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Summer 2007
Brian Reed
A Social Network Approach to Understanding an Insurgency A network analysis of war and insurgency differs markedly from conventional approaches, a fact that might require us to rethink some of our more conventional analytical tools. mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2008
Daniel S. Roper
Global Counterinsurgency: Strategic Clarity for the Long War Though policy initiatives since September 11, 2001 have positively influenced certain agencies in their efforts to secure America, some steps have actually limited the nation's effectiveness in countering the threats it faces. mark for My Articles similar articles
Winter 2006/2007
Martin J. Muckian
Structural Vulnerabilities of Networked Insurgencies: Adapting to the New Adversary The ongoing conflict in Iraq has sparked a renewed interest in the study of counterinsurgency, leading many to comb the wars of the twentieth century for lessons that can be applied to today. Much of this recent analysis has focused on the knowledge gained from fighting Marxist revolutionaries. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2004
Robert R. Tomes
Relearning Counterinsurgency Warfare Thirty years after the signing of the January 1973 Paris peace agreement ending the Vietnam War, the United States finds itself leading a broad coalition of military forces engaged in peacemaking, nation-building, and now counterinsurgency warfare in Iraq. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2005
R. D. Hooker
Beyond Vom Kriege: The Character and Conduct of Modern War While the methods used to wage war are constantly evolving, the nature and character of war remain deeply and unchangeably rooted in the nature of man. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2007
Frank G. Hoffman
Neo-Classical Counterinsurgency? A look at the impact and implications of the classical school of thought on revolutionary warfare and an evaluation of the newly issued Army/Marine counterinsurgency (COIN) manual. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2007
Clancy & Crossett
Measuring Effectiveness in Irregular Warfare There is little foundational understanding of what success means in irregular warfare that will assist analysts in interpreting operational effectiveness. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2007
Anthony J. Schwarz
Iraq's Militias: The True Threat to Coalition Success in Iraq Analysis of the historical, political, and religious roots underlying the growth of extremism in Iraq mark for My Articles similar articles
Winter 2005/2006
Jeffrey Record
Why the Strong Lose Why has the United States fared consistently well against such powerful enemies as Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and the Soviet Union, but its record against lesser foes is decidedly mixed? mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
August 2007
Grace Jean
Defense Technologies for an Uncertain Future The United States is at a crossroads when it comes to developing defense technologies for a future that seems obscure at best. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2006
David W. Barno
Challenges in Fighting a Global Insurgency Strategy in a global counterinsurgency requires a new level of thinking. A world of irregular threats and asymmetrical warfare demands that we Americans broaden our thinking beyond the norms of traditional military action once sufficient to win our wars. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
May 2014
Dan Parsons
Special Operations a Valuable Tool In Dealing With Bloody African Conflicts Deploying small numbers of specially trained troops, namely Army Special Operations Forces that are well versed in supporting indigenous troops, can pay dividends, said Michael D. Lumpkin, assistant secretary of defense. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2005
Christopher M. Ford
Speak No Evil: Targeting a Population's Neutrality to Defeat an Insurgency Using Iraq as a model, this article seeks to examine the relationship between the people and the insurgency, with the ultimate questions being: What role does the civilian population play in the insurgency, and how can this situation be influenced to achieve success? mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2005
Michael H. Hoffman
Rescuing the Law of War: A Way Forward in an Era of Global Terrorism Terrorists are gaining an astonishing legal edge over US and other armed forces deployed against them. Judicial intervention in the law of war since September 11, 2001 already far exceeds anything ever before experienced, by any nation, in the history of warfare. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2005
Sandra I. Erwin
Intelligence: The Silver Bullet That Will Beat the Insurgency Until the military can come to grips with their intelligence problem in Iraq, it will continue to pay the price in the form of casualties, which have now reached nearly 2,000 dead and more than 14,000 wounded. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2005
George H. Quester
Demographic Trends and Military Recruitment: Surprising Possibilities This article will attempt to project current demographic trends in the United States and abroad, along with several related determinants, a substantial distance into the future, so as to explore some possibly surprising implications for the recruitment of armed forces mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2006
Colin S. Gray
Stability Operations in Strategic Perspective: A Skeptical View Stability operations, the demand for them and the provision of new capabilities to perform them well, are the downstream product of larger decisions on U.S. foreign policy and strategy. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2006
