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The Motley Fool
September 5, 2007
Todd Wenning
Student Loans or Stocks? Recent college grads face an important financial decision: Should I pay down my student loans or invest in stocks? mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
December 11, 2009
Selena Maranjian
Don't Make This Tragic Error A recent Fidelity Investments study of Americans aged 22 to 33 -- the "Gen Y" cohort -- revealed some alarming truths about young workers' financial health. mark for My Articles similar articles
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The Motley Fool
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The Motley Fool
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Financial Planning
September 1, 2005
Donald Jay Korn
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The Motley Fool
September 24, 2009
Dan Caplinger
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The Motley Fool
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The Motley Fool
June 21, 2005
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The Motley Fool
January 16, 2008
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Your 401(k) Isn't an ATM However, a new program called ReservePlus, allows 401(k) plan participants to take out loans against their retirement accounts simply by using a debit card. mark for My Articles similar articles
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The Motley Fool
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The Motley Fool
January 10, 2005
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The Motley Fool
December 23, 2005
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The Family Room
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The Motley Fool
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The Motley Fool
May 17, 2005
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Registered Rep.
September 1, 2005
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The Motley Fool
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Financial Planning
August 1, 2006
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The Motley Fool
May 11, 2006
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The Motley Fool
January 25, 2005
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The Motley Fool
February 17, 2004
Selena Maranjian
How to Reduce Your Debt There's hope -- you can be debt-free once again! Steps to becoming debt free. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
December 2, 2009
Dan Caplinger
Will This Move Save You From the Next Crash? Employers are adjusting 401(k) investments, but you still have to be careful. Employers clearly want to protect themselves from any potential allegations that the target funds they have within their plans mislead workers. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
March 28, 2006
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The Motley Fool
November 21, 2007
Dan Caplinger
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The Motley Fool
February 27, 2009
Dan Caplinger
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The Motley Fool
October 24, 2006
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A Debt Turning Point Drowning in credit card debt is no fun. But you're not alone -- and many people are even worse off than you. mark for My Articles similar articles
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June 21, 2008
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The Motley Fool
August 19, 2009
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The Simple Way to Trash Your Portfolio Taking a loan from your retirement plan is easier than ever these days. This extremely common practice is an extremely big problem. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
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The Motley Fool
October 19, 2009
Dan Caplinger
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The Motley Fool
October 30, 2007
Dan Caplinger
Get a Cheap Loan Fast ... From Yourself If you're facing a temporary setback and need a short-term solution, a 401(k) loan may not be as bad as some experts think, and a lot better than other alternatives. mark for My Articles similar articles