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Pharmaceutical Executive
September 1, 2013
Jordan Sarver
Pathology in the Era of Personalized Medicine With their knowledge of molecular genetics, Pathologists are transforming the way healthcare is provided. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
March 1, 2011
Jerry Coamey
Engage the Physician! New research shows that gauging the mind of the clinician is crucial to timely uptake of the new diagnostic tools offered by the genomic revolution mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
September 1, 2005
Wolfgang Klietmann
Thought Leader: (Eco)systemic Change The author discusses how various players within the healthcare system interact. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
June 1, 2006
Nancy Dreyer
Personalized Medicine Meets the Real World A wave of genomic medicines is coming down the pipeline, and they're going to be expensive. Can companies prove they're worth it? Maybe: but the claims payers seek aren't coming from traditional clinical trials. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bio-IT World
July 2005
Kevin Davies
Medicine Gets Personal Touch More genomics-based drugs are moving into development with others, such as new cancer drugs showcasing on the clinical pharmacogenics scene as outlined in the Advances in Genomic Medicine program of a recent world conference. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 21, 2010
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Making Personalized Medicine Pay Medco and other pharmacy benefit managers say future profits depend on matching drugs to patients based on their genes. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2006
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Personalize It While Adidas offers customized shoes for your feet, the pharmaceutical industry is moving toward personalizing drugs based on your genes. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
March 1, 2013
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Early Engagement with Medical Laboratories Timely engagement is the key to expanding the use of companion diagnostics. mark for My Articles similar articles
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October 1, 2008
Getting Personal(ized) Stop worrying about shrinking the market for your drug, and start figuring out how the "test and treat" business model works. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Code Blue: Combating Rising Healthcare Costs Calls for Strong Medicine It's been said many times over that the U.S. healthcare industry is a sick patient in search of a cure. The metaphor is a grim reflection of how the country is coping with an aging population, rising costs and an inefficient healthcare delivery system. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Can I Get Personal? VC's are back and seem very excited about the broader disease management and personalized medicine investment opportunities. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Mauldin & Maddron
Medical Office Momentum The Affordable Care Act takes some risk out of healthcare property investment. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bio-IT World
February 2007
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Obama Declares for Personalized Medicine Barack Obama is one of few members of congress who sees the genomics tidal wave and is doing something about it. Obama may be a Democrat, but drug and biotech industries have reason to hope. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
September 2010
Richard Hader
The evidence that isn't... Interpreting research When patients seek a healthcare practitioner for services, they believe that the delivered care is based on proven science. But reality is far from patient perception. In fact, most care is still based on anecdote, not evidence. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
February 24, 2011
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Targeted Medicine via Molecular Diagnostics Using diagnostics to select and deselect target populations for drug therapy will enable life scientists to make more effective medicines. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
August 1, 2012
Pascheles & Bogan
The Ultimate Business Model: Planning that Thousand Year Future In an era where success is monitored and measured in microseconds, planning for the long term is increasingly seen as an abstract absurdity. Yet the principles of natural selection, when applied to the pharmaceutical business, suggest that a lasting business model is still possible. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 22, 2008
Katharine Gammon
Leroy Hood: Look to the Genome to Rebuild Health Care The 69-year-old biotechnologist bases his health care plan on the four Ps -- medicine that is predictive, preventive, personalized, and participatory. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Lauren McKay
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Chemistry World
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Fast Company
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September 5, 2005
Putting the FDA Out Front Deputy Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock explains how the agency has led the drive for personalized medicine. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
November 2006
Maureen Glabman
Genetic Testing: Major Opportunity, Major Problems Whether a person is likely to develop diabetes, cancer, schizophrenia, or stroke will be reasonably well predicted, and tests can also determine whether a patient will respond to a given therapy. That's the good part. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
May 1, 2005
Marsha Meyer
Medical Education: Prevention Education Shifting the nation's healthcare paradigm from treating seniors' ills to preventing them will take the combined support of pharma companies, medical schools, continuing medical education (CME) providers, and clinicians. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
April 1, 2011
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Pharmaceutical Executive
June 1, 2011
To Screen or Not to Screen? What do our genetics tell us about our predisposition to certain diseases? What does this mean for pharmaceutical companies? mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
October 2011
Edna Cadmus
Your role in redesigning healthcare We need to rethink how we provide care and to understand the interconnectedness and the structure of healthcare by looking at it as a whole vs. the sum of its parts. As leaders we need to view the evidence as we rethink healthcare together. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
May 21, 2010
Gregory T. Huang
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Bio-IT World
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Capell & Arndt
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Bio-IT World
June 2006
Kevin Davies
The Data Deluge: Deal or No Deal? Far from decrying the data glut, researchers should embrace the complexity of genomic and other sources of data, particularly for its predictive properties in the field of personalized medicine. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bio-IT World
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Job Journal
January 18, 2009
Career Snapshot: Registered Nurse Registered nurses have a wealth of career opportunities to choose from. mark for My Articles similar articles
HBS Working Knowledge
July 12, 2006
Roger Thompson
Competition the Cure for Healthcare Michael Porter is considered by many the world's foremost authority on competition and strategy. So when he discusses the need for fundamental reform in the way the United States delivers healthcare, people listen. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
November 1, 2011
Elizabeth O. Coulton
Clinical Trial Issues Not Just Black and White The selection of clinical trial participants must meld with the changing demographics of America if industry is to improve medicines that work for patients. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
January 1, 2012
Here's to a Happier New Year? A turbulent year is ahead for European pharma, while EFPIA's Director General begins to rethink its approach to new science. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
July 30, 2007
Peter Pitts
Opinion: Fewer Cents, More Sense Our healthcare system may be broken, but playing the blame game is not going to fix it. Remember that disease - not Big Pharma - is the enemy. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Electronic Health Records: A Place to Start, Not a Destination End-game electronic health record solutions need to focus on integrating individuals' health with wealth and making it personal and actionable in a consumer-directed healthcare world. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Managed Care
April 2001
U.S. Health Care 'Substandard,' Says IOM Report Managed care -- a whipping boy for all that is wrong with health care in the U.S. -- is not to blame for a badly fragmented system that provides incentives to treat acute episodes and not manage chronic illness, according to the Institute of Medicine's landmark report... mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
April 1, 2007
Thoughtleader: Melissa Brown, Center for Value-Based Medicine Here, co-author Melissa Brown discusses her book Evidence-Based to Value-Based Medicine and what's driving the move toward value-based medicine, how it will affect pharma, and why executives should embrace it. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
August 24, 2007
Brian Orelli
Take Your Medicine; Earn Your Profits Personalized medicine offers investment ideas. Let's take a look at what this new catchphrase in the medical community actually means, and how investors can benefit from it. mark for My Articles similar articles
Insurance & Technology
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Nathan Golia
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Pharmaceutical Executive
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Steve Singer
Medical Education: Community of Change Continuing medical education professionals need not reinvent the wheel to accomplish more. But we do have to better align our approaches to the way in which healthcare is actually delivered. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
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Pharmaceutical Executive
June 1, 2011
Are You Ready for the New China? The ability to act as a good corporate citizen and assert a useful role in national industrial policy on health is going to be essential to success in the new China. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 18, 2011
Stuart J. Johnston
IBM's Watson Goes from Jeopardy to Medicine After its supercomputer flattened two human challengers at Jeopardy, IBM announced a collaboration with a leading voice technology firm to teach the computer bedside manners. mark for My Articles similar articles