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Bank Systems & Technology
March 7, 2005
George Hulme
May I See Some ID, Please? Identity theft continues to be consumers' top complaint, and ID theft-related complaints are on the rise. Bank-related identity theft comprised 18 percent of all ID theft complaints. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 11, 2005
Jim Wagner
New Service to Put ID Protection in Your Hands Amid a flurry of data theft issues, Intersections readies an in-depth service to police who's trying to use all your data. This can help you spot identity theft. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
June 2006
If It's Loyalty You Seek, Forget Fees For Credit Monitoring At a time when customers are worried about becoming victims of ID theft, banks have a huge opportunity to cement relationships by offering free credit monitoring services to all customers. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
August 30, 2004
Ivan Schneider
Who Was That Masked Man? MSU professor talks about the problem of fighting ID theft and the Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
October 2002
Anne Kandra
Don't Let Them Steal Your Good Name Identity theft is skyrocketing -- and it's even being used to fund terrorism. The Web can be a real boon for identity thieves, helping them find information about victims and profit from the crime. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
January 2008
Glen Fest
ID Theft: Assessing the Impact of An Odd ID Theft Survey The FTC's latest survey seems to prove the difficulty, and maybe futility, of measuring identity theft crime. Will it be used to set back prevention efforts? mark for My Articles similar articles
July 5, 2005
Roy Mark
Finance Firms To Give FTC ID Theft Data The financial services industry is pooling its own data on identity theft victims with the Federal Trade Commission and law enforcement groups. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
February 2005
Holly Sraeel
Hot on the ID Theft Trail: Will the Real Jane Doe Stand Up? Welcome to the world of identity theft, where the snatch of an individual's social security number begins that unsuspecting individual's downward financial spiral. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 23, 2004
Ryan Naraine
FTC: Online Fraud Losses Hit $437M Using stolen identities, fake Internet auctions and fraudulent shop-at-home schemes, online swindlers robbed Americans of a whopping $437.5 million in 2003. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 19, 2007
Roy Mark
DoJ Sends ID Theft Bill to Congress The Bush administration sent proposed legislation to Congress today that aims to update and improve federal identity theft laws. mark for My Articles similar articles
Michael Hirsch
How To: Deal With Identity Theft You probably don't think about it, but transactions you take for granted every day put you at risk for identity theft. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
May 2007
Glen Fest
Identity Fraud: Banks Offer ID Theft Resolution Services A Tennessee bank gets surprising demand for an ID theft resolution service it is private labeling from Worldwide Assistance. Customers are even willing to pay for the luxury. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
December 30, 2004
Types of Identity Theft Learn what to look out for, and protect yourself! mark for My Articles similar articles
March 2, 2009
Richard Adhikari
ID Theft Threat Grows With 1M Already Hit in '09 A new report shows identify theft is off to a rapid start this year - and the figures could be even worse than expected. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
October 2007
Lee Conrad
Privacy Push: Banks Chafe Against Move To Block Use of SS Numbers Two major federal efforts to curb the widespread use of Social Security numbers are putting banks-the largest private-sector users of those nine sensitive numbers-on defense. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 31, 2010
FBI, DOJ Identity Theft Programs Fall Short A new report from the DOJ's Office of the Inspector General says the government is making a big mistake by not making ID theft prevention and prosecution a top priority. mark for My Articles similar articles
Information Today
February 2009
Phillip Britt
Identity Thieves Hit a New Low In today's world of instant information, thieves are quick to learn about new deaths and put identity theft plans in action. Consumers need to take the necessary steps to protect the identities of the recently deceased. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
February 2007
Glen Fest
Identity Fraud: ID Theft Victims, Losses Take Welcome Nosedive New account vulnerabilities are toughened, but 'vishing,' limited alerts practices, and consumers' misguided personal trust in acquaintances still leave the doors wide open. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2003
Robert X. Cringely
They've Got Your Number Identity theft using a combination of computer technology and government information is a major crime just waiting to happen. mark for My Articles similar articles
April 23, 2007
Roy Mark
A New Fight Against ID Theft Improved cyber security, increased law enforcement and public education top the recommendations of President Bush's Identity Theft Task Force plan issued today. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 25, 2006
Roy Mark
ID Theft Reports Down, Losses Up Internet-related identity theft and fraud complaints may be leveling off, but overall financial losses are growing from the security breaches, new data from the Federal Trade Commission reveals. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 1, 2003
Alison Bass
Identity Crisis If identity theft isn't already on your radar screen, this headline will put it there: 13,000 Credit Reports Stolen by Hackers. To avoid a similar disaster on their turf, CIOs should insist their company's customer data be kept in separate databases protected by a number of different security measures. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Technology News
March 1, 2008
Glen Fest
Thwarted On-Line, Crime Looks to Past A new identity theft report survey finds a continuing overall decline in fraud numbers and victims, but unfortunately a rapidly rising number of "vishing" and other hands-on alternatives to catching consumers off guard. mark for My Articles similar articles
Insurance & Technology
September 14, 2004
Ivan Schneider
Penalties Upped for ID Theft Identity theft penalty enhancement act makes ID crimes more costly. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 3, 2006
