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Popular Mechanics
January 26, 2010
Chris Sweeney
The World's 18 Strangest Tunnels: Gallery The tourist and traveler can learn about tunnels all over the world and their unique features and background. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 21, 2007
Julian Smith
Quake Fears, Ancient Finds Have Europe-Asia Tunnel on Nonstop Delay The Marmaray tunnel project is ambitious enough to worry even the most experienced engineers, but its location could give a seismologist night sweats. All this work is taking place just 12 miles from the North Anatolian Fault, Eurasia's version of the San Andreas. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
December 8, 2009
Erik Sofge
The Top 5 Engineering Projects of 2009 These projects involved tunnels, bridges, earthquake proofing, and environmental enhancements. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
March 2011
Steven Cherry
High-Speed Rail Is in High Gear China and Spain lead in new construction mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2003
Fred Hapgood
Sub-Urban Renewal Thanks to new tunneling technologies, real estate trends are down. Way down. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
August 2012
Eric Beidel
Giant Plug May Help Stop Mass Transit Disasters The DHS Science and Technology Directorate earlier this year successfully tested its resilient tunnel plug, a giant inflatable stopper that can be used to keep gushing water or chemical and biological agents from spreading throughout transit tunnels. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2003
Megan Sever
Biblical tunnel timing The Siloam Tunnel in Jerusalem, Israel, was actually built when the Bible says it was, according to new geological dating. The first well-identified biblical structure to be radiometrically dated, the man-made tunnel is around 2,700 years old. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2002
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Runaway Train First railway track started doubling every 18 months. Then things really got weird... mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
January 2009
Magnuson & Rusling
DHS Testing Specialized Plug to Contain Subway Fires Researchers at West Virginia University and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are developing a "tunnel plug" that would stop fires from spreading in underground train stations. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
July 2006
Stew Magnuson
Hunters Unearth Smuggling Tunnels Authorities along the border with Mexico have uncovered the longest underground smuggling passageway discovered by law enforcement so far. Training and technology used to hunt tunnels along the Mexican and Canadian borders has immediate applications in Southwest Asia. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 15, 2003
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome What is carpal tunnel syndrome?... What are some symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?... How does my doctor know that I have carpal tunnel syndrome?... How is carpal tunnel syndrome treated?... What is carpal tunnel release surgery?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 1, 2004
Eurotunnel's Latest Financial Crunch Unless creditors approve a new agreement, the operator of the English Channel tunnel will be unable to meet debt payments coming due in early 2006. mark for My Articles similar articles
High on Adventure
August 2005
Rosen & Giordano
Biking the Hiawatha Trail Highlights, history and "how to" information are provided for those interested in biking the Hiawatha Trail. The route, near the Montana-Idaho border, was once one of the most scenic train rides in the world. mark for My Articles similar articles