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American Family Physician
November 15, 2005
Sarah J. Evans
Newsletter AAFP Survey Shows Increased Use of EHR Systems by FPs... AHRQ Launches New Health Care Program... AAFP Asks Members to Join Title VII Campaign... AHRQ Rewards Over $22.3 Million for Health Information Technology... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
June 2010
Alison Trembly
Stroke care in the 21st century Stroke care has changed dramatically in the last decade. This story emphasizes several key points about stroke in the 21st century. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2012
Duncan et al.
Early warning systems: The next level of rapid response Cardiac arrests in hospitals are usually preceded by observable signs of deterioration, which often appear 6 to 8 hours before the arrest occurs. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 15, 2006
Mehta et al.
Opportunities to Improve Outcomes in Sickle Cell Disease Family physicians play a crucial role in instituting evidence-based preventive sickle cell care strategies, initiating timely treatment of acute illness, recognizing life-threatening episodes, and providing a medical home for multidisciplinary management. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 15, 2005
Genevieve Ressel
Newsletter AAFP Launches Online Quality Improvement Program... NIH Issues New Guidelines for Managing Asthma During Pregnancy... ABFM Extends Deadline for 2004 Self-Assessment Module... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
July 2010
Lois Welden
Transfusion confusion Over the past decade, literature has indicated that liberal use of blood transfusions results in poor clinical outcomes in the majority of critically ill patients. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
October 2011
Edna Cadmus
Your role in redesigning healthcare We need to rethink how we provide care and to understand the interconnectedness and the structure of healthcare by looking at it as a whole vs. the sum of its parts. As leaders we need to view the evidence as we rethink healthcare together. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
September 2010
Richard Hader
The evidence that isn't... Interpreting research When patients seek a healthcare practitioner for services, they believe that the delivered care is based on proven science. But reality is far from patient perception. In fact, most care is still based on anecdote, not evidence. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Journal of Nursing
September 2011
Adams & Tolich
Original Research: Blood Transfusion: The Patient's Experience This study therefore sought to identify how well patients understand the role of blood transfusion in their treatment and whether it causes them discomfort. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
September 2009
Richard Hader
Six Ways to Zero Defects Care delivery that's safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable is the challenge set forth by the Institute of Medicine in an effort to reduce medical-related errors mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 15, 2006
Liz Smith
Newsletter FDA Announces New Prescription Drug Information Format... ASTM International Develops Continuity of Care Record... HHS Launches Project to Test Electronic Prescribing for Medicare Part D... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
May 15, 2006
Liz Smith
Newsletter CMS to Cover Shortfalls in States' Children's Health Insurance Funds... Reports Find Costs Restrict Health Technology Implementation... Family Physician Gives Invited Testimony on EHR Difficulties... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 15, 2007
Newsletter Title VII Funds Increase in 2007 Continuing Appropriations Resolution... Medicaid Enrollment Numbers Fall After Introduction of New Rule... AAFP Responds to HPV Vaccination Requirement for School Entry... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
August 15, 2005
Carrie Morantz
Newsletter Latest Senate EHR Bill Combines and Replaces Previous Proposals... Agencies Collaborate to Help Patients Recover from Mental Illness... Study: Most Americans Do Not Think Obesity Risks Are Overestimated... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
June 2005
Martin Sipkoff
The Re-Emergence of the Primary Care Physician A new model of care developed by the American Academy of Family Physicians places primary care physicians back at the center of care delivery. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2011
Mink & Miller
Stroke, Part 2: Respond aggressively to hemorrhagic stroke Patients may arrive at the hospital any time from minutes to days after a hemorrhagic stroke, and nurses need to be prepared for the unique challenges associated with their care. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
January 1, 2013
Al Topin
The Doctor-Patient Disconnect Doctor-patient conversations aren't always what we think; this basic interaction represents both a problem and an opportunity for today's drug marketers, says the author. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
December 2010
Raso & Gulinello
Creating Cultures of Safety: Risk Management Challenges and Strategies The role of the nurse manager in directing patient care and influencing change from a risk perspective is paramount to success. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
November 2011
Mary Ann Remshardt
The Impact of Patient Literacy on Healthcare Practices With regard to patient teaching, how can healthcare personnel be certain that patients understand concepts basic to informed consent, hospital safety, dietary restrictions, and prescription information? mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 15, 2005
Carrie Morantz
Newsletter AMA, AAFP Act to Protect Patients' Access to Prescriptions... AHRQ Releases Updated Guide to Clinical Preventive Services... HHS Awards $80.5 Million in Grants to Reduce Infant Mortality Rates... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
April 2009
Sharon H. Pappas
Profits, Payers, and Patients: Responding to Changes Profit is necessary for hospitals to fulfill their missions, invest in expansion and new technologies, and reinvest in existing patient care infrastructures. Profitability is the work of the financial team and the clinical team to produce the hospital's desired financial outcome. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
July 15, 2006
When Your Child Has Sickle Cell Disease A patient's guide: What is sickle cell disease?... What problems can sickle cell disease cause?... What should I do if my child with sickle cell disease is in pain?... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
April 10, 2014
Ben Comer
Sickle Cell Disease In Three Acts Is there a happy ending in store for sickle cell patients? mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
January 1, 2012
Elys Roberts & Sarah Phillips
The Emergence of the Pro-Patient How can pharma embrace and interact with increasingly informed and demanding patients to bring positive outcomes for all? mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2009
