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Similar Articles
November 27, 2006
Roberts & Engardio
Secrets, Lies, And Sweatshops American importers have long answered criticism of conditions at their Chinese suppliers with labor rules and inspections. But many factories have just gotten better at concealing abuses. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 27, 2006
A Lion for Workers' Rights Auret van Heerden has worked for labor for 30 years. He's learned to tackle brand-name companies instead of governments to get things done. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2003
Stephen Barlas
Clocking In For low-wage workers, overtime may get more lucrative. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 1, 2002
David Drickhamer
Under Fire Consumer cries for sweatshop-free products drive big-name brands to extraordinary lengths to monitor working conditions at contractor plants.... mark for My Articles similar articles
May 23, 2005
Aaron Bernstein
A Major Swipe At Sweatshops Nike, Patagonia, Gap, and five other companies have joined forces with six leading anti-sweatshop groups to devise a single set of labor standards with a common factory-inspection system. If a pilot project in Turkey succeeds, long-sought global labor standards could emerge. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 27, 2006
Engardio & Roberts
How To Make Factories Play Fair It is difficult to reform labor practices in countries where the rule of law is weak. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 20, 2004
Aaron Bernstein
Nike's New Game Plan for Sweatshops Unlike giants such as Wal-Mart, it now has a system to inspect -- and try to improve -- working conditions at supplier factories. But will it be too little, too late? mark for My Articles similar articles
August 1, 2005
Joseph McCafferty
The Price of a Cheap Suit Retail and apparel companies spend millions to assess overseas suppliers. So why are they still missing so many problems? mark for My Articles similar articles
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Mehul Srivastava
Why India Is Rethinking Its Labor Laws India's labor laws deter businesses from hiring more than 100 workers and are holding back the country's industrial growth. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Roberts & Balfour
Is China Running Out Of Workers? As farmers stay home, factories in China scramble for employees. It's all putting pressure on wages. mark for My Articles similar articles
IDB America
January 2003
Charo Quesada
The deadly workplace Indifference to occupational hazards is killing tens of thousands of Latin American workers each year. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 18, 2003
Glenn Sacks
Men, Women and Work Feminists are correct to be concerned about the plight of the women in the underdeveloped nations of the world. Their error is that they blame men. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2008
Chris Penttila
Compensating Overtime Employees Here's why one entrepreneur hired on an HR person to take care of overtime pay. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mother Jones
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Sarah Bachman
Underage Unions In India and across the globe, a growing number of working children are banding together to advocate for livable wages and working conditions. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2007
Dee Gill
Do Your Employees Qualify For Overtime? In many cases, reasons for not paying employees overtime are not legally valid. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
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Michael Kinsman
Career Pros: Unions at a Crossroad What's behind the split within organized labor? Could the division of the labor community reignite passion in union activism? mark for My Articles similar articles
June 27, 2011
Bill Powell
The End of Cheap Labor in China In what is supposed to be a land of unlimited cheap labor -- a nation of 1.3 billion people, whose extraordinary 20-year economic rise has been built first and foremost on the backs of low-priced workers -- the game has changed. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2004
Ronald Bailey
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Fast Company
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Cheryl Dahle
Gap's New Look: The See-Through When it comes to working conditions in their factories, the clothing retailer Gap Inc. has opted for full disclosure. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 1, 2006
John S. McClenahen
Outsourcing: Hedge the Low-Wage Wager Manufacturers are still chasing cheap labor around the world. But they'd be well advised not to place all of their outsourcing stake on it. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 1, 2002
David Drickhamer
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The Motley Fool
April 24, 2007
Rich Duprey
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Finance & Development
June 1, 2007
Jaumotte & Tytell
Globalization of Labor Globalization is a vital force sustaining world growth, but policymakers need to ensure that all people benefit by strengthening access to education and training, adopting adequate social safety nets, and improving the functioning of labor markets. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 20, 2000
David Moberg
Everything you know about the new economy is wrong In California, birthplace of the high-tech boom, the wage gap is growing, setting yet another national trend... mark for My Articles similar articles
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Walter Olson
