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PC World
April 2004
Andrew Brandt
Soon, Your Cell Phone May Be Tracking You GPS chips in handsets make cell phone tracking services a reality. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
October 2, 2006
Ryan Singel
The Future of Privacy New online services could make you an even more inviting target for privacy attacks. Here's how. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 28, 2007
Susan Kuchinskas
Is Privacy Where It's At? Location-based mobile services promise convenience and fun - as long as you can turn them off. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 22, 2004
Is Google Desktop a Privacy Threat? No, your hard-drive searches aren't broadcast over the Net. Still, you need to be a careful user. Here's the real deal. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
September 2001
Cameron Crouch
Will Big Brother Track You by Cell Phone? The FCC requires cell phone companies to track you, in order to find you when you call 911 -- but what about your privacy? mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
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New Privacy Threats As you guard your privacy against standard threats like spyware and phishing, your data is leaking out via legit firms you do business with. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
April 18, 2007
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The Ethics of GPS Is location-based technology putting privacy at risk? mark for My Articles similar articles
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Fight Back Against Surveillance Software Detect and disable keyloggers; reject e-mail return receipts; and use hardware and software firewalls. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
May 24, 2001
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Who's Reading Your Instant Messages? Privacy advocates warn of greater vulnerability as popular application migrates to more devices... mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
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IEEE Spectrum
July 2006
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Stalked by Satellite Many states have general laws against stalking or harassment, but far fewer specifically address GPS tracking, mobile phones, Internet spyware, and other recent developments in consumer technology. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
January 2005
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Google Stumbles With New Desktop Tool The beta version of Google Desktop Search does give the same satisfying results for your PC that provides for the Web. But as it's designed now, GDS also delivers a potential security nightmare, say industry experts. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
April 18, 2001
Cameron Crouch
Will Big Brother Track You By Cell Phone? Location services must assure customers of privacy to succeed, conference participants agree... mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2000
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Privacy Perspectives for Online Searchers: Confidentiality with Confidence This article presents some of the issues and questions involved in online privacy from the information professional's perspective. We offer it as a resource for making more informed decisions in this rapidly changing area. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
May 2001
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PC World
June 1, 2000
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Popular Mechanics
January 2009
Brian Krebs
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Popular Mechanics
January 2009
Joe Pappalardo
Four Ways to Fight Back Against Cyber Attacks Your webcam, cell phone, web browsers, and personal e-mails are all vulnerable to attack from thieves in cyberspace. Here are four ways to fight back. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
September 13, 2011
Chloe Albanesius
Don't Want Google Collecting Your Wi-Fi Data? Opt Out is Coming In the wake of last year's data collection controversy, Google said Tuesday that it will allow users to opt out of having their Wi-Fi location data tracked. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
November 2003
Kandra & Brandt
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October 2013
Leonard Klie
Should Retailers Target Mobile Devices? Tracking consumers in stores and online brings privacy issues back into the spotlight. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 21, 2007
Sean Gallagher
With Google/DoubleClick Approved, is Privacy Dead? The Google-DoubleClick merger creates a uniquely large single lightning rod for privacy activists to get up in arms over. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
October 20, 2008
John Brownlee
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Information Today
May 9, 2011
Nancy Herther
Mobile Privacy Issues Come to Capitol Hill -- Apple's iOS4 to be Examined in Senate Hearing Apple's iOS4 operating system for the iPhone and 3G iPad included software that is regularly recording the position of your device into a hidden file. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
May 2008
Joel Johnson
Is Your Carrier Tracing You via GPS and 911 Calls? Tech Clinic Information is being recorded any time your mobile phone is on. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
February 1, 2008
Eric Griffith
How to Reclaim Your Online Privacy We reveal the methods you need to surf, e-mail, IM, and more while reclaiming your ever-elusive online confidentiality. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
April 2006
Andrew Brandt
How Much Does Google Know About You? If you think your search keywords are private, think again. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2006
David H. Freedman
I'll Be Watching You New software makes it possible to monitor employees and clients. It's not as creepy as it sounds. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 1, 2003
Christopher Lindquist
GPS Finds New Business Soon, taking advantage of those same GPS features that can help a lost hiker get out of the woods could be as easy as paying a few extra dollars on your cell phone bills. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 28, 2011
Stuart J. Johnston
Apple Denies Tracking Users - Plans 'Bug Fix' Apple says it's only trying to make users' wireless experiences faster and more useful. mark for My Articles similar articles
T.H.E. Journal
November 2007
Justine Brown
Tag! You're It! Requiring students to wear RFID-enabled badges can ease administrative tasks and tighten security, but some parents and advocacy groups think it insults children's dignity - and may threaten their safety. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
December 2004
Anne Kandra
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August 1, 2001
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PC World
June 2002
Daniel Tynan
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Information Today
April 8, 2010
George H. Pike
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January 6, 2007
Erin Joyce
Lucky Year For RFID Privacy? GPS in phones, RFID tags in products: Could 2007 be the year that privacy pushes back in the tech world? mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2001
Adam L. Penenberg
The Surveillance Society Cell phones that pinpoint your location. Cameras that track your every move. Subway cards that remember. We routinely sacrifice privacy for convenience and security. So stop worrying. And get ready for your close-up... mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
July 1, 2014
Supreme Court Ruling Upholds Individual Privacy Law enforcement officers must obtain a warrant before searching the content in an arrested person's cellphone. mark for My Articles similar articles Anti-Texting Apps At least a dozen startups have produced phone applications designed to curb the temptation to use the phone while driving. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 1, 2001
Alison Bass
Miller's Privacy Warning Information security lapses present one front of a looming courtroom battle. Legal Expert Arthur Miller says CIOs and corporate America also have to protect people's privacy -- or risk a jury's wrath... mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
June 22, 2004
Alan Cohen
Location, Location, Location uLocate's GPS-based Web service helps you keep track of family and friends. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 26, 2009
Stephen Baker
Mapping a New, Mobile Internet A nascent industry involving the likes of Google and Nokia is pinpointing the movements and behaviors of millions of cell-phone users. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
June 2004
Andrew Brandt
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October 2008
Nitasha Tiku
We See You If you want to know where your customers are right now, there's no need to ask. With GPS cell phones, Internet protocol addresses, Wi-Fi hot spots, and cell tower triangulation, there's plenty of information to go on. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 15, 2006
Allan Holmes
The Profits in Privacy Contrary to popular belief, protecting the privacy of customer data and making a profit are not mutually exclusive goals. Here are several leading companies who have accomplished both and how they pulled it off. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
April 26, 2011
Anders Bylund
Apple's Location Scandal: Nothing But Hot Air There are bigger issues to worry about, like the baggage retrieval system they've got at Heathrow. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 5, 2009
Kenneth Corbin
Google Latitude and That Creepy Feeling Google's new location-aware app debuts with privacy at the forefront. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
September 2005
Dan Koeppel
You are (absolutely, precisely) here GPS applications are taken to the next level and help you avoid traffic, keep track of your children, or monitor your workouts. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 19, 2009
House Panel Moves Closer to Privacy Bill Lawmakers still struggling to find balance between protecting consumers without slowing commerce. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
October 2003
Andrew Brandt
Privacy Watch: California Law Protects Us All From Security Breaches New identity theft statute likely to help consumers everywhere. mark for My Articles similar articles