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Location: Categories / Society, Politics & Culture / Regional Politics & News / Americas / Argentina

Magazine articles on politics and society in Argentia.
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January 14, 2010
Geri Smith
A Proposed Debt Deal in Argentina Sparks a Constitutional Crisis An attempt to pay off creditors sparks a feud with the central bank -- and now a constitutional crisis mark for My Articles similar articles No Jail For Weed Argentina's Supreme Court ruled out prison for pot possession on Tuesday, saying the government should go after major traffickers and provide treatment instead of jail for consumers of marijuana. mark for My Articles similar articles Argentine Court Forgives Crude Forgery An Argentine man who tried to use two counterfeit bills has been found innocent, by reason of incompetence. mark for My Articles similar articles
June 3, 2009
The Cocaine Suitcase Bust Police say two suitcases carried by a woman who was about to fly from Chile to Spain were made of cocaine. mark for My Articles similar articles
IDB America
October 2006
Alexandra Russell-Bitting
Argentine Laboratory Tracks a Killer A new University of Buenos Aires laboratory is addressing one of the neglected diseases the Pan American Health Organization describes as "stigmatizing diseases of poverty that can only be tackled by leadership and a concerted political and economic effort." mark for My Articles similar articles
IDB America
February 2006
IDB Supports Improvement of Public Financial Management in Argentina The Inter-American Development Bank approved a $500 million loan to Argentina to support a sector program to increase effectiveness, efficiency and transparency of public financial management. mark for My Articles similar articles
December 12, 2005
Kirchner Tightens His Grip In Argentina Argentina's business community fears that President Nestor Kirchner will increase his interference in the economy after appointing Felisa Miceli as Economy Minister. mark for My Articles similar articles
IDB America
April 2005
Charo Quesada
A New Window Onto the Sea Globalization of markets and Argentina's entry into the MERCOSUR trade zone changed everything. A reform of Argentina's port system has succeeded in lowering costs, increasing efficiency and attracting private investment. mark for My Articles similar articles
May 9, 2005
Colin Barraclough
Argentina: Reversal Of Fortune A surge of service jobs has begun to restore Argentina's middle class. mark for My Articles similar articles
IDB America
February 2005
Milagros Belgrano Rawson
A Hospital That Understands Women How a group of clinicians in Buenos Aires pioneered a program for treating victims of sexual crimes. mark for My Articles similar articles
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