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Information Today
June 2003
Donald T. Hawkins
The Eighth Search Engine Meeting After last year's detour to San Francisco, the Search Engine Meeting returned to Boston April 7-8 for its eighth annual gathering. The Search Engine meetings annually show that searching is by no means a fully developed technology. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
June 2002
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The Search Engine Meeting 2002 For anyone interested in search engines, this annual meeting is a major event on the conference calendar and should not be missed. The quality of the presentations is very high, as is the content... mark for My Articles similar articles
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December 14, 2005
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Beneath the Metadata: Some Philosophical Problems with Folksonomy The choice to use folksonomy for organizing information on the Internet is not a simple, straightforward decision, but one with important underlying philosophical issues. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Folksonomies: Tidying up Tags? Possibly the real problem with folksonomies in not their chaotic tags but that they are trying to serve two masters at once; the personal collection, and the collective collection. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Using Wikipedia to Extend Digital Collections Web 2.0 technologies offer librarians a great opportunity to enhance the authority of resources that students use on a daily basis, and to push their knowledge and expertise beyond the traditional boundaries of the library. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Web 2.0 and Value-Added Indexing Web 2.0 applications are encouraging user-generated tagging, which is an uncontrolled type of indexing. Some premium content sources are incorporating customer-generated tags into their fee-based products. How do these trends affect the validity of our justifications for premium content? mark for My Articles similar articles