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May 2004
Spatial Data Infrastructures and Digital Libraries: Paths to Convergence In a knowledge based economy, the effective use of geographic information (GI) is of critical importance (including a wide range of spatially referenced or referenceable resources). mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2004
Linda Hill
Georeferencing in Digital Libraries What the digital library perspective toward georeferencing is and the application of georeferencing to all types of information and the integration of geospatial description, searching, and analysis into digital library practices. mark for My Articles similar articles
Mar/Apr 2015
Justin B. Sorensen
Reconstructing the Past Through Utah Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps: A Geospatial Approach to Library Resources This article describes the Digital Scholarship Lab's endeavor to convert these valuable resources into research driven geospatial datasets, providing a new format for how the library information is presented. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 1, 2004
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Slow March Toward Online Government A year after he took office, President Bush signed the E-Gov Act, which promised a leaner, more efficient federal government. A report by the General Accounting Office says progress has been mixed, due in no small part to a lack of funding. mark for My Articles similar articles
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November 21, 2013
Thomson Reuters Updates West km Thomson Reuters launched West km 5.0, an updated version of its knowledge management tool that helps litigation and transactional legal professionals. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Greg Janee et al.
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March 1, 2003
Todd Datz
A More Perfect Union President George Bush signed the E-Government Act of 2002 into effect last December, taking a giant step toward launching the federal government into the information age. We break down the costs, the players, the hurdles and its future. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 2003
In Brief ICON (Innovation Curriculum Online Network): The National Digital Library for Technology Literacy... G-Portal: A Digital Library Portal for Geospatial and Georeferenced Resources... Portal Building for State History... eERL (electronic Environmental Resources Library)... etc. mark for My Articles similar articles
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January 8, 2015
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May 2004
Gregory Crane
Georeferencing in Historical Collections How different cultural documents--even when converted into a common language--describe space in very different ways. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
March 11, 2013
Thomson Reuters Launches Practitioner Insights This offers practitioner-focused pages on Westlaw Next that bring legal professionals the exclusive current awareness information and analysis that they need to stay up to speed and lead in their practice area. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 2004
Beaman, et al.
Determining Space from Place for Natural History Collections: In a Distributed Digital Library Environment Geospatial referencing is one of the new technologies that promises to unlock the biological and geographical knowledge contained in the world's natural history collections. mark for My Articles similar articles