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July 6, 2006
Clint Boulton
Microsoft Backs Open Document Format Microsoft said it has formed the Open XML Translator project, an initiative to build a bridge between Microsoft's own Office Open XML document format and the ODF. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2, 2007
Michael Hickins
Microsoft Produces One-Way ODF Translator Microsoft has produced a translator allowing competing word processing programs to read Open XML Word documents. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 17, 2007
Clint Boulton
Microsoft Steps Up With OpenDocument Format Microsoft Corp. today voted to support the addition of the OpenDocument Format 1.0 to the non-exclusive American National Standards list. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 7, 2006
Clint Boulton
Open Docs Faithful Tell Microsoft to Cut The FUD Microsoft's pledge to provide open-source plug-ins that form a bridge between the Open Document Format (ODF) and its own Open XML format caused a stir among standards experts from companies that back ODF. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 5, 2006
Clint Boulton
Open Documents Get Unanimous Nod The International Standards Organization blessed the OpenDocument Format in a rousing 23-0 vote this week, making the digital document format a worldwide standard. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 3, 2006
Clint Boulton
Tech Rallies Around Open Document Format Several high profile and groups have banded together to show solidarity for the OpenDocument Format, a collection of office document formats to help organizations share digital information. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 7, 2006
Michael Hickins
Microsoft Office Open XML Sparks Standards Fight The Ecma standards organization approved Microsoft's document format, opening the door for certification by ISO, which has already approved a competing standard. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
November 28, 2005
Richard W. Wiggins
British Library and Others Join Microsoft in Document Standards Effort Seeking to promote digital preservation of documents composed in Microsoft Office formats, the British Library and a number of other enterprises have joined Microsoft's effort to define a new standard for Office Open XML. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 28, 2007
Michael Hickins
Microsoft Closer on 'Office Open' Blessing Microsoft is one step closer to having its Office Open XML format adopted as an international standard in short order. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 7, 2007
Michael Hickins
Microsoft's New Standard Stumbles The Open Office XML format that Microsoft has proposed may not get speedy approval from the International Organization for Standardization after all. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 5, 2007
Michael Hickins
Novell: Word, Meet Open Source Novell has produced a translator, available for download on its site, that allows users of OpenOffice, Novell's version of ODF, to read and edit documents produced using Microsoft Word 2007. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 4, 2006
Sean Michael Kerner
Novell Joins Microsoft in ODF Effort Six months after the initiative gets under way, Novell is lending its expertise to getting Open XML support into mark for My Articles similar articles
November 22, 2005
Jim Wagner
Microsoft Wants Open XML as Doc Standard Redmond modifies the license for its Office Open XML file format and pushes for standards adoption. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 25, 2008
Microsoft Gets Another Shot at Open XML Standard Two-thirds majority needed as international delegates meet again on software company's proposal. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 5, 2005
Clint Boulton
IBM Open to Office Docs IBM will support the Open Document format in its Workplace Managed Client software next year. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 3, 2007
Stuart J. Johnston
Massachusetts to OK Microsoft OpenXML Formats Massachusetts' Information Technology Division published its proposal mandating the use of open formats for all public documents, and included Microsoft's Office Open XML on the list as well as the OpenDocument Format. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2, 2005
Clint Boulton
Microsoft to Adopt XML Formats in Office 12 Microsoft said it will use XML technology as the default file formats for the next version of its productivity software, Office 12. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 15, 2008
Stuart J. Johnston
Microsoft 'Frees' Office Formats Microsoft places code and specs for its old Office binary file formats under its "no lawsuit" program; begins open source project. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 7, 2009
A Ballot for Microsoft Office Users In Europe? Office may let users choose to set the default to save files in either ODF or OOXML. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 4, 2007
Michael Hickins
Microsoft's Open Standard in Global Hands Microsoft is one step closer in its bid to having its Office Open XML format anointed by the International Standards Organizations. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 13, 2008
Stuart J. Johnston
Microsoft Maps Out OOXML Developer Tools Effort continues on the format even as debate continues over whether Office Open XML will become an international standard. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
October 22, 2002
Yardena Arar
Microsoft Unveils Office 11 First beta reveals XML support enhancing collaborative functions, plus updated Outlook. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 18, 2008
Stuart J. Johnston
Microsoft Defends OOXML In the run up to a final standards determination for its Office Open XML file formats, Microsoft makes its case. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 6, 2006
Michael Hickins
Microsoft Soothes Mac Attack Microsoft announced that it will release a free public beta of file format converters between Office 2007 and Office for Mac in the spring of 2007. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 11, 2008
Stuart J. Johnston
