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May 18, 2005
Carey Roberts
VAWA Law Polarizes the Sexes, Weakens the Family The Violence Against Women Act represents a frontal assault on both fatherhood and on the integrity of the traditional family. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 13, 2007
Don Mathis
How VAWA Separates Children From Fathers The result of the VAWA is rampant false claims of abuse. This means that children are removed from decent, loving fathers. The Violence Against Women Act must be radically altered or else it will continue to destroy the father/child bond. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 6, 2000
Cathy Young
Team players or tools of the patriarchy? Women often are supplying the muscle behind the fathers' rights movement. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 8, 2008
Teri Stoddard
Equal Custody And VAWA Regarding custody, the Violence Against Women Act is unconstitutional and full of misandry. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 30, 2004
Carey Roberts
Divorced Dads' White-Hot Sense of Injustice Noncustodial dads find it incomprehensible that their basic human right to be a parent is being curtailed by a legal system that they perceive to be expensive, cloaked in secrecy, and unfair, spurring their suicide rate to 10 times that of divorced women. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2, 2006
McCormick & Sacks
NOW at 40: Group's Opposition to Shared Parenting Contradicts Its Goal of Gender Equality It's time for the National Organization for Women to re-examine its misguided stand against shared parenting, and to bring its policies into line with its stated ideals. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 18, 2003
Glenn Sacks
Valentine's Day & the Gender Wars Part of the division between men and women is due to women's legitimate grievances. But much of it is also caused by men's resentment that the very real problems and disadvantages they face as husbands, partners and fathers have been ignored by the media, our lawmakers and by society as a whole. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 26, 2003
Wendy McElroy
Going to Extremes The issue of fathers' rights in the U.K. may be entering a more violent phase. If so, this should act as a cautionary tale for North America. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 16, 2007
Leving & Sacks
Equal Rights Amendment Yes, 'Women's Equality Amendment' No Unfortunately, the bill's sponsors have changed the ERA's name to the Women's Equality Amendment. There's a major problem with that, because when considering injustices based on gender, today men and fathers can lay claim to many of them. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 24, 2002
Sacks & Thompson
Shared Custody Could Prevent Abductions According to the US Department of Justice, mothers and fathers abduct their children in equal numbers. What is needed is to reform the child custody system in order to prevent the kidnappings from occurring in the first place. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 23, 2003
Glenn Sacks
Convicted Murderess Can Get Custody but Decent Fathers Can't Clara Harris, a Texas woman who was convicted of murdering her husband in March, was just granted joint custody of her twin five year-old boys. The ruling validates what fathers' and children's advocates have been saying for years -- when it comes to children, many courts believe that mothers can do no wrong. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 9, 2004
Sacks & Brass
National Fatherhood Initiative's Ad Campaign Insults African-American Fathers While the NFI's goal is laudable, research shows that a major factor in black fatherlessness, which the NFI campaign completely ignores, is the obstruction of fathers' visitation rights by custodial mothers. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 11, 2008
Carey Roberts
Father Knows Best Several non-profit groups are working to increase father involvement after divorce. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 10, 2003
Douglas Cooney
Why Do Divorce Laws Marginalize Men? It seems that no matter who you talk to these days, someone knows of a man who came out of a divorce robbed and humiliated. And there is no end to how harrowing such stories get. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2, 2005
Carey Roberts
Jim Crow Days For Men Currently the U.S. Congress is mulling the fate of a five-year extension to the Violence Against Women Act, a law that has caused the basic civil liberties of hundreds of thousands of fathers and men to be casually disregarded. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 15, 2005
Carey Roberts
A Government Program Is No Substitute For a Bear-Hug Why does the US taxpayer continue to subsidize government programs, to the tune of billions of dollars a year, that end up separating fathers from their families? mark for My Articles similar articles
April 12, 2006
McCormick & Sacks