Miller & Mink
Acute Ischemic Stroke: Not a Moment to Lose A review of the guidelines for acute ischemic stroke care for adults, based on the most recent revisions. Plus, a look at the two types of strokes. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
April 15, 2005
Newsletter Demand for Subspecialists May Jeopardize Public Health... CDC Survey Reveals Limited Use of Electronic Health Records Systems... SAMHSA Offers $12.4 Million in Grants for Child Trauma Initiative... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
March 1, 2013
Al Topin
Less Selling, More Time What can happen when pharmaceutical reps focus on the physician-patient conversation? mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
December 2005
Ricardo Guggenheim
Putting EBM To Work (Easier Said Than Done) Through widespread implementation of evidence-based medicine, the United States has its best chance of erasing the variations in care that currently extract such huge costs -- both human and financial -- from the health care system. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 27, 2013
How IT Can Produce Better Patient Care For Dr. Bob Laskowski, president and CEO of Christiana Care Health System, technology means empowering physicians and patients. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 29, 2015
Martha Heller
Amgen uses algorithms to venture into digital healthcare A senior vice president of global marketing and commercial development, says she's working with the CIO to set up a digital healthcare organization that can help physicians better predict how patients will respond to therapies. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
October 15, 2005
Carrie Morantz
Newsletter Hurricane Katrina May Stall Pay-for-Performance Legislation... Medicare Deadline Flexible for Patients With 'Creditable Coverage'... Research Finds Low EHR Adoption Rates for Physician Groups... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
March 15, 2005
Genevieve Ressel
Newsletter Online Registration Available for 2005 ABFM Examinations... AAFP Collaborates on Obesity Management Journal... CDC Web Site Focuses on Autism and Other Developmental Disorders... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 15, 2005
Haas et al.
Management of the Difficult Patient All physicians must care for some patients who are perceived as difficult because of behavioral or emotional aspects that affect their care. Specific communication techniques and greater patient involvement in the process of care may enhance the relationship. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
March 2000
Michael Levin-Epstein
Medical Errors, D.C.'s New Cause - Will Result Be Action, or Just Talk? ...In its landmark study, "To Err Is Human," the Institute of Medicine embarrassed health care by labeling it at least a decade behind other high-risk industries in protecting its customers.... mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
March 1, 2012
Paolo De Marino
Registering Value: Always in the Eye of the Beholder The organizational disconnect between marketing and market access is curable if both groups focus on what counts: who's making the final purchase. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Journal of Nursing
January 2010
Life-Support Interventions at the End of Life: Unintended Consequences Nurses need to be knowledgeable life-support interventions at the end of life and able to communicate what they know about those consequences to patients, family members, and others on the health care team, leading to better decision making at this difficult time. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
November 1, 2006
Alternative Media: Time to Change the Channel Upgraded hospital television and Internet systems equal new marketing opportunities. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
March 1, 2011
Jerry Coamey
Engage the Physician! New research shows that gauging the mind of the clinician is crucial to timely uptake of the new diagnostic tools offered by the genomic revolution mark for My Articles similar articles
January 31, 2005
Carol Marie Cropper
Between You, The Doctor, And The PC More physicians and hospitals are putting their medical records online mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
June 2007
MargaretAnn Cross
What the Primary Care Physician Shortage Means for Health Plans Insurers fear rising costs and poorer outcomes if members are less able to get appointments with family physicians and general internists. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
May 1, 2005
Ame Wadler
PR: In the Loop Pharma marketers can help doctors stay abreast of the news. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
December 15, 2006
Liz Smith
Newsletter Medicare Beneficiaries Advised to Review Drug Plan Changes for 2007... AAFP Federal Advocacy Efforts Will Focus on Physician Payment Reform... Pay-for-Performance Incentives Used by One Half of Surveyed HMOs... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
September 1, 2012
Al Topin
Doctors' Words No Longer Gospel In the digital age, physicians don't call the shots when it comes to healthcare guidance. Marketers must appeal to multiple sources in seeking ways to garner patient adherence and loyalty. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2012
Susan Simmons
Recognizing and preventing Acute stroke in women In women, stroke is the third leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer, and the major cause of disability. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
February 1, 2012
Sarah Krug
Introducing the 'Chief Patient Officer' Now is the time for pharma companies to appoint a Chief Patient Officer, a new position designed to build an accord around patient trust. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 14, 2010
Lax Data Security Results in Heavy Fines Five California hospitals got an expensive reminder of just how serious the state is about protecting patients' sensitive data. Expect more of the same in the near future. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
July 1, 2006
Jill Wechsler
Washington Report: Hard Evidence The push for more useful information on medication effectiveness is shaping drug development and reimbursement. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
October 2007
Data on Quality Lacking for Docs A new report says that insurers are better at providing quality information about hospitals than about physicians. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
July 1, 2011
Cabacungan & Clark
New Ways to Gain New Brand Insights If you can learn to understand patient and physician behavior, you are well on your way to strengthening the position of your product. mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
April 1, 2011
Bridging the HCP-Patient Gap Here's what's necessary to bridge the gap between the patient revolution and healthcare provider in the 21st century. mark for My Articles similar articles