Audrey Kurth Cronin
Cyber-Mobilization: The New Levee en Masse The U.S. needs a counter-mobilization. So-called information warfare and public diplomacy do not capture the extent of this shift. Putting today's developments within their historical context, the U.S. should get beyond its cultural myopia and turn more attention to analyzing and influencing the means and ends of popular mobilization. mark for My Articles similar articles
Autumn 2004
Nader Elhefnawy
National Mobilization: An Option in Future Conflicts? Despite a great deal of hand-wringing on the part of social critics, the really difficult question was not asked: Would a World War II-scale mobilization even have been possible after 9/11 if it had been deemed an appropriate response? mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2002
Chris Bray
The Media and GI Joe How the press gets the military wrong -- and why it matters... mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2005
Sandra I. Erwin
Military Rivalries Rekindled Over `Roles and Missions' The team spirit seen on the front lines typically does not translate into affable negotiations at the Pentagon's budget table, where the services wage bureaucratic wars for their share of a $420 billion defense pie. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
May 2008
Stew Magnuson
Armed Robots Sidelined in Iraqi Fight The first three armed ground robots deployed onto a battlefield are stuck behind sandbags and are not patrolling Iraqi streets as its inventors envisioned. mark for My Articles similar articles
Spring 2007
Richard Swain
Reflection on an Ethic of Officership Reminder that America's Army has operated for over 200 years without an officer's creed to govern the actions of its leaders. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
May 2008
Alan L. Gropman
Uncertainty About Budgets, Workforce Shape Future of U.S. Weapons Industry Uncertainty about future conflicts and the capabilities of potential enemies raise complex questions about what weaponry the U.S. military will need to counter a wide spectrum of threats. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2007
Eric Wester
Last Resort and Preemption: Using Armed Force as a Moral and Penultimate Choice Using armed force in peace enforcement operations (PEO) need not be reserved for a Last Resort even while preserving the integrity of Just War theory. mark for My Articles similar articles
Military History Quarterly
Winter 2007
Letter from Winter 2007 MHQ For centuries soldiers have used military history to develop a theory of war and principles for planning an armed conflict or campaign. The same is true for the current war in Iraq. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
November 2009
Stew Magnuson
Debate Over Rules, Legality of Robots On The Battlefield Lagging, Experts Say As researchers push ahead with algorithms designed to give robots more autonomy, ethicists and legal minds warn that not enough thought is being given to the implications of using unmanned systems to apply lethal force. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2005
Matt Welch
Rummy's Posse The main thrust of an 1878 law -- keeping the four fighting branches of the military away from American citizens -- has stood firm. Until now. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
July 2012
Eric Beidel
Controversies Do Little to Temper U.S. Employment of Armed Aerial Drones With the war in Iraq over and the one in Afghanistan winding down, the fight against terrorists will become more decentralized, leaving experts to ponder where the United States will next employ its armed drones. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
June 2009
John M. Riggs
In the U.S. Military, Cultural Resistance to Armed Robots Tele-operated robots, whose every move is controlled from a distance by a trained soldier or Marine, are becoming familiar sights in today's battlefields. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
September 12, 2008
Joe Pappalardo
6 American Weapons Systems to Rearm Iraqi Army for Withdrawal This week the Wall Street Journal reported that Iraq is starting to inquire about the purchase of F-16 fighters from the United States -- another step in the process of the expected military withdrawal. mark for My Articles similar articles
Summer 2007
From the Editor Although hamstrung by a myriad of political, economic, and cultural realities, visionaries share one common opinion regarding the future of the Middle East; Iran will play a pivotal role. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2013
Paul J. Kern
U.S. Troops Deserve a Competitive Equipment Advantage The Army can take advantage of commercial competitive practices for fast-moving technologies, rather than lengthy bureaucratic processes. The armed forces should have the best capability when they need it -- and at a more affordable price in a time of lean defense budgets. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
June 2014
Sandra I. Erwin
Shine Starting to Wear Off Unmanned Aircraft Unmanned aviation has enjoyed a decade-long honeymoon, during which the military poured billions of dollars into new drone fleets and the media ballyhooed their deadly precision in combat. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
September 2005
Sandra Erwin
Defense Dept. Rhetoric Reflects War Frustrations Defense officials know so little about the insurgency American troops are combating in Iraq they decided that detailed information about the enemy, such as its strength and capabilities, is not all that important to winning the war. mark for My Articles similar articles
Finance & Development
December 1, 2002
Gupta et al.
