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IEEE Spectrum
March 2008
Willie D. Jones
Super Soaker Inventor Invents New Thermoelectric Generator Lonnie Johnson has moved on from high-powered squirt guns to a chip that converts heat from the sun into electricity. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
November 2008
Alex Hutchinson
Solar Thermal Power May Make Sun-Powered Grid a Reality For five decades solar technologies have delivered more promises than power. Now, new innovations are exiting the lab and plugging into the grid -- turning sunlight into serious energy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
March 20, 2013
Harriet Brewerton
Period heat source gives thermoelectric power a boost Scientists in the US have found a way to improve the efficiency of thermoelectric power generators -- devices designed to convert heat directly into electricity. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
November 2008
Logan Ward
Top 10 New World-Changing Innovations of the Year (With Videos!) This article salutes the innovators who are inventing the future. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
November 2006
Wise & Hutchinson
The Truth About Hydrogen Can the simplest element in the universe really power our homes, fuel our cars and reduce our contribution to global warming? PM crunches the numbers on the real hydrogen economy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
April 2011
Waste Not, Want Not Modern devices waste a lot of energy as heat, noise and vibration. Here's a look at a new breed of energy scavenging materials that could recapture some of it. mark for My Articles similar articles
Technology Research News
June 15, 2005
Power Sources: Fuel Cells, Solar Cells, Heat, Vibration and Fusion Summaries of how each of these power sources work to create energy. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
March 2008
Neil Savage
Random Nanostructure Boosts Thermoelectric Power Efficiency increase opens the door to many new applications for thermoelectric converters. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
February 15, 2007
Mike Norman
Shining a Light on Solar Power The use of solar energy for heating and for generating electricity is not new. However, the rise in oil prices and efforts to find clean, renewable energy sources are beginning to make this area an investor favorite. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
April 19, 2013
James Urquhart
Solar boost for gas power stations US researchers are developing a system that could boost the efficiency of gas-fired power plants while reducing their greenhouse emissions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
November 21, 2007
Logan Ward
MIT Team Turns Auto Parts Into Green Power for Remote Regions A group of recent graduates and grad students from MIT is reconfiguring parts from old cars to create a simple turbine that runs on the heat of the sun instead of the oil drum. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 16, 2010
Technology Would Power Cars with Auto Exhaust Developed by GM and Purdue University, system harvests heat from engine exhaust to generate electricity. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2009
Ronald Bailey
Energy Futures A quick guide to alternative energy sources we may see in the not-too-distant future. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 6, 2004
Otis Port
Another Dawn For Solar Power Tech breakthroughs and high energy prices are rekindling the industry. mark for My Articles similar articles
Industrial Physicist
Oct/Nov 2004
Jesse H. Ausubel
Big Green Energy Machines Zero-emission power plants and Continental SuperGrids can multiply the power of the energy system 5-10 times while shrinking it in a revolutionary way. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
August 1, 2008
Alex Hutchinson
Is MIT's Latest Solar 'Breakthrough' All Hype or a New Hope? MIT announced on Thursday afternoon a new method of splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen, predicting that it will unleash a "solar revolution." And they're partly right. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
September 26, 2007
James Mitchell Crow
Interview: Energy Research Lights up Both a professor of Energy and Chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Daniel Nocera talks about his research into harnessing solar energy to make fuel from water. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
October 13, 2008
Alex Hutchinson
Inside Solar Power's Top 5 Next Game-Changing Technologies A detailed analysis of the green industry's real priorities for fulfilling the promise of making solar energy cheaper. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 24, 2007
Roberts et al.
4 Technologies on the Brink Wind energy, geothermal power, solar power, and synthetic fuel are the focus of scientists seeking alternative energy sources. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
January 2008
Neil Savage
Silicon Nanowires Turn Heat to Electricity Thermoelectric converters could tap waste heat from power plants and microchips. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2005
Spencer Reiss
The Dotcom King & the Rooftop Solar Revolution Idealab impresario Bill Gross couldn't wait for the dawn of the sun age. So he built a high-energy, low-cost solar concentrator that will fit on your roof. And overthrow the powers that be. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
September 2006
Grace Jean
Fuel Cell Technology Positioned as Viable Alternative to Generators Developers of fuel cell technologies are confident that they can answer the call for "more power on the battlefield." mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2005
David H. Freedman
Looking Into the Sun If David Slawson is right about solar power, our days of oil dependency are numbered. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
January 2008
Willie D Jones
Synthetic Fuel From a Solar Collector Solar energy powers greenhouse-gas-free synthetic fuel production in Sandia experiment mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
August 2008
Grace V. Jean
Harnessing the Sun's Energy Through Transparent Photovoltaics Researchers here have developed a small transparent solar cell prototype that may one day capture sunlight streaming in through a window and produce enough electricity to power homes and office buildings. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
June 1, 2005
Bob Hirschfeld