'Roe v. Wade for Men' Case Illustrates Family Law System's Inequities The "woman good/man bad" modus operandi of the American family law system has wounded children and the fathers they love and need. The problem cannot be resolved until we acknowledge and address the fundamental inequities of the system. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 1, 2003
Wendy McElroy
In the Best Interest of the Children... A new legal term is creating debate across North America: the "rebuttable presumption of joint custody." It means family courts should presume that divorcing parents will equally share the legal and physical custody of children unless there is compelling reason to rule otherwise. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2, 2005
Leving & Sacks
PBS Declares War on Dads Breaking the Silence is a direct assault on American fathers, and the minimal, hard won gains they have made in protecting their children's right to have their fathers in their lives. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 22, 2006
Eric D. Tarkington
Letter: Right Cause, Wrong Approach Equal protection of the law in America is not enough to get fathers all that we deserve. It only puts a limit on what can be taken away. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 19, 2006
McCormick & Sacks
North Dakota Shared Parenting Initiative Will Help Children of Divorce A misguided collection of federal and state officials, divorce attorneys and women's advocates have all united to oppose a simple proposition: children need both parents. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 11, 2003
Thompson & Sacks
Undermining the American Family The American Law Institute, which exercises great influence on American jurisprudence, has just released a series of family law recommendations that would exacerbate our problems by trivializing the importance of marriage, encouraging divorce and accelerating fatherlessness. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2003
Cathy Young
Divorcees and Social Engineers Most people acknowledge that children are better off when they have fathers and when their fathers are actively involved in their lives. But where do we go from there? Fathers face off against the marriage movement. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 24, 2004
Carey Roberts
Women Lose When Feminists Bash Women believed that when they entered the workplace, it would become a kinder, more compassionate place. They were wrong. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 29, 2008
Terri Lynn Tersak
Congressional Guidelines for Abusing Women This report examines the many problems the author finds inherent in local and national services and legal protections that are designed to help victims of domestic abuse. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 17, 2006
Carey Roberts
Legal Services Corporation Turns Its Back On Men The LSC was created for a good purpose: to provide legal services so poor Americans could have their day in court. But while taxpayers and lawmakers looked the other way, the Legal Services Corporation has fallen under the sway of a radical feminine ideology. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2006
Carey Roberts
The Feminist Anti-Kid Crusade Despite the fact that kids with involved dads do better, regardless of all the joint custody laws, and in spite of the laughable antics of the M.O.M. brigade, mothers continue to be favored in custody decisions by a 7 to 1 margin. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 12, 2000
Cathy Young
The mama lion at the gate Maternal chauvinism is a dad's greatest obstacle to parental parity. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 9, 2004
Carey Roberts
Air-Brushing Dads Out Of The Picture The rise of fatherlessness in America did not occur because dads decided one day to get up and leave. It happened because they were pushed out. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 9, 2005
Trudy W. Schuett
Everybody Deserves Better Allowing prejudicial, deeply biased and regressive domestic violence programs to continue unchecked will only serve to add to the numbers on the welfare rolls, in the jails and under the care of government-sponsored child protective agencies. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 31, 2005
Carey Roberts
Marriage Movement at the Crossroads There is one voice that is conspicuously absent in the campaign to save fatherhood -- the Marriage Movement, which, sadly and inexplicably, has largely turned its back on men. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 8, 2002
Sacks & Thompson
Can Abolishing Sole Custody Curb Divorce? Research from American Law and Economics Review indicates the presumption of joint physical custody may serve to keep some marriages together. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 21, 2007
David Heleniak
PC Feminism and the DV Courts Studies of domestic violence have consistently revealed that women are at least as likely as men to commit domestic violence, but PC feminists have pushed the idea that women don't commit domestic violence so far that they've influenced the courts. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 4, 2000
Jennifer Foote Sweeney
