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Managed Care
October 2005
Mason et al.
Offering 17p as a Benefit to Pregnant Women Enrollees with a History of Preterm Delivery Can Reduce Nicu Days Significantly for a Medicaid Plan. Can offering 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone caproate to pregnant women with a history of preterm delivery, decrease NICU days significantly for a Medicaid managed care plan? mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
November 2001
John Morrison
Telemedicine: Cost-Effective Management of High-Risk Pregnancy Following an episode of preterm labor, use of telemedicine services can be a cost-effective tool to improve pregnancy outcome... mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
July 2003
Lam et al.
Managing Perinatal Outcomes: The Clinical Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness of Pharmacologic Treatment of Recurrent Preterm Labor Continuous subcutaneous terbutaline infusion shows improved clinical outcomes and decreased nursery costs compared with oral tocolytics in women with recurrent preterm labor. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
January 2008
Mary V. Mason et al.
Optimizing the Use of 17P In Pregnant Managed Medicaid Members The initiation of 17P therapy is the factor in reducing preterm birth and decreasing NICU admissions for pregnant women with a history of preterm birth in a managed Medicaid population. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
February 15, 2006
Medina & Hill
Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes: Diagnosis and Management Physicians caring for pregnant patients should be versed in the management of preterm premature rupture of membranes because rapid diagnosis and appropriate management can result in improved outcomes. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 13, 2001
Workplace VDT Use Not A Risk Factor For Reduced Birth Weight, Premature Birth, NIOSH Finds Working with video display terminals does not increase a woman's risk of delivering a baby of reduced birth weight or delivering prematurely. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
April 15, 2005
Kirkham, Harris & Grzybowski
Evidence-Based Prenatal Care: Part II. Third-Trimester Care and Prevention of Infectious Diseases Recommendations for care, disease screening, labor induction and vaccinations for patients during late pregnancy. mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
November 1, 2002
Hashim & Guillet
Common Issues in the Care of Sick Neonates Some newborn infants require observation and care that is beyond the scope of a normal newborn nursery. In many hospitals, this level of care is designated intermediate, level II, or special care nursery. Infants in these nurseries may be managed by family physicians... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
December 15, 2000
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ACOG Addresses Psychosocial Screening in Pregnant Women Recognizing the broad range of psychosocial issues that pregnant women face is an important step toward improving women's health and birth outcomes... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
April 1, 2005
Kirkham, Harris & Grzybowski
Evidence-Based Prenatal Care: Part I. General Prenatal Care and Counseling Issues Women should be counseled about the risks associated with pregnancy as well as the benefits of regular prenatal care. mark for My Articles similar articles
Managed Care
February 2006
MargaretAnn Cross
Pregnancy+Birth=$$$ With 9% of hospital charges attributable to pregnancy, delivery, and neonatal care, there is considerable opportunity for savings. mark for My Articles similar articles
March 1, 2002
Amanda S. Fox
Peekaboo ICU One of the most stressful times in a parent's life is the hospitalization of a child, especially a newborn. Doctors at a Boston hospital's neonatal ICU have found a tool to ease that time of separation, improve medical care and lessen financial burdens -- the Internet... mark for My Articles similar articles
American Family Physician
January 15, 2002
Lorie F. Cram
Genitourinary Infections and Their Association with Preterm Labor By adopting a rational approach to the diagnosis and treatment of genitourinary infections, family physicians can substantially decrease a patient's risk of preterm delivery... mark for My Articles similar articles
Nurse Practitioner
June 2011
Cabbage & Neal
Over-the-Counter Medications and Pregnancy: An Integrative Review Many over-the-counter medications are available to help alleviate common discomforts experienced during pregnancy. Although many appear to be safe, healthcare providers must familiarize themselves with these medications. mark for My Articles similar articles