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Fast Company
August 8, 2011
Rachel Z. Arndt
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July 15, 2008
Wu Chen
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December 15, 2003
Frederik Balfour
Will Cambodia's Garment Industry Shred? Even though it has worked hard boosting workers' rights to gain business, that may not matter after January, 2005 mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2004
Chris Penttila
Time's Up New U.S. Department of Labor laws that deetermine who gets overtime and who doesn't are described as "clear as mud." Meanwhile, states with laws that are more employee-friendly than federal laws can trump the feds. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Real Estate Investor
November 1, 2005
Carey Bartell
Are Your Overtime Pay Practices In Check? Many mortgage lenders are reviewing their own overtime pay practices to avoid a Department of Labor investigation or overtime pay lawsuit -- and the associated back wages and penalties. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2003
Alix Nyberg
Avoiding Overtime Losses Managers and executives are joining class-action lawsuits that insist their companies have denied them millions of dollars in overtime pay. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 28, 2010
Austin Ramzy
Striking Observations Labor unrest is part of life in China's factory towns, and yet there is something different about this summer's strife that will have broad implications for the global economy. We are witnessing nothing less than the beginning of the end of China's role as the sweatshop of the world. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 5, 2011
Peter Coy
The Case for Making It in the USA Rising wages in China and high productivity in the U.S. may prompt more companies to keep manufacturing in America. mark for My Articles similar articles
Registered Rep.
May 4, 2009
David A. Geracioti
Brokers To The Ramparts! Unionize! Unions have not had such a sympathetic occupant in the White House, since, well, arguably FDR. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
September 14, 2003
Bob Rosner
A Law for All Who Labor Labor laws safeguard your right to fair wages for your work. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 1, 2007
Michael Orey
Wage Wars Workers - from truck drivers to stockbrokers - are winning huge overtime lawsuits. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 14, 2011
John Frehse
The Overtime Lie How corporate strategy is holding hostage millions of dollars in profit. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 1, 2003
Jess McCuan
Comp Time Swaps Soon to Be Legit Private companies may soon be able to offer hourly employees paid leave time instead of overtime pay if Congress passes a bill as expected. mark for My Articles similar articles
Food Processing
September 2010
Brett Sutton
Four Mistakes Food Processors Make in California The Golden State has higher wage and hour practices than federal standards. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 12, 2005
Carey Roberts
Unequal Pay for Equal Work? There is no better example of how radical feminism hoodwinks women than the gender "wage gap" controversy. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2003
Julie Monahan
Overtime Overhaul? Congress challenges proposed changes to overtime eligibility. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 21, 2005
James Mehring
Germany: For Consumers, Still Little Relief Revival in German industrial activity is unlikely to do much for the labor market or consumer spending, leaving the economy to hobble along again this year. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 16, 2010
Microsoft Probing Chinese Factory Allegations Responding to a report by a global labor watchdog alleging prison-like conditions in a factory of one of its manufacturing partners, Microsoft says it has dispatched officials to China to investigate. mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
September 22, 2013
Jobwire Silicon Valley boosts state's job growth... Minimum wage on the way up... Target will hire about 70,000 seasonal workers for the holidays... mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
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James Heskett
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Manjeet Kripalani
How A Factory Became A Flash Point Violence at a Honda plant highlights India's outdated labor laws and rattles foreign investors. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Leung & Kennedy
Global Inflation Starts with Chinese Workers Government support and a tight labor supply are boosting wages in China. Over the next decade that will put inflationary pressure on the global economy mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
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Jeffrey Pfeffer
A Matter of Competitiveness It's not just about GDP and profits. Progressive countries also measure economic success by citizens health, quality of life and job satisfaction. U.S. policymakers and corporate executives would be wise to take note. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Anatole Pevnev
Looking For Job Growth? Try Bangalore The outsourcing trend and what it means for the office real estate market mark for My Articles similar articles
Job Journal
February 5, 2006
Michael Kinsman
Career Pros: Link Minimum Wage to CPI Count Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger among those who favor raising the minimum wage. But should our lowest wages be tied to the cost of living? mark for My Articles similar articles