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Managed Care
August 2006
Cross & Sipkoff
Although Employers Need Depression Programs, They May Not Know It Yet Research says the hidden cost of untreated depression far outweighs the cost of treatment. Plans need to get this information to purchasers. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
September 15, 2002
Sharp & Lipsky
Screening for Depression Across the Lifespan: A Review of Measures for Use in Primary Care Settings Depression is a common psychiatric disorder in children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. Primary care physicians, not mental health professionals, treat the majority of patients with symptoms of depression. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
June 2007
Lisa A. Higgins
Sobering Stats Invite Insurers To Fight Alcoholism Effectively Health plans may not be able to control problem drinking by their members. They can, however, affect the way their contracted providers approach the problem. And that may be what makes the difference. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 15, 2005
Haas et al.
Management of the Difficult Patient All physicians must care for some patients who are perceived as difficult because of behavioral or emotional aspects that affect their care. Specific communication techniques and greater patient involvement in the process of care may enhance the relationship. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
March 2010
Becker & Schmidtke
All along the watchtower: Suicide risk screening, a pilot study Patients will continue to die if healthcare organizations don't take action and appropriately assess patients at risk for suicide in general hospitals. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
September 15, 2004
Thibault & Steiner
Efficient Identification of Adults with Depression and Dementia Family physicians must decide how to screen for depression or dementia and which patients to screen. Mental health questionnaires can be helpful, but are not without flaws. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
May 15, 2004
Mark H. Ebell
Routine Screening for Depression, Alcohol Problems, and Domestic Violence This guide is one in a series that offers evidence-based tools to assist family physicians in improving their decision-making at the point of care. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
May 2004
MargaretAnn Cross
Depression Programs Might Provide an Edge There may be some costs up front, but there is also an opportunity for health plans to profit as employers' concern about this issue grows. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 1, 2003
Stovall & Domino
Approaching the Suicidal Patient In an attempt to help the family physician prevent suicide, this article reviews known risk factors and offers a strategy for assessing and addressing these factors in individual patients. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
February 2002
Heidi A. Sauder & Sheri Wallace
Push Is On for Improved Treatment of Women's Psychological Maladies Sure there are diagnostic and treatment challenges, but the money that can be saved for society might make this fertile ground for investment... mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
January 1, 2006
Michael Fronstin
A Fresh Look at Co-morbidity You may think you understand a disease. But then it arrives in tandem. A new survey takes a fresh look at co-morbidity. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 1, 2007
Shashi & Subhash Bhatia
Childhood and Adolescent Depression Safe and effective treatment of major depression in this age group requires accurate diagnosis, suicide risk assessment, and use of evidence-based therapies. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 1, 2006
Kavan et al.
A Practical Guide to Crisis Management Physicians often are required to assist patients in crisis. An estimated 4% of visits to primary care physicians involve psychiatric or social crises. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 1, 2006
Lurie et al.
Seasonal Affective Disorder Patients with seasonal affective disorder have episodes of major depression that tend to recur during specific times of the year, usually in winter. Like major depression, seasonal affective disorder probably is underdiagnosed in primary care settings. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2010
Sharon M. Valente
Assessing patients for suicide risk This article will help you update your knowledge of suicide risk factors and prevention strategies, and provide guidelines for effective intervention. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
September 2002
Elizabeth Millard
Managing 9/11-Related Stress September 11 underscored the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder. Screening could ultimately reduce utilization. But who should be screened? mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
March 1, 2013
Al Topin
Less Selling, More Time What can happen when pharmaceutical reps focus on the physician-patient conversation? mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
December 2005
Lola Butcher
Kansas City Focuses on Depression Health plans, researchers, employers, and workers make common cause to identify and treat depression. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 5, 2004
Tony Zizza
Depression Screenings Don't Belong In Our Schools A recent article in the Denver Post reports Denver Health's School-Based Health Centers are screening every student - for depression - who steps inside any one of the 11 school-based "clinics." mark for My Articles similar articles
Nurse Practitioner
March 2012
Vanya Hamrin et al.
Evaluation and Management of Pediatric and Adolescent Depression The primary care setting is an appropriate venue for screening and identifying pediatric depression. Nurse practitioners can provide initial management or referral to psychiatric mental health professionals for evidence-based treatments. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
January 1, 2013
Al Topin
The Doctor-Patient Disconnect Doctor-patient conversations aren't always what we think; this basic interaction represents both a problem and an opportunity for today's drug marketers, says the author. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
June 1, 2014
Ben Comer
Take as Directed: From Force to Finesse in Promoting Adherence Healthcare players tout patient education and engagement as the keys to better drug adherence rates. Patients agree, as long as that translates to convenient and affordable access to therapy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
June 2003
Frank Diamond
How To Manage the Worried Well They have symptoms, but that doesn't mean primary care physicians can pinpoint a physical problem. Yet they do suffer, and are a cost center for insurers and employers. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
September 1, 2012
Al Topin
Doctors' Words No Longer Gospel In the digital age, physicians don't call the shots when it comes to healthcare guidance. Marketers must appeal to multiple sources in seeking ways to garner patient adherence and loyalty. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
June 2002
April Tererri
Health Plans Seem Supportive of Depression-Screening Push The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force made a new recommendation that primary care physicians screen all adult patients for depression mark for My Articles similar articles
Harold Russell
Depression & Fatigue A recent study of adults showed fatigue and lethargy to be the most common and debilitating symptoms of depression. This finding could change the way that physicians treat this illness. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Journal of Nursing
September 2011
Schmid et al.