Dean Foust
ID Theft: More Hype Than Harm Law enforcement officials say the criminals tend not to follow through after stealing personal data. mark for My Articles similar articles
October 2, 2001
Katharine Mieszkowski
Wanted: Your name and number The hijackers in the terrorist attacks were masters of identity theft. Now lawmakers are worried about copycat persona stealing... mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
August 22, 2008
Matthew D. Sarrel
Thwarting Identity Theft Identity theft has been a federal offense since 1998. But are we getting any better at dealing with it? Actually, we are. Here are several tips to prevent financial loss from identity theft. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
February 2006
ID Theft Insurance: Community Banks Seek To Protect Themselves Banks are taking out new insurance policies to protect themselves against the financial losses stemming from identity fraud. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 30, 2006
Sean Michael Kerner
ID Theft And Internet Fraud Declining? New studies indicate that the Internet isn't as dangerous as other places. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
October 28, 2003
Sebastian Rupley
Lock 'Em Out Take steps to protect yourself from identity theft. mark for My Articles similar articles
August 2007
Jacquelyn Lynn
Small Business Owners Risk Identity Theft Insuring your identity makes it easier to get it back. mark for My Articles similar articles
November 2005
Carol Ebbinghouse
Another Phine Kettle of Phish: Identity Theft Prevention Ten things to do today to protect yourself against identity theft. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 2003
Stephen Barlas
Taking Credit Washington shields businesses from identity theft losses. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
June 15, 2006
Shannon Zimmerman
Your Evil Twin You mean it wasn't you who bought that Rolex and Mercedes last night in Maui? Identity theft is a real concern. Fortunately, there are ways to fight back. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
December 9, 2003
Phishing for Online IDs Spam and viruses are enough to worry about, but now online fraud is reaching epidemic proportions. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 12, 2010
Study Puts Identity Theft Cost at $54B in 2009 Research firm Javelin estimates that more than 11 million Americans were victims of identity theft last year, a 12 percent increase that led to tens of billions of dollars in costs. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
July 12, 2007
Larry Greenemeier
Link Between Data Breaches And ID Theft Unclear, GAO Reports A U.S. Government Accountability Office report indicates that while the amount of information lost or stolen is disturbing, it's difficult to prove that these breaches lead to identity theft. mark for My Articles similar articles
Bank Systems & Technology
March 7, 2005
Cynthia Ramsaran
ID Theft Hits Paper Harder Despite growing fears of online fraud related to Web-based banking services, the increase in identity theft is hitting consumers closer to home than in cyberspace. Identity theft crimes are more often committed off-line rather than online. mark for My Articles similar articles
July 15, 2004
Roy Mark
Identity Theft Law Hits Back at 'Phishers' The Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act, signed into law by President Bush, mandates federal prison terms for using a false identity in the commission of a felony. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 1, 2005
Roy Mark
States Lead Congress on Breach Protections While federal lawmakers dither on data-breach legislation to protect against identity theft, states take matters into their own hands. mark for My Articles similar articles
February 1, 2005
Sean Michael Kerner
FTC: Identity Theft, Fraud on the Rise A new report by the FTC finds increases in fraud and identity theft. E-mail and the Web were fraud tools of choice on the Internet. mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
March 2004
John Engen
Identity Victims Get Badly Needed Help Bankers view the industry's first stab at forging a unified response to the problem as a strong signal-sender. "Customers can see that we're banding together to stop this, and we can send a message to criminals that we're not working in a siloed fashion," says Mary Blegen, head of US Bancorp's fraud liaison center. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 27, 2006
Ed Sutherland
GE Employee Data Stolen From Laptop General Electric alerted 50,000 current and former employees that a stolen laptop held names and Social Security numbers. mark for My Articles similar articles
January 17, 2007
Ed Sutherland
Less Data, More Security Will data minimization be the key to enhancing data security? Experts say it's a trend to watch. mark for My Articles similar articles
September 19, 2006
Roy Mark
Group Demands Restitution For ID Theft A federal task force on identity theft urged Congress today to require ID thieves pay victims for the time they spend restoring their credit. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC Magazine
June 21, 2006
Robert Lemos
Defending Your Identity Hardly a week goes by without companies and universities losing digital identities. What can be done? mark for My Articles similar articles
May 26, 2005
Tim Gray
BofA Steps up Authenticity Plan Bank of America moved quickly to restore its reputation this week, announcing a new online authentication service it says will help prevent online fraud and identity theft. mark for My Articles similar articles
The Motley Fool
January 27, 2004
Dayana Yochim
How Will They Scam Thee? Danger is lurking everywhere, it seems. The Federal Trade Commission issues a top 10 list of fraud complaints. Americans are being slammed by scams everywhere they turn. But is this a bona-fide crime wave, or just a good headline? mark for My Articles similar articles
U.S. Banker
May 2004
Counterfeit Checks are The Forgotten Fraud With all the attention on ID theft, old-fashioned check fraud is getting easier than ever. It may actually account for the majority of cases categorized as identity-related crime. mark for My Articles similar articles
PC World
December 2004
Bob Tedeschi
Protect Your Identity Phishers and other online thieves are targeting your money and personal data--and they're getting sneakier. Here's how to defend yourself, and how to erase the damage if you get scammed. mark for My Articles similar articles