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Information Today June 5, 2006 Barbara Quint |'s Blog & Feed Search Joins the Blogosphere has added a new "Blogs & Feeds" search category to the list of options on its home page. |
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Choosing an RSS Reader Choosing an RSS reader may seem like a daunting task, but it's actually quite easy, and a very low-risk proposition, as most feed readers are free to try. Some feed readers are web-based, and others are software products. |
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Bloglines Welcomes the World With the increasing use of RSS on blogs and other sites, feed aggregators are gaining in popularity. That's why Bloglines has gone international. |
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Get the Latest Web News Delivered to Your Desktop With RSS feeds, you can have articles from the Web come to you. |
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Google Reader Google reader is a good, free, easy-to-use RSS and Atom feed reader. |
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