U.S. Likely to Re-affirm OOXML Vote The committee that advises the U.S. delegation to the International Organization for Standardization, which last fall voted to approve Microsoft's bid to make Office Open XML an ISO standard, has decided not to change its vote to 'disapprove.' mark for My Articles similar articles
March 7, 2006
Clint Boulton
OASIS Backs OpenDocument Group IBM, Oracle, Sun Microsystems and Novell spearhead an effort to promote OpenDocument Format software. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 9, 2007
Michael Hickins
Microsoft Standard-Bearer Faces Tight Deadline Ecma International has its work cut out if it still hopes to fast-track Microsoft's Open Office XML format. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2, 2007
Stuart J. Johnston
Massachusetts Adopts Office Open XML Despite negative comments, Massachusetts decides that Microsoft's Office formats will share "open" standard status with ODF. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 14, 2010
W3C Issues XProc XML Pipeline Standard World Wide Web Consortium issues long-awaited XML pipeline standard dubbed XProc to enable interoperability across multiple XML documents. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 14, 2006
Andy Patrizio
Adobe Takes PDF Format to Mars Adobe Systems is giving its ubiquitous Portable Document Format a boost with the addition of XML support. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 4, 2007
Stuart J. Johnston
Microsoft Office Formats Defeated in First ISO Vote The vote tally over the weekend appears to show Microsoft's Office Open XML formats did not receive enough votes to be approved by ISO. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 28, 2004
Michael Singer
Open Office XML May Satisfy ISO A letter to Sun Microsystems' COO Jonathan Schwartz by the European Commission this week may set the stage for the International Organization for Standardization to adopt the Open Office XML format as an ISO standard. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 1, 2007
Elizabeth Montalbano
Project Makes Web More Accessible to the Blind IBM has developed a set of application programming interfaces collectively called IAccessible2 which make it easy for visuals in applications based on ODF and other Web technologies to be interpreted by screen readers that reproduce information verbally. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
February 2006
Michael S. Lasky
A Smart New Office We tried out the first beta of Microsoft's major overhaul of its venerable office suite and for the most part, we liked what we saw. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
August 2006
Michael S. Lasky
First Look: Office 2007 Public Beta Office 2007's new interface and file formats are both a blessing and a curse. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 20, 2007
Stuart J. Johnston
Office Open XML Standards Push Not Dead Yet A U.S. body is to vote on a standards status for Microsoft's document formats despite earlier deadlock by a consideration committee. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 12, 2005
Jim Wagner
Open Season in Massachusetts Expect short-term pain before long-term gain with the commonwealth's proposed switch to the OpenDocument standard. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
December 28, 2004
Richard V. Dragan
Ease into XML with Microsoft Word 2003 Office 2003 is XML-aware, and Word is a good place to get your feet wet. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 13, 2007
Stuart J. Johnston
Blind to Get Help Reading Word Docs Microsoft is partnering with an international advocacy group to develop a standards-based plug-for translating Word documents into digital audio. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 28, 2009
Stuart J. Johnston
BizTalk 2009 Arrives, Office 2007 SP2 Up Next Microsoft's software elves have been busy turning out product updates for release this week. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 21, 2008
Stuart J. Johnston
OOXML Stalemate May Lead to Cliff-Hanger Ending Microsoft officials confirmed that India will not change its vote against approval of OOXML as an ISO standard. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 13, 2007
Michael Hickins
Microsoft Speeds Toward Office Standard Approval Microsoft is today one step closer to seeing its Office Open XML format anointed as a standard. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 3, 2005
Clint Boulton
W3C Ratifies Key XML Specs The World Wide Web consortium had a landmark day for XML development, recommending XSLT 2.0 and XML XQuery 1.0 as standards for transforming and querying XML. mark for My Articles similar articles
New Architect
October 2002
Paul Sholtz
Tame the Information Tangle A new breed of document storage and management systems has appeared that's been specially optimized for publishing XML documents on the Web. A look at native XML databases and XML-enabled databases. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 29, 2007
Ed Sutherland
Adobe Ramps Up PDF Standards Push On the eve of the unveiling of Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system, Adobe announced it will push for its ubiquitous PDF format to become an international standard. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 3, 2005
Jim Wagner
PDFs Native to The New Office Microsoft's upcoming Office suite will include support for the format. Will Adobe feel the pressure? mark for My Articles similar articles
April 22, 2004
Ryan Naraine
XML Encryption Added to Apache Project The Apache Foundation's XML Security Project takes another step towards full implementation of security standards in the markup language. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 1, 2008
Stuart J. Johnston
It's Unofficial: OOXML Wins Microsoft says it has learned the results of ISO ballot changes and declares itself the winner. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
November 28, 2006
Arar et al.
Microsoft Office 2007: A Worthy Upgrade This redesigned productivity suite is powerful and full featured, once you get used to the changes. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 13, 2007
Andy Patrizio
Microsoft Beefs Up Office Security Microsoft offers a tool to automate security settings in Office to protect against malicious files. mark for My Articles similar articles