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November 2005
Rosenthal et al.
Requirements for Digital Preservation Systems: A Bottom-Up Approach Work is under way to elaborate the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) reference model with sufficient detail to allow systems to inter-operate on the basis of common specifications for ingesting and disseminating information. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2001
Vicky Reich
LOCKSS: A Permanent Web Publishing and Access System LOCKSS (Lots Of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) is a tool designed for libraries to use to ensure their community's continued access to web-published scientific journals... mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2015
Rosenthal et al.
Enhancing the LOCKSS Digital Preservation Technology The LOCKSS Program develops and supports libraries using open source peer-to-peer digital preservation software. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2014
Rimkus et al.
Digital Preservation File Format Policies of ARL Member Libraries: An Analysis While concerted efforts have been made in the library community to encourage common standards, digital preservation policies regularly vary from one digital library service to another. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2004
Andreas Stanescu
Assessing the Durability of Formats in a Digital Preservation Environment: The INFORM Methodology Clearly, the process of measuring the preservation durability of digital formats is best done in collaboration with digital archives, global registries, institutional repositories, digital libraries, digital format experts, software and hardware developers and researchers. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2000
Gail M. Hodge
Best Practices for Digital Archiving: An Information Life Cycle Approach Digital information is fragile in ways that differ from traditional technologies, such as paper or microfilm. It is more easily corrupted or altered without recognition... mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2015
Goethals et al.
Facing the Challenge of Web Archives Preservation Collaboratively: The Role and Work of the IIPC Preservation Working Group This article documents goals and activities of the IIPC Preservation Working Group, such as a survey about the current state of preservation in member web archives and a number of collaborative projects. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2005
Clay Shirky
AIHT: Conceptual Issues from Practical Tests The Archive Ingest and Handling Test (AIHT) was created with the idea that by giving a moderately complex digital archive to a variety of participants, we would be able to better understand which aspects of digital preservation were institution-specific, and which aspects were more general. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2001
Dale Flecker
Preserving Scholarly E-Journals For research libraries, the long-term preservation of digital collections may well be the most important issue in digital libraries. In certain ways, digital materials are incredibly fragile, dependent for their continued utility upon technologies that undergo rapid and continual change... mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2000
Stewart Granger
Emulation as a Digital Preservation Strategy Many libraries and archives are in the process of `going digital'. What are the issues with respect to emulation as a digital preservation strategy? mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2005
Anderson et al.
The AIHT at Stanford University: Automated Preservation Assessment of Heterogeneous Digital Collections Development and initial implementation of a methodology for automated preservation-risk assessment, results applying the methodology to the AIHT collection, and some general conclusions from our results and from the project as a whole. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2005
Jantz & Giarlo
Digital Preservation: Architecture and Technology for Trusted Digital Repositories To ensure that current digital archives can be trusted to be available in the future, methods, practices, and standards need to be defined. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2013
von Suchodoletz et al.
Report on the First iPres Workshop on Practical Emulation Tools and Strategies The International Conference on Digital Preservation is an established annual event bringing together practitioners and researchers in the digital preservation community, engaging individuals, organizations and institutions across all disciplines and domains involved in digital libraries. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2005
Abrams et al.
Harvard's Perspective on the Archive Ingest and Handling Test Future plans for the Digital Repository Service (DRS) are to convert it to more of an institutional repository. The AIHT provides an excellent opportunity to investigate a number of issues that are expect in the future. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jul/Aug 2004
Lavoie & Dempsey
Thirteen Ways of Looking at...Digital Preservation Fulfilling the promise of integrated and readily accesible material requires the cultivation of stakeholder communities that meaningfully engage with digital information environments. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2005
Bonita Wilson
User-Centered Design It is of the utmost importance to keep users foremost in mind when developing tools or designing interfaces for digital libraries. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
May 2009
Bill Greenwood
Securing Your Digital Future A look at various industry standard data formats used for storing archival data, and strategies for physical storage. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2004
Catherine Ayre & Adrienne Muir
The Right to Preserve: The Rights Issues of Digital Preservation The Copyright and Licensing for Digital Preservation (CLDP) project, which was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Board, ran from September 2002 to March 2004. The project's aim was to investigate whether and how copyright legislation and licensed access to digital content affect the ability of libraries to provide long-term access to that content, and to suggest solutions for any problems identified. mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2007
Digital Preservation Service Provider Models for Institutional Repositories: Towards Distributed Services Distributed preservation services require further investigation about the interaction of service providers and client repositories. While there may be some emerging consensus on the range of services that may be needed, the primary requirement is for market testing conditions. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
November 30, 2004
Neil J. Rubenking
Small Pictures Become Huge Documents in Word A number of readers are mystified by a file-size anomaly in Microsoft Word. mark for My Articles similar articles
Jan/Feb 2013
Webb et al.
'Oh, you wanted us to preserve that?!' Statements of Preservation Intent for the National Library of Australia's Digital Collections Clarifying preservation intentions is likely to be a good starting point for preservation planning for diverse digital collections. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2005
The eXtensible Past: The Relevance of the XML Data Format for Access to Historical Datasets and a Strategy for Digital Preservation Reports on investigations carried out by the Netherlands Historical Data Archive into the relevance of the XML data format and the "Open Archives" paradigm on the long-term preservation and dissemination of historical datasets. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2003
Ronald Jantz
Public Opinion Polls and Digital Preservation: An Application of the Fedora Digital Object Repository System This article provides an overview of the Eagleton Poll Archive, the website and, more specifically, the underlying preservation framework mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2003
Searle & Thompson
Preservation Metadata Pragmatic first steps at the National Library of New Zealand mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov/Dec 2009
Kulovits et al.
