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Information Today
November 3, 2015
Pew Report Studies Device Ownership 68% of Americans age 18 and older have smartphones, and 45% have tablets. mark for My Articles similar articles
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Rise in employer-based coverage spurs drop in ranks of uninsured The Census Bureau reports that the number of Americans without health insurance dropped from 44 million in 1998 to 42 million in 1999, thanks in large part to a boost in the share of employers offering job-based coverage... mark for My Articles similar articles
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Counting the mix With a surprising number of African-Americans identifying themselves as multiracial, the Census Bureau has some colorful math to do. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
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300 Million, and Changing The Census Bureau made the announcement on October 17 that the population of the United States crossed the 300 million threshold. The makeup of the population is changing, too. mark for My Articles similar articles
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The U.S. Census bureau in the 21st Century In order to learn more about access and distribution of the Census, I sent surveys to two librarians associated with the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) of the ALA. While these librarians could not speak for GODORT, they presented some interesting perspectives... mark for My Articles similar articles
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