Pluck and circumstance Judith Wallerstein makes a case for marriage, and on rare occasions, a healthy divorce... mark for My Articles similar articles
December 15, 2004
Carey Roberts
Long Live the Matriarchy! Until the essential role of fathers is recognized and antiquated laws are changed, millions of American children will be deprived of the steady hand of a loving father. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 21, 2008
Carey Roberts
I-VAWA: Bigotry and Contempt at Taxpayer Expense The domestic violence industry needs a top-to-bottom house-cleaning. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 19, 2006
David Heleniak
False Domestic Violence Accusations Can Lead To Parental Alienation Syndrome If the DV restraining order system could be reformed so that only real victims obtained restraining orders and only real abusers were thrown out their houses, then the number of heart-wrenching PAS cases would be greatly reduced. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 29, 2004
Ray Blumhorst
Make the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Gender Inclusive, or Dump It! The exclusion of male victims from the help they should be receiving from domestic violence law is a cycle of endless battering that has been created by VAWA to endlessly torture the minds, bodies, and spirits of countless innocent men. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 5, 2007
Leving & Sacks
NY Electronic Tagging Device Bill -- An Orwellian Measure Assembly Bill 5424 is a draconian measure which will victimize many innocent New York men and fathers. The bill requires any person against whom an order of protection is wear an electronic monitoring device. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 10, 2005
Carey Roberts
Restraining Orders for Abusive Grandmas? When lawmakers return from their August recess, one of their first orders of business will be to take up the Violence Against Women Act, the bill that fuels the use of restraining orders around the country. Let's hope they don't forget all the grandparents looking forward to seeing their grandchildren. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 8, 2007
Michael J. McManus
Taken Into Custody Father's Day was not joyful for millions of fathers who had a divorce forced upon them, whose children were "taken into custody" by the mother who filed for the divorce. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 27, 2006
McCormick & Sacks
Shared Parenting Initiative Helps Women, Too The North Dakota Shared Parenting Initiative (NDSPI) grants joint custody to both parents unless one is seen as unfit. However, there are certain children's rights group that oppose this proposed law. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 7, 2007
Candlelight Vigil for Cann Family Victims The authors contend that the tragedy could have been avoided had the courts agreed to give custody to the father. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 29, 2006
Carey Roberts
Restraining Order Madness Domestic restraining orders were originally designed to protect persons from actual or imminent harm. But over the years, feminists convinced state legislators to expand the definition of domestic violence. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2, 2004
Wendy McElroy
Father's Rights Groups Must Avoid Violent Protest Appearances have a tendency to become reality and, at the first act of violence by a father's rights advocate, all fathers will suffer. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 26, 2000
Cathy Young
Out with the old and out with the new Feminism of every stripe has failed. It's time for a gender equality movement. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 14, 2005
Glenn Sacks
Are Boys Really Better off Without Fathers? While Peggy Drexler's Raising Boys Without Men: How Maverick Moms Are Creating the Next Generation of Exceptional Men may seem like a harmless, feel-good affirmation for these mothers, it could have a damaging impact on children by affecting both the choices women make and family law. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 5, 2009
Wendy McElroy
Is Parental Alienation a Syndrome? Parental Alienation has been a hot topic in the Canadian courts of late with a mother losing custody on the grounds of her continuing campaign to vilify the father and distance him from their children. mark for My Articles similar articles
Psychology Today
May/Jun 2007
Mark Teich
House Divided: Hate Thy Father In an era of bitter divorce battles, parents often use children as hammers to bash each other, manipulating not only the legal system but also their children's affections. Can a broken parent-child bond be restored? mark for My Articles similar articles
July 1, 2003
Glenn Sacks
New Study, Case May Help California Children of Divorce Retain Bonds with Both Parents One of the greatest tragedies children of divorce in California face is the way courts allow custodial parents to move hundreds or even thousands of miles away after divorce, damaging or sometimes destroying the bonds between children and their noncustodial parents. That may change. mark for My Articles similar articles