Care of the Suicidal Pediatric Patient in the ED: A Case Study At Childrens Hospital Boston, an algorithm-the Risk of Suicidality Clinical Practice Algorithm has been developed to ensure evidence-based care supported by best practice guidelines. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 15, 2000
Son & Kirchner
Depression in Children and Adolescents Depression among children and adolescents is common but frequently unrecognized. It affects 2 percent of prepubertal children and 5 to 8 percent of adolescents... mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
September 2004
Tony Berberabe
Can Physician and Health Plan Get Together Over Guidelines? Physicians are not the only problem. Health plans too often view guidelines as rigid routines rather than flexible aids to good practice. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 1, 2006
Rupke, Blecke & Renfrow
Cognitive Therapy for Depression Family physicians usually are the first to diagnose and treat patients with depression. They should inform patients that psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy are valid options, and that cognitive therapy is the most studied psychotherapy. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 15, 2001
Marc Tunzi
Can the Patient Decide? Evaluating Patient Capacity in Practice mark for My Articles similar articles
October 4, 2006
Tony Zizza
Time To Boycott National Depression Screening Day In the U.S., whenever National Depression Screening Day rears its ugly head in the mainstream media every first week in October, we have the opportunity to review some serious doublethink that does not change much with each passing year. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
May 2004
Frank Diamond
Care Coordination Strikes Right Chord Care coordination -- which, for the purposes of this article, means optimal management of people with multiple chronic diseases to improve outcomes and cut costs -- just suddenly seems a lot more doable. The thing that may make care coordination work this time, is technology. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 1, 2002
Vyjeyanthi S. Periyakoil
Identifying and Managing Preparatory Grief and Depression at the End of Life Preparatory grief is experienced by virtually all patients who are dying and can be facilitated with psychosocial support and counseling... mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2008
Kathryn Murphy
Shedding the burden of depression & anxiety Learn about types of depression and available treatments. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
August 2001
In Calif., Bonuses Based on Quality, Not Cost Savings Blue Cross of California has decided to move away from the traditional managed care incentive of rewarding physicians for controlling medical costs, and instead will implement a program in which physicians receive bonuses for quality of care and patient satisfaction... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Journal of Nursing
September 2011
Adams & Tolich
Original Research: Blood Transfusion: The Patient's Experience This study therefore sought to identify how well patients understand the role of blood transfusion in their treatment and whether it causes them discomfort. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
August 1, 2011
Jennifer Ringler
The Adherence Fight: A TKO? Why does the match against medicines compliance always seem to end in an easy knockout? mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
April 1, 2003
David J. Mersy
Recognition of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Ten percent of the population abuses drugs or alcohol, and 20 percent of patients seen by family physicians have substance-abuse problems, excluding tobacco use. These patients can be identified by relying on regular screening or a high index of suspicion based on "red flags." mark for My Articles similar articles
Nurse Practitioner
August 2011
Davis et al.
Supportive approaches for Alzheimer Disease Alzheimer disease accounts for almost 80% of all dementia diagnoses. Currently, more than 5 million Americans suffer from this debilitating illness, with the highest prevalence in the oldest age groups. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
June 2005
Martin Sipkoff
The Re-Emergence of the Primary Care Physician A new model of care developed by the American Academy of Family Physicians places primary care physicians back at the center of care delivery. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
December 1, 2011
William Looney
The Medicines Adherence Challenge Keeping skittish patients on their medicines ought to be a strategic priority for Big Pharma, but is it? An expert round table examines how best to make progress and agree on some practical steps for incorporation in the campaign agenda. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 15, 2003
Jones et al.
Common Problems in Patients Recovering from Chemical Dependency This article describes how to care for patients recovering from chemical dependency, including special concerns that arise during the treatment of common medical conditions, to avoid adverse outcomes or relapse into addiction. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 15, 2007
Freedy & Simpson
Disaster-Related Physical and Mental Health: A Role for the Family Physician Family physicians should be prepared to work with other health care professionals in the community to share the collective load in meeting post-disaster health needs; such partnerships should be established well in advance of a disaster. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
May 2000
Mark G. Weiner, M.D., and Eric Pifer, M.D.
Computerized Decision Support and the Quality of Care The notion of quality of care in medicine is not new, but it is becoming increasingly important as the competitive health care market demands objective measures to compare physicians, hospitals, and managed care organizations.... mark for My Articles similar articles
Insurance & Technology
July 19, 2004
Anthony O'Donnell
Highmark Shares Claims Data with Docs Health insurer's SMART Registry targets treatment of chronic conditions. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
July 3, 2007
LeVine & Zucker
Marketing to Professionals: Professional Promotion Through Patient Understanding Patient-feedback programs can go a long way in helping physicians understand which drugs work. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
March 2011
Samuel K. Moore
Teaching Machines About Madness Software rivals doctors at distinguishing among different kinds of depression and schizophrenia mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
April 1, 2012
Feam & Lagus
Providing Access Now While regulatory frameworks and medical practices differ between countries, many patients still need early access to new drugs. Industry can help. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nurse Practitioner
November 2010
Dreadin & Mancuso
Diagnostic breast evaluation: When to refer and what the results really mean Diagnostic breast imaging is an important tool in evaluating abnormal physical examination findings and assessing incomplete screening mammographic results. mark for My Articles similar articles