The Elusive Peace Dividend How armed conflict and terrorism undermine economic performance mark for My Articles similar articles
IDB America
February 2002
Charo Quesada
Armies for peace A former Spanish defense minister calls for democratization of the military in Latin America... mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
February 2004
Geoff S. Fein
Energy Dept. Commandos: 'As Good as the Military' The Department of Energy is seeking to beef up its team of commandos, which is trained to help protect nuclear weapons facilities in the United States. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2003
Michael Young
Command Performances The civilian-military conflict over the conduct of war mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2004
Jesse Walker
Corporate Soldiers Employees of private security companies in Iraq had been losing their lives, particularly after the spring insurgency began, and the firms found they couldn't rely on the armed forces for protection. So businesses are contracting with each other for military and intelligence support. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
January 2013
Sandra I. Erwin
Air Force's Relationship With Unmanned Aviation Hits Plateau Remotely-piloted aircraft are the darlings of 21st century warfare. Drone fleets are expanding across the U.S. military, the CIA and the armed forces of many foreign countries. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
August 2012
Willie D. Jones
Declarations of Cyberwar What the revelations about the U.S.-Israeli origin of Stuxnet mean for warfare mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
August 2013
Macgregor & Burke
Defense Industry Can Profit Despite Downturn For the first time in decades, the Defense Department must aggressively pursue value, not simply effort. The current practice of rewarding senior military leaders and defense appointees for effort, time, staff size and budget rather than bold, effective achievement must be arrested. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 5, 2001
Ann Marlowe
Bring back the draft Compulsory, nonmilitary national service would keep our newfound spirit of national unity alive... mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
April 2009
Buying the Wrong Weapons The United States is buying weapons that decrease the number of human soldiers necessary on the front line. mark for My Articles similar articles
Military & Aerospace Electronics
June 2009
German defense forces look to Rohde & Schwarz for military software-defined radio technology Leaders of the German armed forces needed military software-defined radio technology for future military command and control technology, as well as for interoperable information and military communications networking. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
June 2010
Stew Magnuson
Efforts to Field New Kinds of Ground Robots Have Had Little Success Their predicted influx into the battlefield has stalled. That's not to say that research into myriad applications hasn't continued. But so far, the experiments have not made the transition to the current fights. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 1, 2008
David Blanchard
U.S. Military Launches Supply Chain Partnership Three government agencies have established a formal partnership designed to improve supply chain management for the U.S. Military's armed forces. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2005
Paul Raffaele
Uganda: The Horror In Uganda, tens of thousands of children have been abducted, 1.6 million people herded into camps and thousands of people killed: A dispatch from the world's 'largest neglected humanitarian emergency'. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
October 2007
Sandra I. Erwin
Why Is Congress Launching Yet Another Roles-and-Missions Probe? Congress may have the power of the purse, but it has been largely powerless in just about every attempt to influence the course of the war in Iraq and to substantially reshape military spending priorities. mark for My Articles similar articles