Can Green (Energy) Beget Green ($)? It's telling that even the oil-heavy American Stock Exchange has given a nod to the rising importance of green energy, introducing the PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy Index. mark for My Articles similar articles
Chemistry World
January 9, 2008
Lewis Brindley
A Silicon Surprise Two teams of US scientists have demonstrated silicon-based 'thermoelectric' materials that could convert waste heat back into electricity. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
August 5, 2010
Eric Wesoff
Can a Disruptive PV Technology Topple First Solar? We list a few candidates for a "new black swan improbable pyro-nano-quantum-thingamajig technology" to displace thin-film PV. mark for My Articles similar articles
Technology Research News
December 1, 2004
Kimberly Patch
Solar Cell Doubles as Battery Scientists have designed a single, compact device that can both convert solar energy to electricity and store the electricity. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2014
Yasmin Tadjdeh
New Energy Technologies Could Provide Military With Inexhaustible Power Sources The Defense Department will need renewable energy sources that can juice up soldier equipment, sustain weapon systems and power bases, all while reducing the department's logistical tail and reliance on fossil fuels. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
April 4, 2008
Jim Louderback
Next-Gen Solar Heats Up Thin-film solar panels are a real breakthrough, built via a futuristic mashup of ink jet printing technology, aluminum foil, and space-age chemical compounds. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2006
Stephen L. Gillett
A Nanotechnology Revolution for the Geosciences Wastewater streams, acid-mine drainage, seawater, concentrated natural brines such as those in oilfields or saline lakes -- sometimes viewed now as problems -- all could become potential sources of materials with the help of nanotechnology. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
June 2012
Dave Levitan
The Solar Efficiency Gap Companies continue to push solar-cell efficiency records toward theoretical limits. Are actual production-line solar panels keeping up? mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
Daniel Terdiman
IBM: Data Centers Could Cool Themselves With Their Own Waste Heat The centers, which use tremendous amounts of energy, will become far more efficient if "waste heat" generated by churning data centers can be converted into cool air. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
June 14, 2011
Travis Hoium
Which Solar Technology Will Win? Thin film, polysilicon, and solar thermal are battling for the future of solar power. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2005
David Pimentel
Weighing in on Renewable Energy Efficiency With our supply of fossil fuels running out, the author tells us about alternative energy sources: biomass, biodiesel, hydroelectric, wind, hydrogen and photovoltaics. He ends with comments on the European lifestyle. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
October 2005
Prachi Patel-Predd
Juice From Solar Concentrate Taking a new approach to solar conversion, using advanced materials and solar-concentrator technology, researchers are developing a system that promises to be cheaper and smarter. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
August 2011
Neil Savage
Solar Cell Breaks Efficiency Record Recycling photons raises the energy output. mark for My Articles similar articles
This Old House
May 2007
Max Alexander
Solar Hot Water A brilliant way to cut as much as 80 percent off your water-heating bills is to use a solar hot-water system. It doesn't use any fossil fuels and it doesn't cause any pollution. You don't even need to live in a sunny climate. mark for My Articles similar articles
Scientific American
August 2008
Mark Fischetti
Working Knowledge: Home Heating Pumps That Warm and Cool By extracting warmth and coolness from the outside air or ground, heat pumps can provide greater efficiency and lower cost over the long haul. mark for My Articles similar articles
Fast Company
April 2005
Michael A. Prospero
Innovation Scorecard Four companies top the list for innovation in the area of alternative and renewable energy. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
August 2010
Ellen Kathrine Hansen
Denmark's Net-Zero-Energy Home With Home for Life, VKR Holding aims to bring carbon-neutral houses to the masses mark for My Articles similar articles
May 1, 2005
Jill Jusko
DOE Partners In Energy Projects Focus is on combustion engines and heat conversion projects to develop more fuel-efficient passenger and commercial vehicles. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2001
Irene E. McDermott
The Internet Express - I got the power: alternative energy resources on the web... mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
July 3, 2008
Mike Allen
The Truth About Water-Powered Cars: Mechanic's Diary From a startup snagging headlines to DIYers posting plans, water-powered cars have been all over the Web recently -- not to mention stuffing my email inbox. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
February 6, 2008
Toby Shute
Innovation Series: Solar Energy Over the next several years, industry analysts peg the growth of the solar market at around 50% per annum. Read on for an overview of this fast-growing sector. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
December 2012
Richard Stevenson
Powerful PVs Approach 50 Percent Efficiency Start-up Solar Junction thinks it has the right recipe in a triple-cell scheme mark for My Articles similar articles
National Real Estate Investor
June 1, 2005
Henry Springs
Savings Under the Sun Escalating energy costs are driving the development of new solar technologies, and the Vista Montana apartment complex in Watsonville, Calif., is testing just how far the sun will go. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2005
John A. Turner
The Sustainable Hydrogen Economy The major issue facing United States and most other countries in the world is how to supply transportation fuel. Hydrogen, as part of a sustainable energy supply, can meet the challenge of a domestically produced energy carrier that can replace gasoline, and can additionally address carbon dioxide and other emissions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
June 9, 2008
Emily Masamitsu
New Solar Thermal Rig Makes Clean Energy Easy as Boiling Water Ausra, of Palo Alto, Calif., has built a prototype of a system that will become the largest solar thermal energy facility in the United States. mark for My Articles similar articles