, 2004
Rich Duprey
Intel on the Outs? The industry giant announces still another miscue as it cancels an anticipated faster chip. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 11, 2007
Andy Patrizio
First Penryn Chips With 'Reinvented Transistor' Intel on Monday will begin shipping its Penryn line of processors to computer makers, who are all expected to announce system availability as well. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 21, 2005
Stephen H. Wildstrom
Laptop Batteries That Last All Day? Demands on your system are rising, and Intel has no choice but to make faster hardware. Reviews of three laptops running on the newest Pentium M chips, code-named Sonoma, and a preview of 2006. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
October 15, 2002
Tom Mainelli
Banias: The Mobile Chip to Beat? Analysts are impressed with mobile processor's combination of performance, low power consumption. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
August 19, 2002
Tom Krazit
Both Intel, AMD Ready New CPUs Pentium 4 to hit 2.8 GHz, and a pair of Athlon XP chips is due to ship this month. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
January 10, 2007
Lower Speed=Faster Chips? Why are processor speeds getting lower? mark for My Articles similar articles
January 10, 2006
Clint Boulton
AMD Chip Guns For Gamers AMD answers Intel's 955 Pentium gaming chip with one of its own, the Athlon 64 FX-60. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 5, 2005
Clint Boulton
IBM, HP to Embrace Xeon Dual-Core IBM and Hewlett Packard will launch servers based on Intel's dual-core Paxville chip, which will launch Monday. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
June 6, 2002
Sumner Lemon
AMD to Let Thoroughbred Loose Smaller, faster processor to debut on June 10. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
January 2011
Samuel K. Moore
Multicore CPUs: Processor Proliferation Stanford professor Kunle Olukotun and his students designed the first general-purpose multicore CPU. This idea, more than any other in the past decade, is what has kept the semiconductor industry climbing the performance curve. mark for My Articles similar articles