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Popular Mechanics
January 26, 2010
Chris Sweeney
The World's 18 Strangest Tunnels: Gallery The tourist and traveler can learn about tunnels all over the world and their unique features and background. mark for My Articles similar articles
Popular Mechanics
June 2007
Jeff Wise
Turkey Building the World's Deepest Immersed Tube Tunnel Soon, the Turks will connect Europe and Asia under the Bosporus via a 8.25-mile-long Marmaray Tunnel, which will provide a rail link for a rapid transit system. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 21, 2007
Julian Smith
Quake Fears, Ancient Finds Have Europe-Asia Tunnel on Nonstop Delay The Marmaray tunnel project is ambitious enough to worry even the most experienced engineers, but its location could give a seismologist night sweats. All this work is taking place just 12 miles from the North Anatolian Fault, Eurasia's version of the San Andreas. mark for My Articles similar articles
National Defense
January 2009
Magnuson & Rusling
DHS Testing Specialized Plug to Contain Subway Fires Researchers at West Virginia University and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory are developing a "tunnel plug" that would stop fires from spreading in underground train stations. mark for My Articles similar articles