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Managed Care
February 2006
MargaretAnn Cross
Pregnancy+Birth=$$$ With 9% of hospital charges attributable to pregnancy, delivery, and neonatal care, there is considerable opportunity for savings. mark for My Articles similar articles
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May 2002
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Cut me open! Cut me open!: I just had my second scheduled Caesarean and, yes, I still consider myself a feminist. mark for My Articles similar articles
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IDB supports mass transit in Peru The IDB approved a $45 million loan to the Metropolitan Municipality of Lima, Peru, help finance the first stage of an integrated mass transit system for the city. mark for My Articles similar articles
Nursing Management
April 2009
Sharon H. Pappas
Profits, Payers, and Patients: Responding to Changes Profit is necessary for hospitals to fulfill their missions, invest in expansion and new technologies, and reinvest in existing patient care infrastructures. Profitability is the work of the financial team and the clinical team to produce the hospital's desired financial outcome. mark for My Articles similar articles