From TIFF to JPEG 2000? Preservation planning at the Bavarian State Library using a collection of digitized 16th century printings. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2005
DiLauro et al.
The Archive Ingest and Handling Test: The Johns Hopkins University Report The Digital Knowledge Center used the AIHT to explore and evaluate content repositories as platforms for digital preservation. mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2014
Theron Westervelt
Library of Congress Recommended Format Specifications: Encouraging Preservation Without Discouraging Creation The Library of Congress has devised the Recommended Format Specifications to enable it to identify what formats will most easily lend themselves to preservation and long-term access, especially with regard to digital formats. mark for My Articles similar articles
IEEE Spectrum
July 2005
MacKenzie Smith
External Bits How can we preserve digital files and save our collective memory? The open-source DSpace project sees not only the problem of preserving the data, but also making it readable, playable or watchable many years later. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
December 14, 2004
Neil J. Rubenking
Excel's Custom Formats Q: The user wanted to format a cell in Excel so that if its value is positive, it is formatted with the Accounting format and looks like this: "$ 456 "... A: To create your custom format, first format one cell with the Accounting format... mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2007
Gano & Linden
Government Information in Legacy Formats: Scaling a Pilot Project to Enable Long-Term Access An "open repository" model would allow institutions to approach archiving tasks and sets of CD-ROMs in different ways. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2008
Buonora & Liberati
A Format for Digital Preservation of Images: A Study on JPEG 2000 File Robustness Digital preservation requires a strategy for the storage of large quantities of data, which increases dramatically when dealing with high resolution images. mark for My Articles similar articles
May/Jun 2011
Li & Banach
Institutional Repositories and Digital Preservation: Assessing Current Practices at Research Libraries Digital preservation is a significant problem facing libraries. Libraries are struggling with how to preserve the scholarly and cultural record now that this information is increasingly being produced in digital formats. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2002
William G. LeFurgy
Levels of Service for Digital Repositories This article outlines conditions that govern the persistence of digital materials and suggests a model for future levels of service for digital repositories... mark for My Articles similar articles
Sep/Oct 2008
Chute & Van de Sempel
Introducing djatoka: A Reuse Friendly, Open Source JPEG 2000 Image Server Support for the format is emerging in major consumer applications, and the cultural heritage community seriously considers it a viable format for digital preservation. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
October 2000
Microsoft Pushes Products and Alliances in E-Book Market Microsoft Corp. has announced that it has made the Windows version of Microsoft Reader for desktop PCs and laptop computers available as a free download. In addition, major publishers are making best-selling titles available in Microsoft Reader format... mark for My Articles similar articles
September 2006
Bonita Wilson
Preserving Information, Not Formats Dealing with materials that have existed solely in digital format is easier than contemplating what to do with print materials for which there is no longer space or budget available for maintenance. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2005
Aschenbrenner, Brandt & Strodl
Report on the 5th International Web Archiving Workshop (IWAW) In addition to web arching-related issues, the workshop discussed the broad topic of digital preservation. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
October 4, 2010
Anders Bylund
Can Google Change the Internet? Big G keeps creating alternatives to the most basic components of the Internet. Does any of it really matter? mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
December 2006
Brad Reagan
The Digital Ice Age The documents of our time are being recorded as bits and bytes with no guarantee of future readability. As technologies change, will our files be frozen in forgotten formats? mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
May 4, 2005
Bill Machrone
Hey, It's Your Music Some people love iTunes; others hate it. They may prefer to manage their music library with Musicmatch or Winamp. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
January 14, 2010
Ex Libris Announces the Beta Release of Rosetta Version 2.0 The system enables institutions to manage, preserve, and provide access to documents for perpetuity-institutional documents, research output in digital formats, digital images, websites, and other digitally born and digitized materials. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 3, 2005
Jim Wagner
PDFs Native to The New Office Microsoft's upcoming Office suite will include support for the format. Will Adobe feel the pressure? mark for My Articles similar articles
April 2000
Peter Hirtle
Digital Paleography Paleography is the science and art of reading and deciphering old or obscure handwriting. What does paleography and ancient handwriting have to do with digital libraries? Preservation of digital file formats is of increasing concern to the digital library community. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
November 28, 2005
Richard W. Wiggins
British Library and Others Join Microsoft in Document Standards Effort Seeking to promote digital preservation of documents composed in Microsoft Office formats, the British Library and a number of other enterprises have joined Microsoft's effort to define a new standard for Office Open XML. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 2004
Schonfeld et al.
Library Periodicals Expenses Comparison of non-subscription costs of print and electronic formats on a life-cycle basis mark for My Articles similar articles
Nov/Dec 2012
Joan E. Beaudoin
Context and Its Role in the Digital Preservation of Cultural Objects In discussions surrounding digital preservation, context -- those properties of an object related to its creation and preservation that make the object's origins, composition, and purpose clear -- has been identified as a critical aspect of preservation metadata. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 2002
Stewart Granger
Digital Preservation and Deep Infrastructure Institutions should adopt both a pragmatic approach and a strategic approach to preservation of digital data. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2003
Marcum & Friedlander
Keepers of the Crumbling Culture What digital preservation can learn from library history mark for My Articles similar articles
Pharmaceutical Executive
March 1, 2006
Lou Morris
Backpage: Warning Letter A press release describes the existence of a new Patient Counseling Information section. Drug labels have contained a patient information section within the precautions section. The suggestion that this section is new is false and misleading. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 2000
Frith Breitzer
Judging E-books by Their Covers Format Still Has Hurdles to Overcome mark for My Articles similar articles