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Linux Journal
March 1, 2007
Sean Walberg
Expose VoIP Problems Using Wireshark Sniff out VoIP problems with Wireshark, an open-source network protocol analyzer. VoIP involves a complex set of protocols that Wireshark can decode and relate to each other. mark for My Articles similar articles
Linux Journal
February 1, 2002
Gianluca Insolvibile
Inside the Linux Packet Filter In Part I of this two-part series on the Linux Packet Filter, the author describes a packet's journey through the kernel... mark for My Articles similar articles
May 29, 2000
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Can IPv6 replace SSL? A brief overview of the features of IPv6 and its security specifications. In the later sections of the paper, he compares the security specifications of IPv6 to one of today's available security protocols, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). mark for My Articles similar articles
August 25, 2006
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Linux Journal
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August 30, 2000
A Stateful Inspection of FireWall-1 An analysis of Check Point FireWall-1 vulnerabilities resulting from protocol design flaws, problems in stateful inspection, common or default misconfigurations, and minor implementation errors discovered over the past few months in the lab, and verified in real-world penetration tests. mark for My Articles similar articles
Linux Journal
April 1, 2007
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May 1, 2007
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IEEE Spectrum
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Popular Mechanics
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Information Today
December 30, 2002
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The Internet Marks Its 20th Anniversary As you celebrate New Year's Day, pause to contemplate that it marks the 20th anniversary of the birth of the Internet. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 7, 2005
Sean Michael Kerner
'Land' Bug Back to Bedevil Microsoft Servers Windows Server 2003 and XP SP2 machines without properly configured firewalls are at risk of a Denial of Service attack via the "LAND" bug, according to a security researcher. mark for My Articles similar articles