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Science News
June 30, 2007
Timeline: From the June 26, 1937, issue Guereza monkeys source of fashionable fur... New theory on cosmic-ray origin offered by physicists... Oxygen face tent for pilots advocated as safety measure... mark for My Articles similar articles
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December 6, 2003
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May 3, 1930
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August 26, 2006
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December 11, 2004
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January 11, 2003
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July 8, 2006
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December 15, 2007
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July 14, 2007
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June 24, 2006
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October 9, 2004
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April 29, 2006
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December 15, 2001
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Chemistry World
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Popular Mechanics
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Chemistry World
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Science News
March 17, 2007
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